Homemade Wine Recipes with Simple Instructions for your Country Wine Making (2024)

Table of Contents
HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for BLACKBERRY WINE No. 1 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for BLACKBERRY WINE NO. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for BLACK CURRANT WINE No.1 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for BLACK CURRANT WINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for CURRANT WINE No. 1 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for CURRANT WINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for CURRANT WINE No. 3 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for CURRANT WINE No. 4 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for CURRANT WINE No. 5 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RED CURRANT WINE No. 6 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RED CURRANT WINE No. 7 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RED or WHITE CURRANT WINENo.8 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for WHITE CURRANT WINE No. 9 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for CHERRY WINE No.1 WINE MAKING RECIPESforCHERRYWINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES forCOWSLIP WINE No. 1 WINE MAKING RECIPES forCOWSLIP WINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for DAMSON WINE HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ELDER WINE No. 1 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ELDER WINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ELDER WINE No. 3 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ELDER WINE No. 4 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ELDER WINE No. 5 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ELDER FLOWER WINE No. 6 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for GINGER WINE No. 1 WINE MAKING RECIPES for GINGER WINE No. 2 WINE MAKING RECIPES for GINGER WINE No. 3 WINE MAKING RECIPES for GINGER WINE No. 4 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for GOOSEBERRY WINE No. 1 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for GOOSEBERRY WINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for GOOSEBERRY WINE No. 3 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for GOOSEBERRY WINE No. 4 HOMEMADE WINERECIPES for GRAPE WINE No.1 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for GRAPE WINE No.2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for GRAPE WINE No.3 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for HONEY WINE HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for HONEY WINE No.2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES forLEMON WINE HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for MIXED FRUIT WINE No. 1 WINE MAKING RECIPES for MIXED FRUIT WINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ORANGE WINE No.1 WINE MAKING RECIPES for ORANGE WINE No. 2 WINE MAKING RECIPES for ORANGE WINE No. 3 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for ORANGE WINE No. 4 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RAISIN WINE No.1 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RAISIN WINE No. 2 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RAISIN WINE No. 3 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RAISIN WINE No. 4 HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for RAISIN WINE No. 5 OLDCOUNTRY WINE MAKING RECIPESAND INSTRUCTIONS How to Make AmericanWines The Vine and How to Make Wine Howto MakeWine and Picking the Fruit How to Make Wine and Extracting the Juice How to Make Wine andFermentingthe Must How to Make Wine and the Racking Process How to Make Wine and Spring Fermentation How to Make Sparkling Wine How to MakeWine with Mr. Longworth's Process How to Make Wine and The Acidity Levels How to Make Sweet Wine How to Make Wine and the Proportions of Alcohol How to MakeWine, Bottling and Corking HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for Mr. Carnells' Wine Recipe for RedGooseberry Wine HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES forRed Gooseberry Wine HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for White GooseberryWine HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for White ChampagneGooseberry Wine HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for Gooseberry andCurrant Wine HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for Red Currant Wine HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES forRed and White Currant Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Dutch Currant Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Red Dutch Currant Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Mixed Berry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Compound Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Summer Berry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for White Currant and Gooseberry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Black Currant Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Strawberry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Raspberry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Mulberry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Elderberry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for a Good Imitation of Cyprus Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Elderflower Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for an Imitation of Port Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Whortleberryor Bilberry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Birch Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Blackberry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Juniper Berry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Damson Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES Another Method HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Cherry Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Morella Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Peach Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Peach Wine and Apricot Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Lemon Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Lemon Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for White Apple Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Red Apple Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Quince Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Orange Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Parsnip Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for White Mead Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Red Mead Wine or Metheglin HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Walnut Mead Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for American Honey Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Cowslip Red Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Cowslip White Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Cowslip Mead Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Cider White Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Cider Red Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Cider Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Raisin Wine (Like a Sherry) HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Raisin Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Ginger Wine - Excellent HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES forKoumiss Wine belonging to the Tartars HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Rhubarb Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Sage Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Turnip Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for RoseWine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for English Fig Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Balm Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Scurvy-Grass Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Making Cheap and Wholesome Claret Wine HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Making Dry Wine MAKING WINE and How to Guard Against Unripe Fruit MAKING WINE and How to Keep and Manage Wines MAKING WINE and How to Sweeten a Foul Cask of Wine MAKING WINE and How toImprovePoor Wines MAKING WINE and How toImproveWine when Lowering or Decaying MAKING WINE and How toRestoreFlat Wines MAKING WINE and How to Remove a Musty Taste to theWine MAKING WINEAnother Method MAKING WINE Yet AnotherMethod MAKING WINE and How to Take Away the Bad Smell in Wines MAKING WINESparkle like Champagne MAKING WINE and How toClear Foulor Ropy Wines MAKING WINE Another Method MAKING WINE and How to Correct Green or Harsh Wines MAKING WINE and How to Correct Sharp, Tart or Acidic Wines MAKING WINE and How to Restore Sour Wines MAKING WINE Another Method MAKING WINE and Fining MAKING WINE and How to Check Fermentation To Manage Foregin Vine Vaults MAKING WINE and How to Fit OutYour Cellar HOW TO MAKE Port Wine HOW TO MAKE WINE and the French Method of Making Wine HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Rack Foreign Wines HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Manage and Improve a Bad Port HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Manage Claret HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Color Claret HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Restore a Bad Tasting Claret HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make Claret and Port Rough HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toManageHermitage and Burgundy HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toManage Lisbon Wine HOW TO MAKE WINEandHow toImprove Sherry HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toImprove WhiteWine HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toImprove WhiteWine with Chalk HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toRejuvenateSick Wine HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toMellow Wine HOW TO MAKE WINE and a GermanMethod of Restoring Sour Wine HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toConcentrate Wine by Cold HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toConvert White Wine into Red Wine HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to ForceDown the Finings of all White Wines, Arracks and Small Spirits HOW TO MAKE WINEandHow toMake Red Wine White HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toMake Wine Settle Well HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make a Match for Sweetening Casks HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make Oyster Powder HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make a Filtering Bag HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toDetect Alumin Wine HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toDetect Metals in Wine You can Add your OwnCountry Homemade Wine Recipes! 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Find easy homemade winerecipes foryour wine making. We have a range of country wines using fruit andherbs with simpleinstructions and no-fail recipes.

Make Mead or Honey Wine,Blackcurrant Wine, Dandelion Wine among others. There are lots of winemaking recipes here for you to try out and use. Enjoy!

We also have some winemakinginstructions in howto make wine in 7 easy stepswhich you may like to look at as a guide before you try our homemadewine recipe below.

Thereare many recipes here that have been passed from generation togeneration. Therefore you won't find any preservatives or commercialadditives found in these wine recipes - everything used here isabsolutely natural.


Cover your blackberries with coldwater; crush the berries well with a wooden masher; let them standtwenty-four hours; then strain, and to one gallon of juice put threepounds of common brown sugar; put into wide-mouthed jars for severaldays, carefully skimming off the scum that will rise to the top; put inseveral sheets of brown paper and let them remain in it three days;then skim again and pour through a funnel into your cask. There let itremain undisturbed till March; then strain again and bottle. Thesedirections, if carefully followed out, will insure you excellent wine.

Homemade Wine Recipes with Simple Instructions for your Country Wine Making (1)


Berries should be ripe and plump. Putinto a large wood or stone vessel with a tap; pour on sufficientboiling water to cover them; when cool enough to bear your hand, bruisewell until all the berries are broken; cover up, let stand untilberries begin to rise to top, which will occur in three or four days.Then draw off the clear juice in another vessel, and add one pound ofsugar to every ten quarts of the liquor, and stir thoroughly.

Let stand six to ten days in firstvessel with top; then draw off through a jelly-bag. Steep four ouncesof isinglass in a pint of wine for twelve hours; boil it over a slowfire till all dissolved, then place dissolved isinglass in a gallon ofblackberry juice, give them a boil together and pour all into thevessel. Let stand a few days to ferment and settle; draw off and keepin a cool place.

Other berry wines may be made in thesame manner.


Four quarts of whiskey, four quarts ofblack currants, four pounds of brown or white sugar, one tablespoonfulof cloves, one tablespoonful of cinnamon.

Crush the currants and let them standin the whiskey with the spices for three weeks; then strain and add thesugar; set away again for three weeks longer; then strain and bottle.


Ten pounds of fruit to a gallon ofwater; let it stand two or three days. When pressed off, put to everygallon of liquor four pounds and a half of sugar.


The currants should be quite ripe.Stem, mash and strain them, adding a half pint of water and less than apound of sugar to a quart of the mashed fruit. Stir well up togetherand pour into a clean cask, leaving the bung-hole open, or covered witha piece of lace. It should stand for a month to ferment, when it willbe ready for bottling; just before bottling you may add a smallquantity of brandy or whiskey.


To each quart of currant juice, add twoquarts of soft water and three pounds of brown sugar. Put into a jug orsmall keg, leaving the top open until fermentation ceases and it looksclear. Draw off and cork tightly.Long Island Recipe.


Strain the currants, which should beperfectly ripe. To each quart of juice put a couple of quarts of water,and three pounds of sugar. Stir the whole well together, and let itstand twenty-four hours, without stirring—then skim and set it in acool place, where it will ferment slowly. Let it remain three or fourdays—if, at the end of that time, it has ceased fermenting, add onequart of French brandy to every fifteen gallons of the liquor, andclose up the barrel tight. When it becomes clear, it is fit to bottle.This will be good in the course of six months, but it is much improvedby being kept several years.


Gather the currants dry, withoutpicking them from the stalks; break them with your hands, and strainthem. To every quart of juice put two quarts of cold water, and fourpounds of loaf sugar to the gallon. It must stand three days, before itis put into the vessel. Stir it every day, and skim it as long as anything rises. To ten gallons of wine add one gallon of brandy, and oneof raspberries, when you put it in the vessel. Let it stand a day ortwo before you stop it; give it air fourteen days after; and let itstand six weeks before you tap it.


To every gallon of ripe currants put agallon of cold water. When well broken with the hands, let it standtwenty-four hours. Then squeeze the currants well out; measure yourjuice, and to every gallon put four pounds of lump sugar. When thesugar is well melted, put the wine into a cask, stirring it every day,till it has done hissing; then put into it a quart of brandy to everyfive gallons of wine; close it well up; bottle it in three months.


Gather the fruit dry; pick the leavesfrom it, and to every twenty-five pounds of currants put six quarts ofwater. Break the currants well, before the water is put to them; thenlet them stand twenty-four hours, and strain the liquor, to every quartof which put a pound of sugar and as many raspberries as you please.


Take twenty-four pounds of redcurrants; bruise them, and add to that quantity three gallons of water.Let it stand two days, stirring it twice a day; then strain the liquorfrom the fruit; and to every quart of liquor put one pound of sugar.Let it stand three days, stirring it twice a day; then put it in yourbarrel, and put into it a small amount of orris-root well bruised. Theabove quantities will make five gallons.


Take to every gallon of juice onegallon of water, to every gallon of water three pounds and a half ofthe best Lisbon sugar. Squeeze the currants through a sieve; let thejuice stand till the sugar is dissolved; dip a bit of brown paperin[383] brimstone, and burn in the cask. Then tun the wine, and toevery three gallons put a pint of brandy. When it has done hissing,stop it close; it will be fit to drink in six months, but it will bebetter for keeping ten or twelve.


To each sieve of currants taketwenty-five pounds of moist sugar, and to every gallon of juice twogallons of water. Squeeze the fruit well with the hands into an earthenpan; then strain it through a sieve. Throw the pulp into another pan,filling it with water, which must be taken from the quantity of waterallowed for the whole, and to every ten gallons of wine put one bottleof brandy. In making the wine, dissolve the sugar in the waterabove-mentioned, and put it into the cask; then add the remaining juiceand water, stirring it well up frequently. Stir it well every morningfor ten successive days, and as it works out fill up the cask againuntil it has done fermenting. Then put in your brandy, and bung itquite close. In about eight months it will be fit to drink; but, if youleave it twelve, it will be better.


Pound Morella cherries with the kernelsover-night, and set them in a cool place. Squeeze them through canvas,and to each quart of juice put one pound of powdered sugar, half anounce of coarsely-pounded cinnamon, and half a quarter of an ounce ofcloves. Let it stand about a fortnight in the sun, shaking it twice orthree times every day.


Take twenty-four pounds of cherries,cleared from the stalks, and mash them in an earthen pan; then put thepulp into a flannel bag, and let them remain till the whole of thejuice has drained from the pulp. Put a pound of loaf sugar into the panwhich receives the juice, and let it remain until the sugar isdissolved. Bottle it, and, when it has done working, you may put intoeach bottle a small lump of sugar.


To a gallon of water put three poundsof lump sugar; boil them together for an hour, skimming all the while.Pour it upon the cowslips, and, when milk warm, put into it a toast,with yeast spread pretty thickly on it; let it stand all night, andthen add two lemons and two Seville oranges to each gallon. Stir itwell in a tub twice a day for two or three days; then turn it; stir itevery day for a fortnight, and bung it up close. It will be fit forbottling in six weeks. To every gallon of water you must take a gallonof cowslips. They must be perfectly dry before they are used, and thereshould be as many gallons of cowslips as gallons of water; they shouldbe measured as they are picked, and turned into the cask. Dissolve anounce of isinglass, and put to it when cold. The lemons must be peeled.


