How to Make Fabric Stiffener: 5 DIY Fabric Stiffener Recipes (2024)

Fabric stiffeners are essential for clothing-related projects. If you are into making your own clothes and say you need to stiffen the collar of that shirt you’re tailoring, you’re going to need a fabric stiffener.

What if you can’t buy a commercial fabric stiffener? Your best bet would be to make one yourself. But how to make fabric stiffener? Well, there are a bunch of DIY methods in which you can produce some at home.

How to Make Fabric Stiffener: 5 DIY Fabric Stiffener Recipes (1)

These methods mostly consist of ingredients and equipment already available at your home. So you don’t have to worry about having to spend a lot of money on your DIY fabric stiffener.

Table of Contents

  • Why Fabric Stiffeners Are Important?
  • How to Make Fabric Stiffener: 5 Homemade DIY Fabric Stiffener Recipes
  • 1. Elmer’s Glue
    • How to Make It?
  • 2. Corn Starch
    • How to Make It?
  • 3. Flour Starch
    • How to Make It?
  • 4. Gelatin
    • How to Make It?
  • 5. Rice Starch
    • How to Make It?
  • Should I Buy Commercial Stiffening Sprays?
  • How To Stiffen Fabric With Commercial Stiffener: Step-By-Step Guide
  • How To Stiffen Fabric With Elmer’s Glue?
  • How To Stiffen Fabric With Corn Starch?
  • How To Stiffen Fabric With Gelatin?
  • How To Stiffen Fabric With Flour Starch?
  • How To Stiffen Fabric With Rice Starch?
  • Final Words

Why Fabric Stiffeners Are Important?

But before I go deep into how you are going to produce fabric stiffener at home, let’s talk about why you need to in the first place. The fabric stiffeners in the market are not always available. Also, they can sometimes be more expensive than they should be.

When trying to make shirts or any other clothing piece that has collars, cuffs, button plates, tabs, and whatnot, you are going to need stiffeners. Commercial stiffening sprays do a pretty good job of doing so.

However, if it is not available, you can use the following methods to make your own fabric stiffener at home.

How to Make Fabric Stiffener: 5 Homemade DIY Fabric Stiffener Recipes

I could think of 5 different methods and items that you can use to make fabric stiffeners. Some of these items are readily available at homes, while others can be found at any crafts supply store at a fairly low price.

Keeping in mind that some stiffening jobs require permanent results while some may require considerably temporary stiffening, I have compiled these solutions.

1. Elmer’s Glue

This glue is one of the best choices to stiffen fabric. Elmer’s glue has been certified to be safe and non-toxic on the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), so it can be used on your clothing for this task.

How to Make It?

  • Take equal parts of Elmer’s glue and water
  • Mix them together using a mixer or a whisk
  • It should form a thin but creamy texture that can now be used on your fabric for stiffening

Tip:Use this solution on your clothing piece and let it dry. After drying, you’re going to want to wash that cloth and get rid of any residue glue in there.

2. Corn Starch

Corn starch is something almost everyone has in their kitchen and something that can be used as a fabric stiffener. And as it is an organic ingredient, I guarantee you it is harmless as well.

How to Make It?

  • Take 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
  • Fill a bowl with ¼ cup of cold water, and keep another bowl of ¼ cup of boiling water
  • Mix the cornstarch with the cold water slowly
  • After a solution is formed, start adding it to the boiling hot water
  • You should be left with a thick consistency in the bowl

Note:Use this thick creamy solution on your fabric and see how it impacts the results. Be sure to wash the cloth using warm water and soap after stiffening, so no residue cornstarch solution remains.

3. Flour Starch

Besides corn starch, you can also use flour starch. Flour can function similarly to corn starch and deliver similar if not better results. This is also an organic ingredient so rest assured it is non-toxic as well.

How to Make It?

  • Take 1 tablespoon of flour, add it to ½ cup of cold water in a bowl
  • Similar to the corn starch method, keep another bowl of ½ a cup of boiling water ready
  • Mix the flour and the cold water to form a creamy consistency
  • Then slowly add it to the boiling hot water
  • Mix it again till the thickness is gravy-like
  • Let it cool down to room temperature before using it for stiffening your fabrics

Note:The only con of this method is that the stiffening won’t last for too long. Being a natural stiffener, flour stiffening may get soft after a couple of washes. However, it is easy to make and use, so you can use this as a quick fix.

4. Gelatin

Similar to cornstarch and flour, you can also use gelatin for stiffening fabric. This is best for the silkier fabrics, for mild stiffening and not something permanent.

How to Make It?

The method for making this stiffener is fairly similar to the previous ones.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of gelatin and put it in a bowl
  • Add 2 cups of normal-temperature water and mix with the gelatin
  • Leave this mixture for 30 minutes or so
  • Prepare some hot water and add about 4 cups into the mixture slowly
  • The solution should be comparatively thin

Tip:While using this natural stiffener, you have to dip the piece of clothing that needs stiffening directly into the bowl of the mixture.

