Axis 02147-002 caméra de sécurité Dôme Caméra de sécurité IP Extérieure 3840 x 2160 pixels Mur (2024)

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    Axis 02147-002 caméra de sécurité Dôme Caméra de sécurité IP Extérieure 3840 x 2160 pixels Mur (2024)


    How do I connect my axis camera to the Internet? ›

    Connect power and network to the Axis device. Start AXIS Device Manager. To connect to a server, go to Main menu > Servers > New connection: If the server is on the network, select Remote server and select a server from the drop-down list or enter the IP address or DNS address in the Remote server field.

    Are Axis cameras Chinese? ›

    Axis Communications AB is a Swedish manufacturer of network cameras, access control, and network audio devices for the physical security and video surveillance industries. Since 2015, it operates as an independent subsidiary of Canon Inc. Canon Inc.

    Are Axis cameras expensive? ›

    Because Axis invests so heavily in advanced analytics and AI, their systems are very expensive, an average Axis analytics system can easily cost up to $50,000.

    How do I view Axis camera recordings? ›

    Play and verify recordings in AXIS File Player

    Double-click AXIS File Player. Click to show the recording's notes. To verify the digital signature: Go to Tools > Verify digital signature.

    Is Axis a good camera? ›

    Durability. Axis Communications has a reputation for products that offer reliable, long-lasting performance. Their cameras have an overall better build quality than those by HikVision.

    Is Axis better than HikVision? ›

    This debate broke out when an integrator using Hikvision shared his problems with their camera management vs Axis. So make your case - yes or no. Yes, Axis firmware is better than HikVision, more stable, more features, works with more VMS's and better support in the event something doesn't quite work.

    Do Axis cameras need licenses? ›

    With AXIS Camera Station it's easy to license your system. Each device in the system only needs one license.

    Do Axis cameras record audio? ›

    The combination of Axis cameras with microphones and audio analytics, reliably alert security teams to gunshots, breaking glass, car alarms, and verbal aggression.

    How many cameras does Axis camera station support? ›

    No there is no limit. However, AXIS Companion is optimized for 16 cameras in a site.

    How do Axis cameras work? ›

    AXIS Camera Station Server, installed on a dedicated computer, handles the communication with cameras both inside and outside the local (corporate) network. The cameras are monitored and controlled from two AXIS Camera Station Clients — one on the local network and one connected via the Internet.

    How do I reconnect my camera to the Internet? ›

    To reconnect a camera using Ethernet:
    1. Remove power from your camera.
    2. Attach one end of an Ethernet cable to the camera and the other end to your router.
    3. Power on your camera.
    4. Wait for the camera's status LED to turn solid green. ...
    5. Configure your camera's Wi-Fi settings.

    How do I allow my camera to access the Internet? ›

    Change a site's camera and microphone permissions
    1. On your Android device, open Chrome .
    2. To the right of the address bar, tap More. Settings.
    3. Tap Site settings. Microphone or Camera.
    4. Tap to turn the microphone or camera on or off. If you find the site you want to use under Blocked, tap the site. Allow.

    How do I connect my camera to my network? ›

    Adding an IP Camera to Your Local Area Network
    1. Step 1: Connect the Camera to Power and Your Network Router. ...
    2. Step 2: Find the Camera's IP Address. ...
    3. Step 3: Access the Camera's Web Interface. ...
    4. Step 4: Log in to the Camera's Interface. ...
    5. Step 5: Configure the Camera's Network Settings. ...
    6. Step 6: Set up Video and Audio Settings.
    Jan 30, 2023

    Why won't my security camera connect to internet? ›

    Reasons Why Camera Not Connecting to WiFi or to Your Phone

    Your wireless IP camera does not have power supply. You enter the wrong login password. The SSID is not the same as the one of your router. The WiFi reach is too bad – the IP camera is too far from the router or there are too many walls in between.


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    Article information

    Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6222

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

    Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Birthday: 1992-08-21

    Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

    Phone: +331850833384

    Job: District Real-Estate Architect

    Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.