Take fourteen gallons of water andtwenty-four pounds of sugar; boil the water and sugar one hour; skim ittill it is clear. Let it stand till nearly cold; then pour it on threebushels of picked cowslips, and put to it three or four spoonfuls ofnew yeast; let it stand and work in your pot till the next day; thenput in the juice of thirty lemons and the peels of ten, pared thinly.Stir them well together; bung up the cask for a month; then bottle it.


Take four gallons of water, and put toevery gallon four pounds of raisins and half a peck of damsons. Put thewhole into a vessel without cover, having only a linen cloth laid overit. Let them steep six days, stirring twice every day; then let themstand six days without stirring. Draw the juice out of the vessel, andcolor it with the infused juice of damsons, sweetened with sugar tillit is like claret wine. Put it into a wine vessel for a fortnight; thenbottle it up; and it may be drunk in a month.


Take elderberries, when ripe; pick themclean from the stalk; press out the juice through a hair sieve orcanvas-bag, and to every gallon of juice put three gallons of water onthe husks from which the juice has been pressed. Stir the husks well inthe water, and press them over again; then mix the first and secondliquor together, and boil it for about an hour, skimming it clean aslong as the scum rises.

To every gallon of liquor put twopounds of sugar, and skim it again very clean; then put to every gallona blade of mace and as much lemon-peel, letting it boil an hour. Afterthe sugar is put in, strain it into a tub, and, when quite cold, put itinto a cask; bung it close down, and look frequently to see thatthe bung is not forced up. Should your quantity be twelve gallons ormore, you need not bottle it off till about April, but be sure to do soon a clear dry day, and to let your bottles be perfectly dry; but ifyou have not more than five or six gallons, you may bottle it byChristmas on a clear fine day.


To a gallon of water put a quarter of apeck of berries, and three pounds and a half of Lisbon sugar. Steep theberries in water forty hours; after boiling a quarter of an hour,strain the liquor from the fruit, and boil it with the sugar till thescum ceases to rise. Work it in a tub like other wines, with a smallquantity of yest. After some weeks, add a few raisins, a small quantityof brandy, and some cloves. The above makes a sweet mellow wine, butdoes not taste strong of the elder.


Take twenty-four pounds of raisins, ofwhatever sort you please; pick them clean, chop them small, put theminto a tub, and cover them with three gallons of water that has beenboiled and become cold. Let it stand ten days, stirring it twice a day.Then strain the liquor through a hair sieve, draining it all from theraisins, and put to it three pints of the juice of elderberries and apound of loaf-sugar. Put the whole into the cask, and let it standclose stopped, but not in too cold a cellar, for three or four monthsbefore you bottle it. The peg-hole must not be stopped till it has doneworking.

The best way to draw the juice from theberries is to strip them into an earthen pan, and set it in the ovenall night.


Mash eight gallons of pickedelderberries to pieces, add as much spring water as will make the wholenine gallons, and boil slowly for three quarters of an hour. Squeezethem through a cloth sieve; add twenty-eight pounds of moist sugar, andboil them together for half an hour. Run the liquor through your clothsieve again; let it stand till lukewarm; put into it a toast with alittle yest upon it, and let it stand for seven or eight days, stirringit every day. Then put it into a close tub, and let it remain without abung till it has done hissing. Before you bung up close, you may addone pint of brandy if you wish.


Half a gallon of ripe berries to agallon of water; boil it half an hour; strain it through a sieve. Toevery gallon of liquor put three pounds of sugar; boil them togetherthree quarters of an hour; when cold, put some yest to it; work it aweek, and put it in barrel. Let it stand a year. To half a hogshead putone quart of brandy and three pounds of raisins.


To six gallons of water put eighteenpounds of lump-sugar; boil it half an hour, skimming it all the time.Put into a cask a quarter of a peck of elder-flowers picked clean fromthe stalks, the juice and rinds of six lemons pared very thin, and sixpounds of raisins. When the water and sugar is about milk warm, pour itinto the cask upon these ingredients; spread three or four spoonfuls ofyest upon a piece of bread well toasted, and put it into the cask; stirit up for three or four days only; when it has done working, bung itup, and in six or eight months it will be fit for bottling.


With four gallons of water boil twelvepounds of loaf-sugar till it becomes clear. In a separate pan boil nineounces of ginger, a little bruised, in two quarts of water; pour thewhole into an earthen vessel, in which you must have two pounds ofraisins shred fine, the juice and rind of ten lemons. When of about thewarmth of new milk, put in four spoonfuls of fresh yest; let it fermenttwo days; then put it into a cask, with all the ginger, lemon-peel, andraisins, and half an ounce of isinglass dissolved in a little of thewine; in two or three days bung it up close. In three months it will befit to bottle. Put into each bottle a little brandy, and some sugaralso, if not sweet enough.


Twenty-six quarts of water, eighteenpounds of white Lisbon sugar, six ounces of bruised ginger, the peel ofsix lemons pared very thin: boil half an hour, and let it stand till nomore than blood warm. Put it in your cask, with the juice of sixlemons, five spoonfuls of yest, and three pounds of raisins. Stir itsix or seven times with a stick through the bung-hole, and put in halfan ounce of isinglass and a pint of good brandy. Close the bung, and inabout six weeks it will be fit for bottle. Let it stand about sixmonths before you drink it. If you like, it may be drawn from the cask,and it will be fit for use in that way in about two months.


To ten gallons of water put eightpounds of loaf-sugar and three ounces of bruised ginger; boil alltogether for one hour, taking the scum off as it rises; then put itinto a pan to cool. When it is cold, put it into a cask, with the rindand juice of ten lemons, one bottle of good brandy, and half a spoonfulof yest. Bung it up for a fortnight: then bottle it off, and in threeweeks it will be fit to drink. The lemons must be pared very thin, andno part of the white must, on any account, be put in the cask.


To every gallon of water put one poundand a half of brown sugar and one ounce of bruised ginger, and to eachgallon the white of an egg well beaten. Stir all together, and boil ithalf an hour; skim it well while any thing rises, and, when milk-warm,stir in a little yest. When cold, to every five gallons, put two slicedlemons. Bottle it in nine days; and it will be fit to drink in a week.


To every pound of white ambergooseberries, when heads and tails are picked off and well bruised in amortar, add a quart of spring water, which must be previously boiled.Let it stand till it is cold before it is put to the fruit. Let themsteep three days, stirring them twice a day; strain and press themthrough a sieve into a barrel, and to every gallon of liquor put threepounds of loaf-sugar, and to every five gallons a bottle of brandy.Hang a small bag of isinglass in the barrel; bung it close, and, in sixmonths, if the sweetness is sufficiently gone off, bottle it, and rosinthe corks well over the top. The fruit must be fall grown, but quitegreen.


To three quarts of full growngooseberries well crushed put one gallon of water well stirred togetherfor a day or two. Then strain and squeeze the pulp, and put the liquorimmediately into the barrel, with three pounds and a half of commonloaf-sugar; stir it every day until the fermentation ceases. Reservetwo or three gallons of the liquor to fill up the barrel, as itoverflows through the fermentation. Put a bottle of brandy into thecask, to season it, before the wine; this quantity will be sufficientfor nine or ten gallons. Be careful to let the fermentation cease,before you bung down the barrel.

The plain white gooseberries, takenwhen not too ripe, but rather the contrary, are the best for thispurpose.


A pound of sugar to a pound of fruit:melt the sugar, and bruise the gooseberries with an apple-beater, butdo not beat them too small. Strain them through a hair strainer, andput the juice into an earthen pot; keep it covered four or five daystill it is clear: then add half a pint of the best brandy or more,according to the quantity of fruit, and draw it out into anothervessel, letting it run into a hair sieve. Stop it close, and let itstand one fortnight longer; then draw it off into quart bottles, and ina month it will be fit for drinking.


Proceed as directed for white currant wine, but useloaf-sugar. Large pearl gooseberries, not quite ripe, make excellentchampagne.

Homemade Wine Recipes with Simple Instructions for your Country Wine Making (2)

Making Homemade Grape Wine


Mash the grapes and strain them througha cloth; put the skins in a tub, after squeezing them, with barelyenough water to cover them; strain the juice thus obtained into thefirst portion; put three pounds of sugar to one gallon of the mixture;let it stand in an open tub to ferment, covered with a cloth, for aperiod of from three to seven days; skim off what rises every morning.Put the juice in a cask and leave it open for twenty-four hours; thenbung it up, and put clay over the bung to keep the air out. Let yourwine remain in the cask until March, when it should be drawn off andbottled.


Bruise the grapes, which should beperfectly ripe. To each gallon of grapes put a gallon of water, and letthe whole remain a week, without being stirred. At the end of thattime, draw off the liquor carefully, and put to each gallon threepounds of lump sugar. Let it ferment in a temperate situation—whenfermented, stop it up tight. In the course of six months it will be fitto bottle.


Pick and squeeze the grapes; strainthem, and to each gallon of juice put two gallons of water. Put thepulp into the measured water; squeeze it, and add three pounds and ahalf of loaf-sugar, to a gallon. Let it stand about six weeks; then adda quart of brandy and two eggs not broken to every ten gallons. Bung itdown and close.


This is a very ancient and populardrink in the north of Europe. To some new honey, strained, add springwater; put a whole egg into it; boil this liquor till the egg swimsabove the liquor; strain, pour it in a cask. To every fifteen gallonsadd two ounces of white Jamaica ginger, bruised, one ounce of clovesand mace, one and one-half ounces of cinnamon, all bruised together andtied up in a muslin bag; accelerate the fermentation with yeast; whenworked sufficiently, bung up; in six weeks draw off into bottles.


Boil the combs, from which the honeyhas been drained, with sufficient water to make a tolerably sweetliquor; ferment this with yeast and proceed as per previous formula.

Sack Mead is made by adding a handfulof hops and sufficient brandy to the comb liquor.


To every gallon of water put threepounds and a half of loaf-sugar; boil it half an hour, and to every tengallons, when cold, put a pint of yest. Put it next day into a barrel,with the peels and juice of eight lemons; you must pare them very thin,and run the juice through a jelly-bag. Put the rinds into a net with astone in it, or it will rise to the top and spoil the wine. To everyten gallons add a pint of brandy. Stop up the barrel, and in threemonths the wine, if fine, will be fit for bottling. The brandy must beput in when the wine is made.


Take equal parts of ripe currants,grapes, raspberries, and English cherries. Bruise them, then mix coldwater with them, in the proportion of four pounds of fruit to a gallonof water. Let the whole remain half a day. Stir the whole up well, thenstrain it—to each gallon of it put three pounds of sugar. Keep it in atemperate situation, where it will ferment slowly, three or fourdays—stir it up frequently. When fermented, add a ninth part of brandyto it, and stop it up tight—when it becomes clear, bottle it. In thecourse of a year it will be fit to drink.


Take currants, gooseberries,raspberries, and a few rose-leaves, three pints of fruit, mashed alltogether, to a quart of cold water. Let it stand twenty-four hours;then drain it through a sieve. To every gallon of juice put threepounds and a half of Lisbon sugar; let it ferment; put it into a cask,but do not bung it up for some time. Put in some brandy, and bottle itfor use.


Wipe the oranges with a wet cloth, peeloff the yellow rind very thin, squeeze the oranges, and strain thejuice through a fine sieve; measure the juice after it is strained andfor each gallon allow three pounds of granulated sugar, the white andshell of one egg and one-third of a gallon of cold water; put thesugar, the white and shell of the egg (crushed small) and the waterover the heat and stir them every two minutes until the eggs begin toharden; then boil the syrup until it looks clear under the froth, ofegg which will form on the surface; strain the syrup, pour it upon theorange rind and let it stand over night; then next add the orange juiceand again let it stand over night; strain it the second day, and put itinto a tight cask with a small cake of compressed yeast to about tengallons of wine, and leave the bung out of the cask until the wineceases to ferment; the hissing noise continues so long as fermentationis in progress; when fermentation ceases, close the cask by driving inthe bung, and let the wine stand about nine months before bottling it;three months after it is bottled, it can be used. A glass of brandyadded to each gallon of wine after fermentation ceases is generallyconsidered an improvement.


Take six gallons of water to twelvepounds of lump-sugar; put four whites of eggs, well beaten, into thesugar and water cold; boil it three quarters of an hour, skim whileboiling, and when cold put to it six spoonfuls of yest, and six ouncesof syrup of citron, well beaten together, and the juice and rinds offifty Seville oranges, but none of the white. Let all these stand twodays and nights covered close; then add two quarts of Rhenish wine;bung it up close. Twelve days afterwards bottle and cork it well.


To make ten gallons of wine, pare onehundred oranges very thin, and put the peel into a tub. Put in a copperten gallons of water, with twenty-eight pounds of common brown sugar,and the whites of six eggs well beaten; boil it for three quarters ofan hour; just as it begins to boil, skim it, and continue to do so allthe time it is boiling; pour the boiling liquor on the peel: cover itwell to keep in the steam, and, two hours afterwards, when blood warm,pour in the juice. Put in a toast well spread with yest to make itwork. Stir it well, and, in five or six days, put it in your cask freefrom the peel; it will then work five or six days longer. Then put intwo quarts of brandy, and bung it close. Let it remain twelve oreighteen months, and then bottle it. It will keep many years.


