11 Adventurous Flatbread Recipes That Put Pizza to Shame (2024)

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Pizza is great. But what if we told you that something greater, perhaps even tastier, exists? Please don’t get mad at us. Sometimes, the truth hurts, and it isn’t what we want to hear.

But pizza has a competitor.

Look, we love pizza, OK? But flatbread’s crispy base, adventurous toppings, and (comparatively) bite-size portions are pretty heckin’ flavorful and light.

Going for a little less dough and cheese can be a pleasant departure from the bread baby that some heftier pizzas can give you.

You don’t have to take our word for it. Give these 11 flatbread recipes a whirl — and don’t blame us if you give up late night pizza for good.

Prepare to meat your (flatbread) maker…

1. Cheddar, pancetta, and apple flatbread

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Sometimes the simplest combinations yield the best results. And it rarely gets better than pancetta.

In this recipe, a few high quality ingredients combine to make a light yet incredibly tasty appetizer or snack.

Pro tip: Use a white, crumbly aged cheddar for the best flavor. We also recommend drizzling a touch of honey on top of the cheese before baking to add a hint of sweetness to the meatness in your eatness.

If you don’t yet know your Gruyere from your Camembert, here’s our rundown of everything cheese.

2. Greek flatbread with tzatziki sauce

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Greek cuisine is a pillar of the flatbread universe.

This recipe is a lazy chef’s dream. Simply cook ground turkey, brush the flatbread with olive oil, top with deliciousness (in this case, veggies and crumbled feta), and pop it in the oven.

You can even skip the turkey and use precooked chicken breast or leave the meat out altogether, but then you’ll definitely want to support the texture and flavor with extra cheese.

We do suggest making your own tzatziki. The taste is worth the extra chopping. Greek yogurt is the foundation of any tzatziki worth its salt — we’ve got 39 ways to use it.

3. Crispy prosciutto flatbread pizza

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OK, so this is a pizza in flatbread clothing. So what? Are you gonna complain when it’s inside your face? We didn’t think so.

It’s hard to go wrong with prosciutto and arugula. Add shaved Parmesan and a homemade sun-dried tomato chutney and you’ve got yourself a party-pleaser — even if it’s only a party of one (and a party of one is still a party).

The best part: The recipe calls for lavash bread from Trader Joe’s. Why make dough from scratch when, well, you don’t have to?

4. California chicken flatbread with chipotle ranch sauce

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Close your eyes and picture a taco and then a pizza. Now imagine the two glorious foods merging. It’s like the pottery scene from “Ghost,” only way sexier.

Open your eyes and meet the California chicken flatbread, topped with bacon, avocado, shredded cheese (we like pepper jack for extra oomph), and chipotle ranch sauce. You’ll be drooling before you even start cooking.

Yep, it’s that great. We love a good culinary fusion.

From the earth into your mouth.

5. Flatbread salad pizza with pesto, shaved asparagus, mushrooms, and feta

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We love salads — especially when they’re served on top of bread. It’s a sneaky, effective salad delivery system.

This fun dish works as a main meal or a side. The best part? You can pull this together in less than 15 minutes.

Plus, you can go wild experimenting with the toppings. But don’t skimp on the red pepper flakes or balsamic vinegar (or the cheese, but that goes without saying).

6. Savory pear, date, and burrata flatbread with crispy sage

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Pineapple on pizza? Debatable. Pear on flatbread? Undeniable.

The burrata cheese gives the flatbread a creamer, oozier texture, and cooked dates add just the right amount of sweetness.

Top it off with flash-fried sage and say hello to a little slice of heaven. Pears are an irresistible, healthy fall favorite for a reason.

7. Caprese hummus flatbread pizza

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Mozzarella and hummus may not sound like a match made in heaven. But trust us: They go together almost as well as rama-lama-lama-ka-dinga-da-dinga-dong. (And this flatbread will be Olivia Newton-Gone quicker than you know it.)

Hummus also adds extra protein to a traditional caprese salad, meaning you have a solid excuse to eat seconds.

We assume, by this point in the article, that you still miss pizza. And that’s understandable. So here are 74 ways to make a healthier one. Don’t sleep on flatbreads, though.

8. Blueberry fennel flatbread with whipped feta

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Juicy blueberries, soft fennel, and cloud-like flatbread make this recipe a foodie’s dream.

The pine nuts and radish shavings add a slightly crunchy texture, and the whipped feta brings all the ingredients together like one big, happy, edible family.

Don’t forget to serve with a lemon wedge — a little juice goes a long way. Plus, it confirms your arrival at peak fanciness. If you’re after food that looks fancy without the effort, we’ve always got your back.

Goat cheese and flatbreads go hand in creamy hand (eww), so it’s only right that this cheese gets its own special corner of this roundup.

9. Zucchini and herbed ricotta and goat cheese flatbread

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Ricotta and goat cheese? That’s a combo we can get behind.

Combining the ricotta with fresh herbs and lemon makes for a garden-fresh base, and the toppings add just enough flavor and variety to satisfy those taste buds.