To a gallon of wine put three pounds oflump sugar; clarify this with the white of an egg to every gallon. Boilit an hour, and when the scum rises take it off; when almost cold, dipa toast into yest, put it into the liquor, and let it stand all night.Then take out the toast, and put in the juice of twelve oranges toevery gallon, adding about half the peel. Run it through a sieve intothe cask, and let it stand for several months.


Take two pounds of raisins, seed andchop them, a lemon, a pound of white sugar and about two gallons ofboiling water. Pour into a stone jar and stir daily for six or eightdays. Strain, bottle and put in a cool place for ten days or so, whenthe wine will be ready for use.


Take one hundred weight of raisins, ofthe Smyrna sort, and put them into a tub with fourteen gallons ofspring water. Let them stand covered for twenty-one days, stirring themtwice every day. Strain the liquor through a hair-bag from the raisins,which must be well pressed to get out the juice; turn it into a vessel,and let it remain four months; then bung it up close, and make avent-hole, which must be frequently opened, and left so for a daytogether. When it is of an agreeable sweetness, rack it off into afresh cask, and put to it one gallon of British brandy, and, if youthink it necessary, a little isinglass to fine it. Let it then standone month, and it will be fit to bottle; but the longer it remains inthe cask the better it will be.


Take four gallons of water, and boil ittill reduced to three, four pounds of raisins of the sun, and fourlemons sliced very thin; take off the peel of two of them; put thelemons and raisins into an earthen pot, with a pound of loaf-sugar.Pour in your water very hot; cover it close for a day and a night;strain it through a flannel bag; then bottle it, and tie down thecorks. Set it in a cold place, and it will be ready to drink in a month.


To one hundred pound of raisins boileighteen gallons of water, and let it stand till cold, with two ouncesof hops. Half chop your raisins; then put your water to them, and stirit up together twice a day for a fortnight. Run it through ahair-sieve; squeeze the raisins well with your hands, and put theliquor into the barrel. Bung it up close; let it stand till it isclear; then bottle it.


Take a brandy cask, and to every gallonof water put five pounds of raisins with the stalks on, and fill thecask, bunging it close down. Put it in a cool dry cellar; let it standsix months; then tap it with a strainer co*ck, and bottle it. Add half apint of brandy to every gallon of wine.

HomemadeWine Making Tip

All made wines are the betterfor brandy, and will not keep without it. Therefore you can also addsome brandy to these homemade wine recipes too. The quantity must beregulated by the degree of strength you wish to give to your wine.

Old-Fashioned Measuring Terms and Conversions

One note, as these are homemade winerecipes that grandma used to make, you will come across measuring termssuch as bushels and pecks. There are 4 pecks to a bushel.

The weight of a bushel varies with theproduct. To give you an idea a bushel of wheat = 27 kg, maize and rye =25 kg, barley = 22 kg, paddy rice = 20 kg and oats = 14.5 kg.

* 1 U.S. bushel = 8 corn/dry gallons =2150.42 cu in ≈ 35.2391 liter ≈ 9.30918 wine/liquid gallons. Theoriginal definition was the volume of a cylinder 18.5 in (46.99 cm) indiameter and 8 in (20.32 cm) high, which gives an irrational number ofcubic inches or litres, but later this bushel was redefined as 2150.42cubic inches, about 1 part per million less.

* 1 Imperial bushel = 8 Imperialgallons ≈ 36.3687 dm ≈ 2219.36 cu. in.


Icame across some very old wine recipes the other day and thought that Iwould share them with you. I can't tell you whether these recipes areany good, or whether the advice is sound on how to make wine - I willlet you be the judgeof that. But because there were so many interesting country winerecipes here, I really couldn't pass the opportunity up on letting youthe reader see just how wine was made in the good old days!

How to Make AmericanWines

Icame across some very old wine recipes the other day and thought that Iwould share them with you. I can't tell you whether these recipes areany good, or whether the advice is sound on how to make wine - I willlet you be the judgeof that. But because there were so many interesting country winerecipes here, I really couldn't pass the opportunity up on letting youthe reader see just how wine was made in the good old days!

The Vine and How to Make Wine

The varieties of grape employed in wine making, in the United States,are the Catawba, Delaware, Schuylkill (Cape), Isabella, andScuppernong. In California, now so noted for its wine product, thevines are of Spanish origin. Of those named, the two first varietiesare most prized. Vines require a dry, airy situation, preferably with asouthern or eastern exposure.

Howto MakeWine and Picking the Fruit

The fruit should be allowed to stay on the vinesuntil fully ripe. Ifany error is committed it should be that of allowing it to remain toolong. A slight frost will not injure the grape for winemaking, butrather improve it. Remove all unripe and bad berries. In some cases theberries are detached from the stem, in others not; the latter method ismost usual. All vessels and utensils used in wine-making, must be mostscrupulously clean when used, and should be thoroughly cleansed afterusing. Without attention to this good wine cannot be made. Grapesshould not be gathered in damp weather nor when the dew is on them.

How to Make Wine and Extracting the Juice

The grapes are first crushed, the object being to break the skin andpulp, but not the seeds. This may be done in any of the ordinarycider mills sold at the agricultural warehouses, or on the small scaleby bruising in a mashing tub. The juice is then expressed as directedinmaking cider. For extracting juice of fruits on the small scale theordinary clothes-wringer will be found very useful. The expressed juiceis termed must, the remaining seeds, husks, etc., after being pressed,are put on the manure pile or used for making inferior brandy.

How to Make Wine andFermentingthe Must

Fermentationisperformed in barrels; or vatsare used. The barrels should, if new, be filled with pure water, andleft to soak for 10 or 15 days; then well scalded out, and fumigated bymeans of a match made by dipping paper or rag into melted sulphur. Whennot in use they must be kept bunged, and each year they must bethoroughly cleansed or fumigated before using.

The barrels are to befilled within 5 or 6 inches of the top. The beginning of thefermentation is shown by a slight rise in temperature; this soonincreases, the liquid froths, and carbonic acid gas escapes; in 2 or 3weeks this ceases, the lees settle and the wine becomes clear.Fermentation out of of contact of air is accomplished by having a bungfitted with a tube which dips under the surface of a pan of water. Thegas escapes through the water, but the air cannot enter the cask. Thisis considered a great improvement by many. The bung should not beinserted until fermentation has begun. As soon as fermentation hasceased fill up the cask and bung tightly. If you have not the same winewith which to fill the cask, put in enough well-washed flinty pebbles

How to Make Wine and the Racking Process

The object of racking isto draw the wine from its lees, which containvarious impurities, and the yeast is the fermentation. Some rack morethan once, others but once. Rehfuss recommends to draw off the wineinto fresh casks in December and again in March or April, and again inthe fall, after that only in the fall. Buchanan recommends one rackingin March or April. It is objected to frequent racking that it injuresthe aroma of the wine, and renders it liable to become acid. The winemay be drawn off with the syphon or by the spigot; care being taken notto disturb the lees.

How to Make Wine and Spring Fermentation

About the time that thevines begin to shoot the wine undergoes asecond but moderate fermentation, after which it fines itself, and ifkept well bunged will continue to improve by age. During the springfermentation the bungs may be slightly loosened, otherwise the casks,if not strong, may burst, and the wine be lost. It is better kept inbottles. Wine may be bottled in a year after it is made, two years willbe better. The bottles should be sealed and laid on their sides in acool place.

How to Make Sparkling Wine

Theabove directionswill give a still wine of fine quality; no sugar,spirits or other addition is required. To make a sparkling wine is amatter of nicety, and requires considerable experience; and cellars,vaults and buildings especially adapted to the process. Abroad the wineis bottled during the first fermentation, although air is necessary tothe beginning of fermentation, yet it will go on when once begun if airbe excluded. The must continuing to ferment in the bottles, the gasgenerated is absorbed by the liquid under its own pressure. A verylarge percentage of bottles bursts.

How to MakeWine with Mr. Longworth's Process

In thespring followingthe pressing of the grapes the wine is mixedwith a small quantity of sugar, and put into strong bottles, the corksof which are well fastened with wire and twine. The spring fermentationis accelerated by the sugar, and the carbonic acid generated producespressure enough to burst a considerable percentage of the bottles. Atthe end of a year the liquid has become clear. To get rid of thesediment the bottles are put in a rack with the necks incliningdownward, and frequently shaken, the sediment deposits near and on thecork, and is blown out when the wires are cut. More sugar is added forsweetness; the bottles recorked, and in a few weeks the wine is readyfor use.

How to Make Wine and The Acidity Levels

The acidity of wine made from ripe grapes is due to cream of tartar orbitartrate of potassa. The grapes always contain a larger proportionthan the wine, as much of it is deposited during fermentation, formingArgols of commerce. Tannic acid always present, giving, when inquantity, astringency or roughness. Citric acid is found in wine madefrom unripe grapes; malic and oxalic acids in those made from currants,rhubarb, etc. The cream of tartar gradually deposits as wine growsolder, forming the crust or bees-wing. Hence wine of grape improveswith age. Domestic wines do not deposit their acids, which havetherefore to be disguised by the addition of sugar. Acetic acid isformed by the oxidation of the alcohol of wine. When considerable inquantity the wine is raid to be "pricked." Moselle and Rhine wine areamong the most acid, and Sherry and Port among the least so.

How to Make Sweet Wine

Such as Malaga, are made by allowing the grapes to remain on the vineuntil partially dried. The must is also evaporated about one-thirdbefore fermentation. Wines, such as still Catawba, Claret, etc., whichcontain little or no sugar, are called dry.

How to Make Wine and the Proportions of Alcohol

The following gives the average proportion of absolute alcohol in 100parts by measure: Port Madeira, Sherry, 20; Claret, Catawba, Hock, andChampagne, 11; Domestic wines, 10 to 20; alcohol gives the strength orbody to wine. It is often added to poor wines to make them keep and toincrease their intoxicating qualities.

How to MakeWine, Bottling and Corking

Fine clearweather is best for bottling all sorts of wines, and muchcleanliness is required. The first consideration, in bottling wines, isto examine and see if the wines are in a proper state. The wines shouldbe fine and brilliant, or they will never brighten after.

The bottles must be allsound, clean and dry, with plenty of good sound corks.

The cork is to be put inwith the hand, and then driven well in with a flat wooden mallet, theweight of which ought to be 1 1/4 lbs., but, however not to exceed 11/2 lbs., for if the mallet be too light or too heavy it will not drivethe cork in properly and may break the bottle. The corks must socompletely fill up the neck of each bottle as to render them air-tight,but leave a space of an inch between the wine and the neck.

When all the wine isbottled, it is to be stored in a cool cellar, and on no account on thebottles' bottoms, but or their sides and in saw-dust.

HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for Mr. Carnells' Wine Recipe for RedGooseberry Wine

Take cold soft water, 10 galls.; red gooseberries, 11 galls., andferment. Now mix raw sugar, 16 lbs.; beet-root, sliced, 2 lbs.; and redtartar, in fine powder, 1 oz. Afterwards put in sassafras chips, 1 lb.,and brandy, 1 gall., or less. This will make 18 galls.

Another.- When the weather is dry, gather gooseberries about the time they arehalf ripe; pick them clean, put the quantity of a peak into aconvenient vessel, and bruise them with a piece of wood, taking as muchcare as possible to keep the seeds whole. Now having put the pulp intoa canvas bag, press out all the juice; and to every gallon of thegooseberries add about 3 lbs. of fine loaf sugar; mix the wholetogether by stirring it with a stick, and as soon as the sugar is quitedissolved, pour it into a convenient cask, which will hold it exactly.If the quantity be about 8 or 9 galls., let it stand a fortnight; if 20galls., 40 days and so on in proportion taking care the place you setit in be cool. After standing the proper time draw it off from thelees, and put it into another clean vessel of equal size, or into thesame, after pouring the lees out, and making it clean: let a cask of 10or 12 galls. stand for about 3 months and 20 galls. for 5 months, afterwhich it will be fit for bottling off.

HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES forRed Gooseberry Wine

Take cold soft water, 3 galls; red gooseberries, 1 1/2 galls.; whitegooseberries, 2 galls. Ferment.

Now mix raw sugar, 5 lbs.;honey, 1 1/2 lbs., tartar, in fine powder, 1 oz. Afterwards put inbitter almonds, 2 oz.; sweetbriar, 1 small handful, and brandy, 1gall., or less. This will make 6 galls.

HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for White GooseberryWine

Take cold soft water, 41/2 galls.;white gooseberries, 5 galls.Ferment.

Now mix refined sugar, 6lbs.; honey, 4 lbs.; white tartar, in fine powder, 1 oz. Put in orangeand lemon-peel, 1 oz. dry, or 2 oz. fresh, and add white brandy, 1/2gall. This will make 9 galls.

HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for White ChampagneGooseberry Wine

To each pint of fullripegooseberries, mashed add one pint of water,milk warm, in which has been dissolved one pound of single-refinedsugar; stir the whole well, and cover up the tub with a blanket, topreserve the heat generated by the fermentation of the ingredients, letthem remain in this vessel 3 days, stirring them twice or thrice a day;strain off the liquor through a sieve, afterwards through a coarselinen cloth; put it into the cask; it will ferment without yeast. Letthe cask be kept full with some of the liquor reserved for the purpose.

It will ferment for 10 days, sometimes for 3 weeks; when ceased, andonly a hissing noise remains, draw off 2 or 3 bottles, according to thestrength you wish it to have from every 20 pint cask, and fill up thecask with brandy or whiskey; but brandy is preferable. To make it verygood, and that it may keep well, add as much Sherry, together with 1/4oz. of isinglass dissolved in water to make it quite liquid: stir thewhole well.

Bung the cask up, and surround the bung with clay; thecloser it is bunged the better; a fortnight after, if it be clear attop, taste it, if not sweet enough, add more sugar; 22 lbs. is the justquantity in all for 20 pints of wine; leave the wine 6 months in thecask; but after being quite fine, the sooner it is bottled the more itwill sparkle and resemble Champagne. The process should be carried onin a place where the heat is between 48º and 56º Fahr. Currant wine mybe made in the same manner.

HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES for Gooseberry andCurrant Wine

The following method of making superior gooseberry and currant wines isrecommended in a French work: For currant wine, 8 lbs. of honey aredissolved in 15 galls. of boiling water, to which, when clarified, isadded the juice of 8 lbs. of red or white currants. It is thenfermented for 24 hours, and 2 lbs. of sugar to every 2 galls. of waterare added. The preparation is afterwards clarified with the whites ofeggs and cream of tartar. For gooseberry wine, the fruit is gathereddry when about half ripe, and then pounded in a mortar. The juice, whenproperly strained through a canvas bag, is mixed with sugar, in theproportion of 3 lbs. to every 2 galls. of juice. It is then left in aquiet state for 15 days, at the expiration of which it is carefullypoured off, and left to ferment for 3 months when the quantity is under15 galls., and for 5 months when double that quantity. It is thenbottled, and soon becomes fit for drinking.

Another.- Take cold soft water, 5 1/2 galls.; gooseberries and currants, 4galls. Ferment. Then add, raw sugar, 12 1/2 lbs.; tartar, in finepowder, 1 oz., ginger, in powder 3 oz., sweet marjoram, 1/2 a handful;whiskey, 1 qt. This will make 9 galls.


Take cold soft water, 11 galls.; red currants, 8 galls.; raspberries, 1qt. Ferment. Mix, raw sugar, 20 lbs., beet-root, sliced, 2 lbs.; andred tartar, in fine powder, 3 oz. Put in 1 nutmeg, in fine powder; addbrandy, 1 gall. This will make 18 galls.

Another.- Put 5 qts. of currants and 1 pint of raspberries to every 2 galls. ofwater; let them soak a night; then squeeze and break them well. Nextday rub them well through a fine sieve till the juice is expressed,washing the skins with some of the water, then, to every gallon, put 4lbs. of the best sugar, put it into your barrel, and set the bunglightly in. In 2 or 3 days add a bottle of good Cognac brandy to every4 galls.; bung it close, but leave out the spigot for a few days. It isvery good in 3 years, better in 4.

Another.- Boil 4 galls. of spring water, and stir into it 8 lbs.of honey; whenthoroughly dissolved, take it off the fire; then stir it well in orderto raise the scum, which take clean off, and cool the liquor.

When thus prepared, pressout the same quantity of the juice of red currants moderately ripe,which being well strained, mix well with the water and honey, then putthem into a cask or a large earthen vessel, and let them stand toferment for 24 hours, then to every gallon add 2 lbs. of fine sugar,stir them well to raise the scum, and when well settled take it off,and add 1/2 an oz. of cream of tartar, with the whites of 2 or 3 eggs,to refine it. When the wine is well settled and clear draw it off intoa small vessel, or bottle it up, keeping it in a cool place.

Of white currants a wineafter the same manner may be made, that will equal in strength andpleasantness many sorts of white wine; but as for the black or Dutchcurrants, they are seldom used, except for the preparation of medicinalwines.

Another.- Gather the currants in dry weather, put them into a panand bruisethem with a wooden pestle; let them stand about 20 hours, after whichstrain through a sieve; add 3 lbs. of fine powdered sugar to each 4quarts of the liquor, and after shaking it well fill the vessel, andput a quart of good brandy to every 7 gallons. In 4 weeks, if it doesnot prove quite clear, draw it off into another vessel, and let itstand previous to bottling it off about 10 days.

HOMEMADE WINE RECIPES forRed and White Currant Wine

Take of cold soft water,12 galls.;white currants, 4 galls., redcurrants, 3 galls. Ferment. Mix, raw sugar, 25 lbs., white tartar, infine powder, 3 oz. Put in sweet-briar leaves, 1 handful; lavenderleaves, 1 handful; then add spirits, 2 qts. or more. This will make 18galls.


Take of cold soft water, 9 galls., red currants, 10 galls. Ferment.Mix, raw sugar, 10 lbs.; beet-root, sliced, 2 lbs.; red tartar, in finepowder, 2 oz. Put in bitter almonds, 1 oz., ginger, in powder, 2 oz.;then add brandy, 1 qt. This will make 18 galls.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Red Dutch Currant Wine

Take of cold soft water, 11 galls., red currants, 8 galls. Ferment.Mix, raw sugar, 12 lbs.; red tartar, in fine powder, 2 oz. Put incoriander seed, bruised, 2 oz., then add whiskey, 2 qts. This will make18 galls.


Take of cold soft water, 11 galls.; mixed berries, 8 galls. Ferment.Mix,treacle, 14 or 16 lbs., tartar, in powder, 1 oz. Put in ginger, inpowder, 4 oz.; sweet herbs, 2 handfuls; then add spirits, 1 or 2 qts.This will make 18 galls.


An excellent familycountry wine may be made of equal parts of red,white andblack currants, ripe cherries, and raspberries, well bruised, and mixedwith soft water, in the proportion of 4 lbs. of fruit to 1 gall. ofwater. When strained and pressed, 3 lbs. of moist sugar are to be addedto each gall. of liquid. After standing open for 3 days, during whichit is to be stirred frequently, it is to be put into a barrel, and leftfor a fortnight to work, when a ninth part of brandy is to be added,and the whole bunged down. In a few months it will be a most excellentwine.


Take of cold soft water,2 galls.;fruit, 18 galls. Ferment. Honey, 6lbs.; tartar, in fine powder, 2 oz. Put in peach leaves, 6 handfuls:then add brandy, 1 gall. This will make 18 galls.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for White Currant and Gooseberry Wine

Take of cold soft water, 9 galls., white currants, 9 galls.; whitegooseberries, 1 gall. Ferment. Mix, refined sugar, 25 lbs.; whitetartar, in powder, 1 oz.; clary seed, bruised, 2 oz.; or clary flowersor sorrel flowers, 4 handfuls, then add white brandy, 1 gall. This willmake 18 galls.

Another.- Take of cold soft water, 10 galls.; white currants, 10 galls.Ferment. Mix, refined sugar, 25 lbs.; white tartar, in fine powder, 1oz.; then add hitter almonds, 2 oz. and white brandy, 1 gall. This willmake 18 galls.


Take of cold soft water,10 galls.; black currants, 6 galls.;strawberries, 3 galls. Ferment. Mix, raw sugar, 25 lbs.; red tartar, infine powder, 6 oz.; orange-thyme, 2 handfuls; then add brandy, 2 or 3qts. This will make 18 galls.

Another.- Take of cold soft water, 12 galls.; black currants, 5 galls.; whiteor red currants, or both, 3 galls. Ferment. Mix, raw sugar, 30 lbs. orless; red tartar, in fine powder, 5 oz.; ginger, in powder, 5 oz. thenadd brandy, 1 gall. or less. This will make 18 galls.

Another, very fine.- To every 3 qts. of juice add as much of cold water, and to every 3qts. of the mixture add 3 lbs. of good, pure sugar. Put it into a cask,reserving some to fill up. Set the cask in a warm, dry room, and itwill ferment of itself. When this is over skim off the refuse, and fillup with what you have reserved for this purpose. When it has doneworking, add 3 qts. of brandy to 40 qts. of the wine. Bung it up closefor 10 months, then bottle it. The thick part may be separated bystraining, and the percolating liquor be bottled also. Keep it for 12months.


Take of cold soft water, 7 galls.; cider, 6 galls.; strawberries, 6galls. Ferment. Mix, raw sugar, 16 lbs.; red tartar, in fine powder, 3oz.; the peel and juice of 2 lemons; then add brandy, 2 or 3 qts. Thiswill make 18 galls.

Another.- Take of cold soft water, 10 galls.; strawberries, 9galls. Ferment.Mix, raw sugar, 25 lbs.; red tartar, in fine powder, 3 oz., 2 lemonsand 2 oranges, peel and juice; then add brandy, 1 gall. This will make18 galls.


Take of cold soft water, 6 galls., cider, 4 galls. raspberries, 6galls.; any other fruit, 3 galls. Ferment. Mix, raw sugar, 18 or 20lbs., red tartar, in fine powder, 3 oz., orange and lemonpeel, 2 oz.dry, or 4 oz. fresh; then add brandy, 3 qts. This will make 18 galls.

Another.- Gather the raspberries when ripe husk them and bruise them, thenstrain them through a bag into jars or other vessels. Boil the juice,and to every gall. put 1 1/2 lbs. of lump sugar. Now add whites ofeggs, and let the whole boil for 15 minutes, skimming it as the frothrises. When cool and settled, decant the liquor into a cask, addingyeast to make it ferment. When this has taken place, add 1 pint ofwhite wine, or a pint of proof spirit to each gall. contained in thecask, and hang a bag in it containing 1 oz. of bruised mace. In 3months, if kept in a cool place, it will be very excellent anddelicious wine.


On a dry day gathermulberries, when they are just changed from rednessto a shining black; spread them thinly on a fine cloth, or on a flooror table, for 24 hours, and then press them. Boil a gall. of water witheach gall. of juice; putting to every gall. of water 1 oz. of cinnamonbark and 6 oz. of sugar candy finely powdered. Skim and strain thewater when it is taken off and settled, and put to it themulberry-juice. Now add to every gall. of the mixture a pint of whiteor Rhenish wine. Let the whole stand in a cask to ferment for 5 or 6days. When settled, draw it off into bottles and keep it cool.


Take of cold soft water,16 galls.; Malaga raisins, 50 lbs.;elderberries, 4 galls., red tartar in fine powder, 4 oz. Mix ginger inpowder, 5 oz.; cinnamon, cloves, and mace, of each 2 oz., 3 oranges orlemons, peel and juice; then add 1 gall. of brandy. This will make 18galls.

Another.- In making elder juice let the berries be fully ripe, andall thestalks clean picked from them; then, have a press ready for drawing offall the juice, and 4 haircloths, somewhat broader than the press. Layone layer above another having a hair-cloth betwixt every layer, whichmust be laid very thin, and pressed a little at first and then moretill the press be drawn as close as possible. Now take out the berries,and press all the rest in the like manner, then take the pressedberries, break out all the lumps, put them into an open-headed vessel,and add as much liquor as will just cover them. Let them infuse so for7 or 8 days; then put the best juice into a cask proper for it to bekept in, and add l gall. of malt spirits not rectified, to every 20galls. of elder-juice, which will effectually preserve it from becomingsour for two years at least

Another.- Pick the berries when quite ripe, put them into a stonejar, and setthem in an oven, or in a kettle of boiling water, till the jar is hotthrough, then take them out, and strain them through a coarse sieve.Squeeze the berries and put the juice into a clean kettle. To everyquart of juice put 1 lb. of fine sugar; let it boil and skim it well.When clear and fine, pour it into a cask. To every 10 galls. of wineadd 1 oz. of isinglass dissolved in cider, and 6 whole eggs. Close itup, let it stand 6 months, and then bottle it.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for a Good Imitation of Cyprus Wine

To 10 galls. of waterput 10 qts. of the juice of white elderberries,pressed gently from the berries by the hand and passed through a sieve,without bruising the seeds; add to every gallon of liquor 3 lbs. ofsugar, and to the whole quantity 2 oz. of ginger sliced, and 1 oz. ofcloves. Boil this nearly an hour, taking off the scum as it rises, andpour the whole to cool, in an open tub, and work it with ale yeast,spread upon a toast of bread for 3 days. Then turn it into a vesselthat will just hold it, adding about 1 1/2 lbs. of bruised raisins, tolie in the liquor till drawn off, which should not be done till thewine is fine.


Boil 18 lbs. of whitepowdered sugar in 6 galls. of water and 2 whitesof eggs well beaten, skim it, and put in a quarter of a peek ofelder-flowers; do not keep them on the fire. When cool stir it and putin 6 spoonfuls of lemon juice, 4 or 5 of yeast, and beat well into theliquor; stir it well every day, put 6 lbs. of the best raisins, stoned,into the cask, and tun the wine. Stop it close and bottle in 6 months.When well kept, this wine will pass very well for Frontignac.

Another.- To 6 galls. of spring-water put 6 lbs. of sun raisins out small, and12 lbs. of fine sugar. Boil the whole together for about an hour and ahalf. When the liquor is cold put half a peek of ripe elder-flowers in,with about a gill of lemonjuice, and half the quantity of ale yeast.Cover it up and, after standing 3 days, strain it off. Now pour it intoa cask that is quite clean, and that will hold it with ease. When thisis done put a quart of Rhenish wine to every gallon; let the bung beslightly put in for 12 or 14 days, then stop it down fast, and put itin a cool, dry place for 4 or 5 months, till it be quite settled andfine; then bottle it off.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for an Imitation of Port Wine

Take 6 galls. of good cider, 1 1/2 galls. of Port wine, 1 1/2 galls. ofthe juice of elder-berries, 3 qts. of brandy, 1 1/2 oz. of cochineal.This will produce 9 1/2 galls.