If all these flatbreads have you craving some Mediterranean sunshine, these lunch ideas will help you stay inspired.

10. Flatbread with goat cheese and caramelized onions

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The cracker-like base is the key to this super-simple, hyper-tasty recipe.

If you don’t want to make the flatbread from scratch, use store-bought thin pizza crust — we won’t tell anyone. (Tee-hee, we just did — everyone knows you cheated! But it’s OK!)

As for the caramelized onions, they’re not as tough to make as their reputation suggests. You can even cut the cooking time in half, and they’ll still turn out great. Here’s how to nail them.

11. Flatbread pizza with spinach and goat cheese

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Why put spinach in a smoothie when you can have it on pizza (erm, flatbread)?

The tangy goat cheese pairs perfectly with the dark, leafy green, and the garlic and pepper flakes give it just the right kick.

We love adding artichoke hearts (because they’re surprisingly high in protein) and swapping the mozzarella for burrata for a spinach-artichoke dip copycat.

Sorry, Ninja Turtles. Pizza might not be the be-all and end-all.

Flatbreads are a superb pizza replacement that can make you look super-cultured on a date or at least help you keep up with your foodie friends.

And if you’re looking to get a pizza the action around Halloween, why not mummify your pizza? Plain ol’ pizza could well become a thing of the past.

(Fear not, pepperoni-heads. It never, ever, ever will.)

11 Adventurous Flatbread Recipes That Put Pizza to Shame (2024)


What are the 4 types of flat bread? ›

Flat breads are made throughout most of the world. Examples are pita (from the Middle East), chapati and naan (India), tortilla (Mexico) and focaccia (Italy). The bread may be leavened (have a raising agent of yeast or sourdough) or unleavened.

What makes the modern pizza different than the flatbread made for thousands of years? ›

The difference between traditional and flatbread pizza is in the dough. Traditional pizzas are made from dough containing yeast, while flatbread pizza dough does not contain yeast.

What made pizza different to other flatbread eaten at the time? ›

It's in the Dough

The main technical different between flatbread and pizza lies in the dough used. Flatbread calls for unleavened dough, or, dough that doesn't use yeast. Pizza requires dough that has been made using yeast and allowed to rise for a certain amount of time.

Is there a difference between pizza dough and flatbread dough? ›

But the difference between the two really comes down to the ingredients, they both need flour, water, and salt, but pizza dough has an additional ingredient, yeast. Pizza dough is a leavened dough where flatbread is unleavened, giving it that flat texture.

What are the 7 types of bread? ›

So whether you're a bread lover or just curious about the varieties offered, read on and discover your new favourite bread.
  • White bread. White bread is the most common type of bread in many countries. ...
  • Wholewheat bread. ...
  • Rye bread. ...
  • Sourdough bread. ...
  • Multigrain bread. ...
  • Baguette. ...
  • Ciabatta. ...
  • Pumpernickel bread.
Feb 7, 2023

Is flat bread healthier than pizza? ›

Flatbreads made with whole grains or alternative flours can contribute more fiber and nutrients compared to traditional pizza crusts. Consider whole wheat or multigrain flatbreads for added nutritional value.

Why is my flatbread pizza soggy? ›

You want a nice thick pizza sauce since the sauce is in direct contact with pizza dough. If you use a watery sauce, the water seeps into the dough and results in a soggy and underbaked crust.

What is pizza inside bread called? ›

Perfect for game day and a huge crowd-pleaser, stromboli is like a rolled-up version of pizza. An Italian-American dish that originated in the city of Philadelphia, stromboli is like a rolled-up version of pizza.

What does pizza mean in English? ›

piz·​za ˈpēt-sə : a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked. called also pizza pie.

Why is flat bread healthy? ›

Other flatbread dough variations include a fat like olive oil or butter. Is flatbread healthy? Yes! It's one of the healthiest breads you can make because it's low in calories and fat but high in fiber.

Why do you have to rest flatbread dough? ›

Resting the dough is an essential step.

During the rest the flour in the dough hydrates and the gluten network (which is the protein network that makes wheat breads bready) relaxes. The gluten relaxing is what lets you roll out the dough without having it fight you and snap back into a smaller size.

What are the five 5 types of bread? ›

What are the 5 types of bread?
  • Yeast Bread.
  • Buns and Rolls.
  • Flat Breads.
  • Wraps.
  • Quick Breads.
Apr 21, 2021

What are the different types of Mexican flatbreads? ›

Cachapa, chorreada, arepa de choclo, güirila, toquera, tortilla de choclo, and tortilla changa, are all names that describe a Latin American corn dish that can be categorized as either a pancake, tortilla, or flatbread, depending on the country.

What are the different types of flatbread in the Middle East? ›

Pita bread, manakish, and barbari bread represent centuries of culinary heritage, reflecting the diverse cultures, traditions, and flavors of the Middle East. These breads are not only staples of daily sustenance but also symbols of hospitality, community, and celebration.

What is flat Italian bread called? ›

Focaccia is a type of Italian bread made with yeast and a strong, high-gluten flour (like bread flour) and baked in flat sheet pans.


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