Bruise the cochineal veryfine, and put it with the brandy into a stone bottle; let it remain atleast a fortnight, shaking it well once or twice every day. At the endof that time procure the the cider, and put 5 galls. into a 9 galloncask; add to it the elder-juice and Port wine, then the brandy andcochineal. Take the remaining gallon of cider to rinse out the bottlethat contained the brandy; and, lastly, pour it into the cask, and bungit down very close, and in 6 weeks it will be ready for bottling.

It is, however, sometimesnot quite so fine as could be wished: in that case add 2 oz. ofisinglass, and let it remain a fortnight or 3 weeks longer, when itwill be perfectly bright. It would not be amiss, perhaps, if thequantity of isinglass mentioned was added to the wine before it wasbunged down; it will tend very considerably to improve the body of thewine. If it should not appear sufficiently rough flavored, add 1 oz. or1 1/2 oz. of roche-alum, which will, in most cases, impart a sufficientastringency.

After it is bottled itmust be packed in as cool a place as possible. It will be fit for usingin a few months, but if kept longer it will be greatly improved.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Whortleberryor Bilberry Wine

Take of cold soft water 6 galls., cider 6 galls., berries 8 galls.,ferment. Mix raw sugar 20 lbs., tartar in fine powder 4 oz.; add gingerin powder 4 oz.; lavender and rosemary leaves 2 handfuls, rum orBritish spirits 1 gall. This will make 18 galls.


The season for obtainingthe liquor from birchtrees is in the latterend of February, or the beginning of March, before the leaves shootout, and as the sap begins to rise; if the time is delayed the juicewill grow too thick to be drawn out. It should be as thin and clear aspossible. The method of procuring the juice is by boring holes in thetrunk of the tree and fixing faucets of elder; but care should be takennot to tap it in too many places at once, for fear of injuring thetree. If the tree is large it may be bored in 5 or 6 places at once,and bottles are to be placed under the aperture for the sap to flowinto.

When 4 or 5 galls. have been extracted from different trees corkthe bottles very close, and wax them till the wine is to be made, whichshould be as soon as possible after the sap has been obtained. Boil thesap, and put 4 lbs. of loaf sugar to every gallon, also the peel of alemon cut thin; then boil it again for nearly an hour, skimming it allthe time.

Now pour it into a tub and, as soon as it is almost cold,work it with a toast spread with yeast, and let it stand 5 or 6 days,stirring it twice or 3 times each day. Into a cask that will contain itput a lighted brimstone snatch, stop it up till the match is burnt out,and then pour the wine into it, putting the bung lightly in, till ithas done working. Bung it very close for about 3 months, and thenbottle it. It will be good in a week after it is put into the bottles.

Another.- Birch wine may be made with raisins in the following manner: To ahogshead of birchwater, take 400 Malaga raisins; pick them clean fromthe stalks and cut them small. Then boil the birch liquor for an hourat least, skim it well, and let it stand till it is no warmer thanmilk. Then put in the raisins and let it stand close covered, stirringit well 4 or 5 times every day. Boil all the stalks in a gallon or twoof birch liquor, which, added to the other when almost cold, will giveit an agreeable roughness. Let it stand 10 days, then put it in a coolcellar, and when it has done hissing in the vessel, stop it up close.It must stand at least 9 months before it is bottled.


Having procured berriesthat are fully ripe, put them into a largevessel of wood or stone with a co*ck in it, and pour upon them as muchboiling water as will cover them. As soon as the heat will permit thehand to be put into the vessel, bruise them well till all the berriesare broken. Then let them stand covered till the berries begin to risetowards the top, which they usually do in 3 or 4 days. Then draw offthe clear into another vessel, and add to every 10 quarts of thisliquor 1 lb. of sugar.

Stir it well and let it stand to work a week or10 days in another vessel like the first. Then draw it off at the co*ckthrough a jelly-bag into a large vessel. Take 4 oz. of isinglass andlay it to steep 12 hours in a pint of white wine. The next morning boilit upon a slow fire till it is all dissolved. Then take 1 gallon ofblackberry-juice, put it in the dissolved isinglass, give them a boiltogether, and pour all into the vessel. Let it stand a few days topurge and settle, then draw it off and keep it in a cool place.


Take of cold soft water,18 galls., Malaga or Smyrna raisins, 35 lbs.juniper-berries, 9 quarts, red tartar, 4 oz., wormwood and sweetmarjoram, each 2 handfuls; whiskey, 2 quarts or more. Ferment for 10 or12 days. This will make 18 galls.


Take of cold soft water 11 galls., damsons, 8 galls. Ferment. Mix rawsugar, 30 lbs., red tartar, in fine powder, 6 oz. Add brandy, 1 gall.This will make 18 galls.

"When the must," says Mr.Carnell, "has fermented 2 days, (during which time it should be stirredup 2 or 3 times) take out of the vat about 2 or 3 quarts of the stonesand break them and the kernels, and then return them into the vatagain."


Take aconsiderable quantity of damsons and common plums inclining toripeness; slit them in halves so that the stones may be taken out, thenmash them gently and add a little water and honey. Add to every gallonof the pulp 1 gall. of spring-water, with a few bay-leaves and cloves;boil the mixture, and add as much sugar as will sweeten it; skim offthe froth and let it cool.

Now press the fruit, squeezing out theliquid part, strain all through a fine strainer, and put the water andjuice together in a cask. Having allowed the whole to stand and fermentfor 3 or 4 days, fine it with white sugar, flour, and white of eggs;draw it off into bottles, then cork it well. In 12 days it will beripe, and will taste like weak Port, having the flavor of Canary.

AndAnother.- Gather the damsons on a dry day, weigh them and thenbruise them. Putthem into a cask that has a co*ck in it, and to every 8 lbs. of fruitadd 1 gall. of water. Boil the water, skim it and put it scalding hotto the fruit. Let it stand 2 days, then draw it off and put it into avessel, and to every gallon of liquor put 2 1/2 lbs. of fine sugar.Fill up the vessel and stop it close, and the longer it stands thebetter. Keep it for 12 months in the vessel, and then bottle, putting alump of sugar into every bottle. The small damson is the best for thispurpose.


Take of soft cold water, 10 galls., cherries, 10 galls. Ferment. Mixraw sugar, 30 lbs., red tartar, in fine powder, 3 oz. Add brandy, 2 or3 quarts. This will make 18 galls.

Two days after thecherries have been in the vat, take out about 3 quarts of thecherry-stones, break them and the kernels, and return them into the vatagain.

Another.- Take cherries nearly ripe, of any red sort, clear themof the stalksand stones, then put them into a glazed earthen vessel and squeeze themto a pulp. Let them remain in this state for 12 hours to ferment, thenput them into a linen cloth not too fine and press out the juice with apressing-board, or any other convenient instrument. Now let the liquorstand till the scum rises, and with a ladle or skimmer take it cleanoff; then pour the clear part, by inclination, into a cask, where toeach gallon put 1 lb. of the best loaf sugar, and let it ferment for 7or 8 days. Draw it off when clear, into lesser casks or bottles; keepit cool as other wines, and in 10 or 12 days it will be ripe.


Cleanse from the stalks60 lbs. of Morella cherries, and bruise them sothat the stones shall be broken. Now press out the juice and mix itwith 6 galls. of Sherry wine, and 4 galls. of warm water. Havinggrossly powdered separate ounces of nutmeg, cinnamon and mace, hangthem separately in small bags in the cask containing the mixture. Bungit down and in a few weeks it will become a deliciously flavored wine.


Take of cold soft water, 18 galls., refined sugar 25 lbs., honey, 6lbs., white tartar, in fine powder 2 oz., peaches, 60 or 80 in number.Ferment. Then add 2 galls. of brandy. This will make 18 galls.

The first division is tobe put into the vat, and the day after, before the peaches are put in,take the stones from them, break them and the kernels, then put themand the pulp into the vat and proceed with the general process.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Peach Wine and Apricot Wine

Take peaches,nectarines, etc.; pare them and take the stones out; thenslice them thin and pour over them from 1 to 2 galls. of water and aquart of white wine. Place the whole on a fire to simmer gently for aconsiderable time, till the sliced fruit becomes soft; pour off theliquid part into another vessel containing more peaches that have beensliced but not heated; let them stand for 12 hours, then pour out theliquid part and press what remains through a fine hair bag. Let thewhole be now put into a cask to ferment; add of loaf sugar 1 1/2 lbs.to each gallon. Boil well 1 oz. of beaten cloves in a quart of whitewine and add it to the above.

Apricot wine may be madeby only bruising the fruit and pouring the hot liquor over it. Thiswine does not require so much sweetening. To give it a curious savor,boil 1 oz. of mace and 1/2 an oz. of nutmegs in 1 qt. of white wine;and when the wine is fermenting pour the liquid in hot. In about 20days, or a month, these wines will be fit for bottling.


Pare off the rinds of 6large lemons, cut them, and squeeze out thejuice. Steep the rinds in the juice, and put to it 1 qt. of brandy. Letit stand 3 days in an earthen pot close stopped; then squeeze 6 more,and mix with it 2 qts. of springwater, and as much sugar as willsweeten the whole. Boil the water, lemons and sugar together and let itstand till it is cool. Then add 1 qt. of white wine, and the otherlemons and brandy; mix them together, and run it through a flannel baginto some vessel. Let it stand 3 months and then bottle it off. Corkthe bottles well; keep it cool, and it will be fit to drink in a monthor 6 weeks.

Another.- Pare 5 dozen of lemons very thin, put the peels into 5 qts. of Frenchbrandy, and let them stand 14 days. Then make the juice into a syrupwith 3 lbs. of singlerefined sugar, and when the peels are ready boil15 galls. of water with 40 lbs. of single-refined sugar for 1/2 anhour. Then put it into a tub, and when cool add to it 1 spoonful ofyeast, and let it work 2 days. Then tun it, and put in the brandy,peels and syrup. Stir them all together, and close up the cask. Let itstand 3 months, then bottle it, and it will be as pale and us fine asany citron-water.


Take of cold soft water, 2 galls.; apples, well bruised, 3 bushels,honey, 10 lbs., white tartar 2 oz.; 1 nutmeg, in powder; rum, 3 qts.This will make 18 galls.


To everygall. ofapple-juice, immediately as it comes from the press,add 2 lbs. of common loaf sugar; boil it as long as any scum rises,then strain it through a sieve, and let it cool; add some good yeast,and stir it well; let it work in the tub for 2 or 3 weeks, or till thehead begins to flatten, then skim off the head, draw it clear off, andtun it. When made a year rack it off, and fine it with isinglass, thenadd 1/2 a pt. of the best rectified spirit of wine, or a pt. of Frenchbrandy, to every 8 galls.


Take of cold soft water, 2 galls; apples, well bruised, 3 bushels.Ferment. Mix, raw sugar, 15 lbs.; beet root, sliced, 4 lbs., redtartar, in fine powder, 3 oz.; then add ginger, in powder, 3 oz.;rosemary and lavender leaves, of each 2 handfuls; whiskey, 2 quarts.This will make 18 galls.


Gather the quinces whenpretty ripe, on a dry day, rub off the downwith a linen cloth, then lay them in hay or straw for 10 days toperspire. Now cut them in quarters, take out the cores and bruise themwell in a mashing-tub with a wooden pestle. Squeeze out the liquid partbv pressing them in a hair bag by degrees, in a cider press; strainthis liquor through a fine sieve, then warm it gently over a fire andskim it, but do not suffer it to boil.

Now sprinkle into itsome loafsugar reduced to powder; then in a gall. of water and a qt. of whitewine; boil 12 or 14 large quinces, thinly sliced; add 2 lbs. of finesugar and then strain off the liquid part, and mingle it with thenatural juice of the quinces; put this into a cask (not to fill it) andmix them well together; then let it stand to settle, put in 2 or 3whites of eggs, then draw it off. If it be not sweet enough, add moresugar, and a qt. of the best Malmsey. To make it still better boil 1/4of a lb. of stoned raisins, and 1/2 an oz. of cinnamon bark in a qt. ofthe liquor, to the consumption of a third part and straining it, put itinto the cask when the wine is fermenting.

Another.- Take 20 large quinces, gathered when they are dry andfull ripe. Wipethem clean with a coarse cloth, and grate them with a large grater orrasp as near the cores as possible; but do not touch the cores. Boil agall. of spring-water, throw in the quinces, and let them boil softlyabout 1/4 of an hour. Then strain them well into an earthen pan, on 2lbs. of double-refined sugar. Pare the peel of 2 large lemons, throwthem in, and squeeze the juice through a sieve. Stir it about till itis very cool, and then toast a thin bit of bread very brown, rub alittle yeast on it, and let the whole stand close-covered 24 hours.Take out the toast and lemon, put the wine in a cask, keep it 3 months,and then bottle it. If a 20-gallon cask is wanted, let it stand 6months before bottling it; and remember, when straining the quinces, towring them hard in a coarse cloth.


Put 12 lbs. of powderedsugar, with the whites of 8 or 10 eggs wellbeaten, into 6 galls. of spring-water; boil them 3/4 of an hour; whencold, put into it 6 spoonfuls of yeast and the juice of 12 lemons,which being pared, must stand with 2 lbs. of white sugar in a tankard,and in the morning skim off the top, and then put it into the water;add the juice and rinds of 50 oranges, but not the white or pithy partsof the rinds; let it work all together 2 days and 2 nights: then add 2qts. of Rhenish or white wine, and put it into the vessel.

Another.- To 6 galls. of water put 15 lbs. of soft sugar; beforeit boils, addthe whites of 6 eggs well beaten, and take off the scum as it rises;boil it 1/2 an hour; when cool add the juice of 50 oranges, and 2/3 ofthe peels cut very thin, and immerse a toast covered with yeast. In amonth after it has been in the cask, add a pt. of brandy and 2 qts. ofRhenish wine; it will be fit to bottle in 3 or 4 months, but it shouldremain in bottle for 12 months before it is drunk.


To 12 lbs. of parsnips,cut in slices, add 4 galls. of water; boil themtill they become quite soft. Squeeze the liquor well out of them, runit through a sieve, and add to every gall. 3 lbs. of loaf sugar. Boilthe whole three quarters of an hour, and when it is nearly cold add alittle yeast. Let it stand for 10 days in a tub, stirring it every dayfrom the bottom; then put it into a cask for 12 months; as it worksover fill it up every day.


Take of cold soft water17 galls., white currants 6 qts. Ferment. Mixhoney 30 lbs., white tartar in powder 3 oz. Add balm and sweetbriar,each 2 handfuls, white brandy 1 gall. This will make 18 galls.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Red Mead Wine or Metheglin

Take of cold water 17galls., red currants 6 qts., black currants 2qts. Ferment. Mix, honey 25 lbs. beet root sliced 1 lb., red tartar infine powder 4 oz. Add cinnamon in powder 2 oz., brandy 1 gall. Thiswill make 18 galls.

Another.- Fermented mead is made in the proportion of 1 lb. ofhoney to 3 pintsof water or by boiling over a moderate fire, to two-thirds of thequantity, three parts water and one part honey. The liquor is thenskimmed and casked, care being taken to keep the cask full whilefermenting. During the fermenting process the cask is left untopped andexposed to the sun, or in a warm room, until the working ceases. Thecask is then bunged, and a few months in the cellar renders itpleasant, by the addition of cut raisins, or other fruits boiled afterthe rate of 1/2 lb. of raisins to 6 lbs. of honey, with a toasted crustof bread; 1 oz. of salt of tartar in a glass of brandy being added tothe liquor when casked, to which some add 6 or 6 drops of the essenceof cinnamon; others, pieces of lemon-peel with various syrups.


To every gallon of waterput 3 1/2 lbs. of honey, and boil themtogether three-quarters of an hour. Then to every gallon of liquor putabout 2 dozen of walnut leaves; pour the boiling liquor upon them andlet them stand all night. Then take out the leaves, put in a spoonfulof yeast, and let it work for 2 or 3 days. Then make it up, and afterit has stood for 3 months bottle it.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for American Honey Wine

Puta quantity of thecomb from which honey has been drained in a tub,and add a barrel of cider immediately from the press; stir the mixtureand leave it for a night. It is then strained before fermentation andhoney added until the specific gravity of the liquor is sufficient tobear an egg. It is then put into a barrel, and after the fermentationhas commenced the cask is filled every day for 3 or 4 days, that thefroth may work out of the bung-hole.

When the fermentation moderatesput the bung in loosely, lest stopping it tight might cause the cask toburst. At the end of 5 or 6 weeks the liquor is to be drawn off into atub, and the whites of 8 eggs, well beaten up with a pint of cleansand, are to be put into it; then add 1 gall. of cider spirits, andafter mixing the whole together, return it into the cask, which is tobe well cleaned, bunged tight, and placed in a proper situation forracking off when fine. In the month of April following draw it off intokegs for use, and it will be equal to almost any foreign wine.


Take of cold soft water18 galls., Smyrna raisins, 40 lbs. Ferment.Mixed beet-root, sliced, 3 lbs., red tartar, in fine powder, 2 oz. Addcowslip flowers, 14 lbs.; cloves and mace, in powder 1 oz. brandy, 1gall. This will make 18 galls.


Take of cold soft water,18 galls.; Malaga raisins, 35 lbs.: whitetartar, in fine powder, 2 oz. Ferment. Mix cowslip-flowers, 16 lbs. Addwhite brandy, 1 gall. This will make 18 galls.


Is made in this manner:To 15 galls. of water put 30 lbs. of honey, andboil it till 1 gall. be wasted. Skim it, take it off the fire, and haveready 16 lemons cut in halves. Take 1 gall. of the liquor and put it tothe lemons. Put the rest of the liquor into a tub with 7 pecks ofcowslips, and let them stand all night. Then put in the liquor with thelemons 8 spoonfuls of new yeast and a handful of sweetbriar. Stir themall well together, and let it work 3 or 4 days. Then strain it, putinto the cask, and after it has stood 6 months bottle it off.


Take of cold soft water,2 qts.; cider, 9 galls.; honey, 8 lbs., whitetartar, in fine powder, 2 oz. Ferment. Mix cinnamon, cloves, and mace,2 oz. Add rum, 1/2 gall. This will make 9 galls.


Takeofcold soft water,3 galls.; cider, 16 galls.; honey, 10 lbs.Ferment. Add raw sugar, 4 lbs. beet-root, sliced, 4 lbs.; red tartar,in fine powder, 6 oz. Mix sweet marjoram and sweetbriar, 3 handfuls;rum. 1 gall. This will make 18 galls.


Take of cold soft water,4 galls.; cider, 15 galls.; honey, 12 lbs.,tartar, in fine powder, 2 oz. Ferment. Mix ginger, in powder, 6 oz.,sage and mint, 2 handfuls. Add whiskey, 1 gall. This will make 18galls.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Raisin Wine (Like a Sherry)

Let the raisins be wellwashed and picked from the stalks; to everypound thus prepared and chopped, add 1 qt. of water which has beenboiled and has stood till it is cold. Let the whole stand in the vesselfor a month, being frequently stirred. Now let the raisins be takenfrom the cask, and let the liquor be closely stopped in the vessel. Inthe course of a month let it be racked into another vessel, leaving allthe sediment behind, which must be repeated as it becomes fine, whenadd to every 10 galls. 6 lbs. of fine sugar, and 1 doz. of Sevilleoranges the rinds being pared very thin, and infused in 2 qts ofbrandy, which should be added to the liquor at its last racking. Letthe whole stand 3 months in the cask, when it will be fit for bottling;it should remain in the bottle for a twelve-month.

To give it the flavor ofMadeira, when it is in the cask, put in a couple of green citrons, andlet them remain till the wine is bottled.


Put 200 weight ofraisins, with the stalks, into a hogshead, and fillit almost with spring-water; let them steep for about 12 days,frequently stirring, and after pouring off the juice dress the raisinsand mash them. The whole should then be put together into a very cleanvessel that will exactly contain it. It will hiss for some time, duringwhich it should not be stirred; but when the noise ceases it must bestopped close and stand for about 6 or 7 months, and then, if it provefine and clear, rack it off into another vessel of the same size. Stopit up, and let it remain for 12 or 14 weeks longer, then bottle it off.If it should not prove clear fine it down with 3 oz. of isinglass, and1/4 lb. of sugar-candy dissolved in some of the wine.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Ginger Wine - Excellent

Put into avery niceboiler l0 galls. of water, 15 lbs. of lump sugar,with the whites of 6 or 8 eggs, well beaten and strained; mix all wellwhile cold, when the liquor boils skim it, put in 1/2 a lb. of commonwhite ginger, bruised, and boil it 20 minutes. Have ready the rinds(cut very thin) of 7 lemons, and pour the hot liquor on them; when coolput it into your cask, with 2 spoonfuls of yeast, put a quart of thewarm liquor to 2 oz. isinglass shavings, whisk it well 3 or 4 times,and put all into the barrel. Next day stop it up, in 3 weeks bottle it,and in 3 months it will be a delicious and safe liquor.

Another.- Take of cold soft water, 19 galls.; Malaga raisins, 50 lbs.; whitetartar, in powder, 4 oz. Ferment. Mix ginger in powder or bruised, 20oz.; 18 lemons, peel and juice; add brandy, 2 qts. or more. This willmake 18 galls.

Another.- Take 20 qts. of water; 5 lbs. of sugar; 3 oz. of whiteginger; 1 oz.of stick liquorice. Boil them well together, when it is cold put alittle new yeast upon it, but not too much, then put it into the barrelfor 10 days, and after that bottle it putting a lump of white sugarinto every bottle.

Another.- To 7 galls. of water put 19 lbs. of clayed sugar and boil it for 1/2an hour, taking off the scum as it rises; then take a small quantity ofthe liquor and add to it 9 oz. of the best ginger bruised. Now put itall together, and when nearly cold, chop 9 lbs of raisins very small,and put them into an 8 gall. cask (beer measure), with 1 oz. ofisinglass. Slice 4 lemons into the cask, taking out all the seeds, andyeast. Leave it unstopped for 3 weeks, and in about 3 months it will befit for bottling.

There will be 1 gall. ofthe sugar and water more than the cask will hold at first; this must bekept to fill up as the liquor works off, as it is necessary that thecask should be kept full till it has done working. The raisins shouldbe 2/3 Malaga, and 1/3 Muscatel. Spring and autumn are the best seasonsfor making this wine.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES forKoumiss Wine belonging to the Tartars

Take of fresh mare'smilk any quantity; add to it 1/3 part of water,and pour the mixture into a wooden vessel. Use as a ferment 1/8 part ofskimmed milk, but at any future preparation a small portion of oldkoumiss will answer better. Cover the vessel with a thick cloth, andset it in a place of moderate warmth; leaving it at rest for 24 hours,at the end of which time the milk will become sour, and a thicksubstance will be gathered on its top.

Now, with a churn staff, beat ittill the thick substance above-mentioned be blended intimately with thesubjacent fluid. In this situation leave it at rest for 24 hours more,after which pour it into a higher and narrower vessel, resembling achurn, where the agitation must be repeated as before, till the liquorappears to be perfectly hom*ogenous. In this state it is called koumiss;of which the taste ought to be a pleasant mixture of sweet and sour.Agitation must be employed every time before it is used. Sometimesaromatic herbs, as Angelica, are infused in the liquor duringfermentation.


Take of sliced rhubarb,2 1/2 oz.; lesser cardamon seeds, bruised andhusked, 1/2 oz.; saffron, 2 drs.; Spanish white wine, 2 pints, proofspirit, 1/2 pint. Digest for 10 days and strain. This is a warm,cordial, laxative medicine. It is used chiefly in weakness of thestomach and bowels, and some kinds of looseness. It may be given indoses of from 1/2 spoonful to 3 or 4 spoonfuls or more, according tothe circ*mstances of the disorder and the strength of the patient.


Boil 26 quarts ofspring-water 1/4 of an hour, and when it is bloodwarm put 25 lbs. of Malaga raisins picked, rubbed and shred, into it,with almost 1/2 bushel of red sage shred, and a small pitcher of aleyeast; stir all well together and let it stand in a tub covered warm 6or 7 days, stirring it once a day, then strain it off and put it in arunlet. Let it work 3 or 4 days, and then stop it up; when it has stood6 or 7 days, put in a quart or two of Malaga Sherry, and when it isfine, bottle it.


Pare and slice a numberof turnips, put them into a cider press andpress out all the juice. To every gallon of the juice add 3 lbs. oflump sugar; have a vessel ready large enough to hold the juice and put1/2 pint of brandy to every gallon. Pour in the juice and lay somethingover the bung for a week, to see if it works; if it does, do not bungit down till it has done working, then stop it close for 3 months, anddraw it off into another vessel. When it is fine bottle it off.

This is an excellent winefor gouty habits, and is much recommended in such oases in lieu of anyother wine.


Take a well-glazedearthen vessel and put into it 3 galls. ofrose-water drawn with a cold still. Put into that a sufficient quantityof rose-leaves, cover it close and set it for an hour in a kettle orcopper of hot water, to take out the whole strength and tincture of theroses; and when it is cold press the rose-leaves hard into the liquor,and steep fresh ones in it, repeating it till the liquor has got thefull strength of the roses. To every gallon of liquor put 3 lbs. ofloaf sugar, and stir it well, that it may melt and disperse in everypart. Then put it into a cask or other convenient vessel, to ferment,and put into it a piece of bread toasted hard and covered with yeast.

Let it stand about 80 days, when it will be ripe and have a fineflavor, having the whole strength and scent of the roses in it; and itmay be greatly improved by adding to it wine and spices. By this methodof infusion, wine of carnations, glove gilliflowers, violets,primroses, or any other flower having a curious scent, may be made.


Take the large blue figswhen pretty ripe, and steep them in whitewine, having made some slits in them, that they may swell and gather inthe substance of the wine. Then slice some other figs and let themsimmer over a fire in water until they are reduced to a kind of pulp.Then strain out the water, pressing the pulp hard, and pour it as hotas possible on the figs that are imbrued in the wine. Let thequantities be nearly equal, but the water somewhat more than the wineand figs. Let them stand 24 hours, mash them well together, and drawoff what will run without squeezing. Then press the rest, and if notsweet enough add a sufficient quantity of sugar to make it so. Let itferment, and add to it a little honey and sugar candy; then fine itwith the whites of eggs and a little isinglass, and draw it off foruse.


Take 40 lbs. of sugarand 9 galls. of water, boil it gently for 2hours, skim it well, and put it into a tub to cool. Take 2 1/2 lbs. ofthe tops of balm, bruise them and put them into a barrel with a littlenew yeast, and when the liquor is cold pour it on the balm. Stir itwell together and let it stand 24 hours, stirring it often. Then closeit up, and let it stand 6 weeks. Then rack it off and put a lump ofsugar into every bottle. Cork it well, and it will be better the secondyear than the first.


Take the best largescurvy-grass tops and leaves, in May, June, orJuly; bruise them well in a stone mortar, put them in a well-glazedearthen vessel and sprinkle them over with some powder of crystal oftartar; then smear them with virgin honey, and being covered close, letit stand 24 hours.

Set water over a gentle fire, putting to everygallon 3 pints of honey, and when the scum rises take it off and let itcool, then put the stamped scurvy grass into a barrel, and pour theliquor to it, setting the vessel conveniently endways, with a tap atthe bottom.

When it has been infused 24 hours, draw off the liquor,strongly press the juice and moisture out of the herb into the barrelor vessel, and put the liquor up again; then put a little Dew yeast toit, and suffer it to ferment 3 days, covering the place of the bung orvent with a piece of bread spread over with mustard seed, downward, ina cool place, and let it continue till it is fine and drinks brisk.

Draw off the finest part, leaving only the dregs behind; afterwards addmore herbs, and ferment it with whites of eggs, flour, and fixed nitre,verjuice, or the juice of green grapes, if they are to be had; to whichadd 6 lbs. of the syrup of mustard, all mixed and well beaten together,to refine it down, and it will drink brisk, but is not very pleasant;being here inserted among artificial wines rather for the sake ofhealth, than for the delightfulness of its taste.

HOMEMADEWINE RECIPES for Making Cheap and Wholesome Claret Wine

Take a quart of fine draft Devonshire cider, and an equal quantity ofgood Port. Mix them, and shake them. Bottle them, and let them standfor a month.


Those who like a dry wine, should put into the vat, at the commencementof the vinous fermentation, an ounce or two of calcined gypsum, in finepowder.

MAKING WINE and How to Guard Against Unripe Fruit

If the season proves badso that some fruits are not sufficiently ripe,immediately after the vinous fermentation, and the must of such fruitis put into the cask, it is to be rolled 2 or 3 times a day for a weekor two. A spirituous fermentation will soon commence; the bung of thecask must then be taken out, and the hole covered with a bit of lightwood or canvas, and as any scum arises, it should be taken away. Whenthe scum disappears, fill up the cask, and bung it up. But a vent holemust be left open for a week.

MAKING WINE and How to Keep and Manage Wines

Wines will diminish, therefore the cask must be kept filled up withsome of the same wine, or some other that is as good or better.

They must at all times bekept in a cool cellar; if not, they will ferment. If wines are kept ina warm cellar, an acetous fermentation will soon commence, and theresult consequently will be vinegar. The more a wine frets andferments, the more it parts with its strength and goodness; when winesare found to work improperly in the cellar, the vent-peg must be takenout for a week or two.

If any wine ferments,after being perfected, draw off a quart and boil it, and pour it hotinto the cask, add a pint or a quart of brandy, and bung up a day ortwo after.

Or, draw off the wine, andfumigate the cask, with 1 oz. of flower of brimstone, and 1/2 oz. ofcinnamon in powder. Mix the two together, and tie them up in a rag.Turn the bung-hole of the cask downwards, place the rag under thebunghole, and set fire to it, so that the gas ascends into the cask. Assoon as it is burnt out, fill up the cask with wine, and bung it uptight.

MAKING WINE and How to Sweeten a Foul Cask of Wine

Set fire to 1 lb. or more of broken charcoal, put it into the cask, andimmediately fill up the cask with boiling water. After this roll thecask once or twice a day for a week; then, pour out the charcoal andwater, wash out the cask with clean cold water, and expose it to theexternal air for some days.

MAKING WINE and How toImprovePoor Wines

Poor wines may be improved by being racked off, and returned to thecask again; and then putting into the wine about 1 lb. of jar or boxraisins, bruised, and 1 quart of brandy.

Or, put into the wine 2lbs. of honey, and a pint or two of brandy. The honey and brandy to befirst mixed together.

Or, draw off 3 or 4 quartsof such wine and fill the cask up with strong wine.

MAKING WINE and How toImproveWine when Lowering or Decaying

Take l oz. of alum, make it into powder; then draw out 4 galls. ofwine, mix the powder with it, and beat it well for 1/2 an hour; thenfill up the cask, and when fine (which will be in a week's time orlittle more), bottle it off. This will make it drink fine and brisk.

MAKING WINE and How toRestoreFlat Wines

Flat wines may be restored by 1 lb of jar raisins, 1 lb. of honey, and1/2 a pint of spirits of wine, beaten up in a mortar with some of thewine, and then the contents put into the cask.

MAKING WINE and How to Remove a Musty Taste to theWine

Put into the cask 3 or 4 sticks of charcoal, and bung up the casktight. In a month after take them out.

Or, cut two ripe medlars,put them in a gauze bag, and suspend them from the bung hole into wine,and bung up the cask air-tight. A month after take them out, and bungup the cask again.

Or, mix 1/2 lb. of bruisedmustard seed, with 1 pint or more of brandy, and stir it up in thewine; and 2 days after bung up the cask.

MAKING WINEAnother Method

At the finish of the process, when the brandy or spirit is put to thewine, it is particularly recommended that 1/4 oz. of camphor, in thelump, be dropped into the bung-hole of each 18 galls. of wine.

MAKING WINE Yet AnotherMethod

Oil poured upon wine, or anyother liquor,will prevent it from growingmusty, or turning corrupt.

MAKING WINE and How to Take Away the Bad Smell in Wines

Bake a long roller of dough, stuck well with cloves, and hang it in thecask.

MAKING WINESparkle like Champagne

Take great care to rackoff the wine well, and in March bottle it asquickly as possible. The bottles must be very clean and dry, and thecorks of the best sort, made of velvet or white cork. In 2 months'after, the wine will be in a fine condition to drink.

MAKING WINE and How toClear Foulor Ropy Wines

Take 1/2 oz. of chalk inpowder, 1/2 oz. of burnt alum, the white of anegg, and l pint of springwater.

Beat the whole up in amortar, and pour it into the wine; after which, roll the cask 10minutes; and then place it on the stand, leaving the bung out for a fewdays. As soon as the wine is fine, rack it off.

Or, take 1 oz. of groundrice, 3 oz. of burnt alum, and 1/2 oz. of bay-salt.

Beat the whole up in amortar, with 1 pint or more of the wine, pour it into the cask, androll it 10 minutes. The cask must be bunged up for a few days. As soonas such wine becomes fine, rack it off.

Or, bring the cask of wineout of the cellar and place it in a shady situation to receive thecirculation of the air, and take out the bung. In 3 weeks or a monthreek it off into a sweet cask which fill up, and put into the wine 1oz. of cinnamon, in the stick; and bung it up tight.

MAKING WINE Another Method

Tap the cask, and put apiece of coarse linen cloth upon that end ofthe co*ck which goes to the inside of the cask; then rack it into a drycask to 30 galls. of wine, and put in 6 oz. of powdered alum. Roll andshake them well together, and it will fine down, and prove a very clearand pleasant wine.

MAKING WINE and How to Correct Green or Harsh Wines

Take l oz. of salt, 1/2oz. calcified gypsum, in powder, and 1 pt. ofskimmed milk. Mix these up with a little of the wine, and then pour themixture into the cask, put in a few lavender leaves, stir the wine witha stick, so as not to disturb the lees, and bung it up.

MAKING WINE and How to Correct Sharp, Tart or Acidic Wines

Mix 1 oz. of calcinedgypsum in powder and 2 lbs. of honey in l qt. ofbrandy, pour the mixture into the wine, and stir it so as not todisturb the lees; fill up the cask, and the following day bung it up.Rack this wine as soon as fine.

Or, mix 1/2 oz. of thesalt of tartar, 1/2 oz. of calcined gypsum, in powder, with a pint ofthe wine; pour it into the cask, and put an ounce of cinnamon in thestick, stir the wine without disturbing the lees, fill up the cask, andthe day following bung it up.

Or, boil 3 oz. of rice;when cold put it into a gauze bag, and immerse it into the wine; putinto the wine also a few sticks of cinnamon, and bung up the cask. Inabout a month after, take the rice out.

MAKING WINE and How to Restore Sour Wines

Take calcined gypsum inpowder l oz., cream of tartar in powder 2 oz.Mix them in a pint or more of brandy; pour it into the cask, put inalso, a few sticks of cinnamon, and then stir the wine withoutdisturbing the lees. Bung up the cask the next day.

MAKING WINE Another Method

Boil a gallon of winewith some beaten oyster-shells and crab's claws,burnt into powder, 1 oz. of each to every 10 galls. of wine, thenstrain out the liquor through a sieve, and when cold put it into wineof the same sort, and it will give it a pleasant lively taste. A lumpof unslaked lime put into the cask will also keep wine from turningsour.

MAKING WINE and Fining

Many wines require fining before they are racked, and the operation offining is not always necessary. Most wines, well made, do not wantfining; this may be ascertained by drawing a little into a glass from apeg-hole.

One of the best finings isas follows: Take 1 lb. of fresh marsh-mallow roots, washed clean, andcut into small pieces; macerate them in 2 qts. of soft water for 24hours, then gently boil the liquor down to 3 half pints, strain it, andwhen cold mix with it 1/2 oz. of pipe-clay or chalk in powder; thenpour the mucilage into the cask, and stir up the wine so as not todisturb the lees, and leave the vent-peg out for some days after.

Or, take boiled rice 2tablespoonfuls, the white of 1 new egg, and 1/2 oz. of burnt alum, inpowder. Mix with a pint or more of the wine, then pour the mucilageinto the cask, and stir the wine with a stout stick, but not to agitatethe lees.

Or, dissolve in a gentleheat 1/2 oz. of isinglass in a pint or more of the wine, then mix withit 1/2 oz. of chalk, in powder; when the two are well incorporated pourit into the cask, and stir the wine, so as not to disturb the lees.

Or, beat up the white ofeggs, l egg to 6 galls.; draw the wine into the beaten egg, and keepstirring all the while, then return the wine and froth to the cask, andbung up.

MAKING WINE and How to Check Fermentation

It is in the first placenecessary to consider whether the existingstate of fermentation be the original or secondary stage of thatprocess which comes on after the former has ceased for several days,and is indeed the commencement of acetone fermentation. That of theformer kind rarely proceeds beyond what is necessary for the perfectdecomposition of the saccharine and other parts of the vegetablesubstance necessary for the production of spirit, unless the liquor bekept too warm or is too weak, and left exposed to the air after thevinous fermentation is completed.

The means to correct thesecirc*mstances are sufficiently obvious. The heat for spirituousfermentation should not be above 60º; when it is much above that pointthe liquor passes rapidly through the stage of vinous fermentation, andthe acetous immediately commences.

When too long continued fermentationarises from the liquor having been kept in a warm situation, it will besoon checked by bunging, after being removed into a cold place; theaddition of a small proportion of spirits of wine or brandy, previouslyto closing it up, is also proper.

A degree of cold, approaching to thefreezing point, will check fermentation of whatever kind. Fermentationof this kind cannot be stopped by using a chemical agent, except suchas would destroy the qualities of the liquor intended to be produced.

The secondary stage offermentation, or the commencement of the acetous, may be stopped byremoving the liquor to a cool situation, correcting the acid alreadyformed; and it the liquor contain but little spirit, the addition of aproper proportion of brandy is requisite.

The operation of rackingis also necessary to preserve liquor in a vinous state, and to renderit clear. This process should be performed in a cool place.

To Manage Foregin Vine Vaults

The principal object tobe attended to in the management of foreignwine-vaults is to keep them of a temperate heat. Care must be taken,therefore, to close up every aperture or opening, that there may be noadmission given to the external air. The floor of the vault shouldlikewise be well covered with saw-dust, which must not be suffered toget too dry and dusty, but must receive now and then an addition ofnew, lest, when bottling or racking wine, some of the old dust shouldfly into it. At most vaults, in the winter, it is necessary to have astove or chafing-dish, to keep up a proper degree of warmth. In thesummer time it will be best to keep them as cool as possible.

MAKING WINE and How to Fit OutYour Cellar

Provide a good rope andtackling to let down the casks into the vaultsor cellar, and a slide, ladder or pully for the casks to slide or rollon; a pair of strong slings; a pair of can hooks and a pair of cratehooks; a block of wood to put under the pipes when tipping them over ina narrow passage, or in easing them; a small valinch to taste wines, acrane, and a small copper pump to rack off; 2 or 3 gallon cans made ofwood; a large wooden funnel; 2 or 3 copper funnels, from a quart to agallon each; 2 racking co*cks; 2 wine bottling-co*cks; a brace andvarious bits; 2 small tubs; a square basket to hold the corks; 2 smalltin funnels; a small strainer; 2 cork-screws; 2 or 3 baskets; a whiskto beat the finings; 3 flannel or linen bags; a strong iron screw toraise the bungs; a pair of pliers; bungs, corks, and vent pegs; 2 fretsor middle-sized gimblets; some sheet-lead and tacks to put on brokenstaves; brown paper to put round co*cks and under the lead, whenstopping leaks; a staff with a chain at one end to rummage the wines,etc.; shots and lead canister or bristle brush, and 2 cloths to washbottles; 2 large tubs; some small racks that will hold 6 dozen each; acooper's adze; an iron and a wooden driver to tighten hoops; 2 dozen ofwooden bungs of different sizes; a thermometer, which is to be kept inthe vault; a stove or chafingdish, to keep the heat of the vault at aknown temperature; a few dozen of delph labels; a cupboard to hold allthe tools; a spade; 2 good stiff birch brooms, and a rake to level thesawdust.


The dark red port ismade from grapes gathered indiscriminately andthrown into a cistern; they are then trodden, and their skins andstalks left in the mass, which separate during fermentation and form adry head over the liquid. When the fermentation is completed, theliquor underneath is drawn out and casked. Before being exported it ismixed with one-third of brandy, to enable it to keep during the voyage;otherwise the carriage brings on the acetous fermentation, and the wineis converted into vinegar.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and the French Method of Making Wine

In the southern parts ofFrance their way is with red wines to tread orsqueeze the grapes between the hands, and let the whole stand, juiceand husks, till the tincture is to their liking; after which they pressit. For white wines they press the grapes immediately, and when pressedthey tun the must and stop up the vessel, leaving only the depth of afoot or more to give room for it to work. At the end of 10 days theyfill this space with some other good wine that will not work it again.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Rack Foreign Wines

The vault or cellarshould be of a temperate heat, and the casks sweetand clean. Should they have an acid or musty smell, it may be remediedby burning brimstone matches in them, and if not clean rinse them wellout with cold water, and after draining, rinse with a quart of brandy,putting the brandy afterwards into the ullage cask. Then strain thelees or bottoms through a flannel or linen bag. But put the bottoms ofPort into the ullage-cask without going through the filtering-bag. Inracking wine that is not on the stillage, a wine-pump is desirable.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Manage and Improve a Bad Port

If wanting in body,color and flavor, draw out 30 or 40 galls. andreturn the same quantity of young and rich wines. To a can of which put3 gills of coloring, with a bottle of wine or brandy. Then whisk itwell together and put it into the cask stirring it well. If not brightin about a week or ten days, fine it for use; previous to which put inat different times a gallon of good brandy.

If the wine is short ofbody put a gallon or two of brandy in each pipe, by a quart or two at atime, as it feeds the wine better than putting it in all at once. Butif the wines are in a bonded cellar, procure a funnel that will go tothe bottom of the cask, that the brandy may be completely incorporatedwith the wine.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Manage Claret

Claret is not a wine ofa strong body, though it requires to be of agood age before it is used, and therefore it should be well managed;the best method is to feed it every 2 or 3 weeks with a pint or two ofFrench brandy. Taste it frequently, to know what state it is in, anduse the brandy accordingly; but never put much in at a time, while alittle incorporates with the wine and feeds and mellows it.

If the claret is faint,rack it into a fresh emptied hogshead, upon the lees of good claret,and bung it up, putting the bottom downwards for two or three days,that the lees may run through it.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Color Claret

If the color be not yetperfect, rack it off again into a hogshead thathas been newly drawn off, with the lees, then take 1 lb. of turnsoleand put it into a gallon or two of wine; let it lie a day or two, andthen put it into the vessel; after which lay the bung downwards for anight, and the next day roll it about.

Or, take any quantity ofdamsons or black sloes, and strew them with some of the deepest coloredwine and as much sugar as will make it into a syrup. A pint of thiswill cover a hogshead of claret. It is also good for red Port wines,and may be kept ready for use in glass bottles.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Restore a Bad Tasting Claret

Rack it off from thedregs on some fresh lees of its own kind, and thentake a dozen of new pipping, pare them and take away the cores orhearts; then put them in the hogshead, and if that is not sufficient,take a handful of the oak of Jerusalem and bruise it, then put it intothe wine and stir it well.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make Claret and Port Rough

Put into l qt. of Claretor Port 2 qts. of sloes; bake them in a gentleoven, or over a slow fire, till a good part of their moisture is stewedout; then pour off the liquor, and squeeze out the rest. A pint of thiswill be sufficient for 30 or 40 galls.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toManageHermitage and Burgundy

Red Hermitage must be managed in the same way as Claret, and the Whitelikewise, except the coloring, which it does not require. Burgundyshould be managed in the same manner as Red Hermitage.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toManage Lisbon Wine

If the Lisbon is dry,take out of the pipe 35 or 40 galls., and put inthe same quantity of calcavella; stir it well about, and this will makea pipe of good mild Lisbon; or, if it be desired to convert mild intodry, Take the same quantity out as above mentioned before, and fill thepipe with Malaga Sherry,stirring it about as the other. The same kindof fining used for Vidonaiwill do for Lisbon wineor itmay befined with the whites and shells of 16 eggs, and a small handful ofsalt; beat it together to a froth, and mix it with a little of thewine, then pour it into the pipe, stir it about, and let it have ventfor 3 days; after which bung it up, and in a few days it will be fine.Lisbon, when bottled, should be packed in sawdust ina temperate place.

HOW TO MAKE WINEandHow toImprove Sherry

If the Sherry be new and hot, rack it off into a sweet cask, add 5galls. of mellow Lisbon, which will take off the hot taste, then giveit a head, take 1 qt. of honey, mix it with a can of wine, and put itinto the cask when racking. By this method Sherry for present use willbe greatly improved, having much the same effect upon it as age.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toImprove WhiteWine

If the wine have anunpleasant taste, rack off one half, and to theremainder add 1 gall. of new milk, a handful of bay-salt, and as muchrice; after which take a staff, beat them well together for half anhour, and fill up the cask, and when rolled well about, stillage it,and in a few days it will be much improved.

If the white wine is fouland has lost its color, for a butt or pipe take 1 gall. of new milk,put it into the cask, and stir it well about with a staff, and when ithas settled, put in 3 oz. of isinglass made into a jelly, with 1/4 lb.of loaf sugar scraped fine, and stir it well about. On the dayfollowing, bung it up, and in a few days it will be fine, and have agood color.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toImprove WhiteWine with Chalk

Add a little chalk to the must, when it is somewhat sour; for theacidity arising from citric and tartaric acids, there is thus formed aprecipitate of citrate and tartrate of lime, while the must becomessweeter, and yields a much finer wine. Too much chalk may render thewine insipid, since it is proper to leave a little excess of acid inthe must.

Concentrate the must by boiling, and add the pro per quantityof chalk to the liquor, while it is still hot. Even acid wine may bebenefited by the addition of chalk. Oyster shells may be used with thisview, and when calcined are a cleaner carbonate of lime than commonchalk.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toRejuvenateSick Wine

Wines on the fret shouldbe racked; if their own lee indicates decaythey should be racked on the sound lee of another wine of similar butstronger quality, to protract their decline; if this be done at anearly period, it may renovate the sick wine; on these occasions givingthe sick wine a cooler place will retard its progress to acidity; ifconvenient, such wines should be forced and bottled. Previous tobottling, or rather at the forcing, give it 1, 2, or 3 tablespoonfulsof calcined gypsum finely pulverized. This will check its tendency toacidity, without exciting much in tumescence, without injuring thecolor of the red wine and without retarding its coating to the bottle,which it rather promotes. The proper forcing for red wines are, thewhites of 10 or 12 eggs, beat up with l or 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, perhogshead, and well worked into the wine with a forcing-rod; the gypsumshould be first boiled in a little water.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toMellow Wine

Cover the orifices ofthe vessels containing it with bladder closelyfastened instead of the usual materials, and an aqueous exhalation willpass through the bladder, leaving some fine crystallization on thesurface of the wine, which, when skimmed off, leaves the wine in ahighly improved state of flavor. Remnants of wine covered in thismanner, whether in bottles or casks, will not turn mouldy as whenstopped in the usual way, but will be improved instead of beingdeteriorated.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and a GermanMethod of Restoring Sour Wine

Put a small quantity of powdered charcoal in the wine, shake it, andafter it has remained still for 48 hours decant steadily.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toConcentrate Wine by Cold

If any kind of wine beexposed to a sufficient degree of cold in frostyweather, or be put into any place where ice continues all the year, asin ice-houses, and there suffered to freeze, the superfluous watercontained in the wine will be frozen into ice and will leave the properand truly essential part of the wine unbroken, unless the degree ofcold should be very intense, or the wine but weak and poor.

When thefrost is moderate, the experiment has no difficulty, because not abovea third or a fourth part of the superfluous water will be frozen in awhole night; but if the cold be very intense, the best way is, at theend of a few hours, when a tolerable quantity of ice is formed, to pourout the remaining fluid liquor, and set it in another vessel to freezeagain by itself.

The frozen part, or ice,consists only of the watery part of the wine, and maybe thrown away,and the liquid part retains all the strength, and is to be preserved.This will never grow sour, musty, or mouldy, and may at any time bereduced to wine of the common strength, by adding to it as much wateras will make it up the former quantity.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toConvert White Wine into Red Wine

Put 4 oz. of turnsolerags into an earthen vessel, and pour upon them apint of boiling water; cover the vessel close, and leave it to cool,strain off the liquor, which will be of a fine deep red, inclining topurple. A small portion of this colors a large quantity of wine. Thistincture may either be made in brandy, or mixed with it, or else madeinto a syrup, with sugar, for keeping.

In those countries whichdo not produce the tingeing grape which affords a blood-red juice,wherewith the wines of France are often stained, in defect of this thejuice of elderberries is used, and sometimes logwood is used at Oporto.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to ForceDown the Finings of all White Wines, Arracks and Small Spirits

Put a few qts. of skimmed milk into the cask.

HOW TO MAKE WINEandHow toMake Red Wine White

If a few quarts of well-skimmed milk be put to a hogshead of red wine,it will soon precipitate the greater part of the color, and leave thewhole nearly white, and this is of known use in turning red wines, whenpricked, into white; in which a small degree of acidity is not so muchperceived.

Milk is, from this qualityof discharging color from wines, of use also to the wine-coopers, forthe whitening of wines that have acquired a brown color from the cask,or from having been hastily boiled before fermenting; for the additionof a little skimmed milk, in these cases, precipitates the brown color,and leaves the wines almost limpid, or of what they call a waterwhiteness, which is much coveted abroad in wines as well as in brandies.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toMake Wine Settle Well

Take a pint of wheat and boil it in a quart of water till it bursts andbecomes soft; then squeeze through a linen cloth, and put a pint of theliquor into a hogshead of unsettled white wine; stir it well about, andit will become fine.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make a Match for Sweetening Casks

Melt some brimstone, anddip into it a piece of coarse linen cloth, ofwhich, when cold, take a piece of about 1 inch broad and 5 inches long,and set fire to it, putting it into the bung-hole, with one endfastened under the bung, which must be driven in very tight. Let itremain a few hours before removing it out.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make Oyster Powder

Get some freshoyster-shells, wash them, and scrape off the yellow partfrom the outside; lay them on a clear fire till they become red-hot;then lay them to cool, and take off the softest part, powder it, andsift it through a fine sieve; after which use it immediately, or keepit in bottles well corked up and laid in a dry place.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How to Make a Filtering Bag

This bag is made of ayard of either linen or flannel, not too fine orclose, and sloping, so as to have the bottom of it run to a point, andthe top as broad as the cloth will allow. It must be well sewed up theside, and the upper part of it folded round a wooden hoop, and wellfastened to it; then tie the hoop in three or four places with a cordto support it, and when used, put a can or pail under it to receive theliquor, filling the bag with the sediments; after it has ceased to run,wash out the bag in three or four clear waters, then hang it up to dryin an airy place, that it may not get musty. A wine-dealer shouldalways have two bags by him, one for red and the other for white wines.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toDetect Alumin Wine

Wine merchants add alumto red wineto communicate to it a rough tasteand deeper color. For the discovery of the fraud in question adopt thefollowing means: - The wine is to be discolored by means of aconcentrated solution of chlorine; the mixture is to be evaporateduntil reduced to nearly the fourth of its original volume; the liquoris to be filtered; it then possesses the following properties when itcontains alum: - 1st, it has a sweetish, astringent taste; 2d, itfurnishes a white precipitate (sulphate of baryta) with nitrate ofbaryta, insoluble in water and in nitric acid; 3d, caustic potash givesrise to a yellowish white precipitate of alumina, soluble in an excessof potash.

HOW TO MAKE WINE and How toDetect Metals in Wine

Add a few drops of sulphydrate of ammonia. If a precipitate is formedthe wine is impure. Lead is used by many wine merchants to give anastringency to port wine, that, like old port, it may appear rough tothe tongue. Sometimes they hang a sheet of lead in the cask; at othersthey pour in a solution of acetate (sugar) of lead, for the purpose ofsweetening, as they term it.

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Do I remove stones from damsons for wine making?Not rated yet
I have never made wine before and would like to know if I should remove the stones before making the wine or leave whole in the fermenting bucket? Thanks …

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Homemade Wine Recipes with Simple Instructions for your Country Wine Making (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.