5. Rice Starch

Another very unconventional way of making fabric stiffeners is extracting the starch from the rice. This is such an underrated thickener that not many people consider how effective it is at delivering comparatively permanent results.

How to Make It?

  • Take a bowl full of rice and start boiling it in water like how you would cook rice
  • Let it boil for a while till some of the starch has been extracted from the rice
  • Then separate the rice and the rice water
  • Don’t let the consistency be too thick, or it will lose its stiffening ability
  • Let the water cool down enough to be able to use it for stiffening
  • But don’t let it cool down to room temperature or it may lose its value

Tip:Make sure to dip the fabric in the stiffening water and let it dry in the sun afterward for the best results. Of all the methods of making fabric stiffeners, this is one of the most effective ones for permanent stiffening.

Should I Buy Commercial Stiffening Sprays?

This is somewhat debatable, to be honest. Whether you should invest in a stiffening spray or not is somewhat up to you. However, I will say it has its pros and cons, and you can see if it is for you.


  • Easy to use and can deliver quick results upon spraying
  • You can find it readily available at art and craft stores
  • Using it does not take any preparation other than just placing newspapers under your fabric to prevent making a mess
  • Upon drying, it delivers impressively stiff results


  • Not always available
  • You may not want to spend all that money when you can make stiffeners at home

How To Stiffen Fabric With Commercial Stiffener: Step-By-Step Guide

Stiffening fabric is a useful technique for various craft and DIY projects. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to stiffen fabric:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Fabric of your choice
  2. Fabric stiffener (commercial or homemade)
  3. Plastic sheet or drop cloth
  4. Brushes or foam brushes
  5. Clothespins or clips
  6. Plastic wrap (optional)
  7. A flat surface or cardboard

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

Lay down a plastic sheet or drop cloth to protect your work area from any drips or spills.

Step 2: Choose Your Fabric

Select the fabric you want to stiffen. Keep in mind that some fabrics stiffen better than others. Lighter fabrics like cotton and linen tend to work well.

Step 3: Mix or Choose a Fabric Stiffener

You can purchase commercial fabric stiffeners at a craft store, or you can make your own by diluting white glue with water (typically a 1:1 ratio). Mix until it’s smooth and well-blended.

Step 4: Apply the Stiffener

Lay your fabric flat on the plastic sheet. Using a brush or foam brush, apply the fabric stiffener evenly to one side of the fabric. Make sure to saturate the fabric thoroughly, but avoid soaking it.

Step 5: Flip and Repeat

If you want both sides of the fabric to be stiffened, let the first side dry completely, then flip the fabric over and repeat the process on the other side.

Step 6: Shape and Dry

After applying the stiffener, shape the fabric into the desired form. You can mold it around objects or let it dry flat. If you’re molding it, use clothespins or clips to hold it in place until it dries.

Step 7: Allow to Dry Completely

Place the fabric in a well-ventilated area and allow it to air dry completely. This can take several hours or even overnight, depending on the thickness of the fabric and the humidity.

Step 8: Optional Plastic Wrap

For extra stiffness, you can wrap the fabric in plastic wrap while it dries. This will help it maintain its shape.

Step 9: Test and Finish

Once the fabric is completely dry, test its stiffness. If it’s not as stiff as you’d like, you can repeat the process, applying additional coats of stiffener.

Stiffened fabric can be used for various projects, including making fabric flowers, crafting ornaments, or adding structure to clothing items. This step-by-step guide allows you to explore your creativity and achieve the desired level of stiffness for your fabric-based endeavors.

How To Stiffen Fabric With Elmer’s Glue?

Stiffening fabric with Elmer’s glue is a simple and budget-friendly method. Here’s a concise guide on how to do it:

  1. Materials Needed: Gather white Elmer’s glue, water, a container, and the fabric you want to stiffen.
  2. Prepare the Mixture: In a container, mix equal parts white Elmer’s glue and water. Stir until you achieve a consistent, smooth mixture.
  3. Apply the Mixture: Lay your fabric flat on a protected surface. Use a brush or sponge to apply the glue and water mixture evenly to one side of the fabric. Ensure thorough saturation without over-soaking.
  4. Dry and Shape: Mold the fabric into the desired shape or let it dry flat. Use clips or pins to maintain the shape while it dries.
  5. Finalize: Once dry, your fabric will have a stiffened texture. If it’s not stiff enough, you can repeat the process, applying additional coats of the glue and water mixture.

Stiffening fabric with Elmer’s glue is a cost-effective way to add structure to your creative projects.

How To Stiffen Fabric With Corn Starch?

Stiffening fabric with cornstarch is a straightforward and cost-effective method for craft projects. Here’s a concise guide on how to do it:

  1. Materials Needed: Gather cornstarch, cold water, a saucepan, and the fabric you want to stiffen.
  2. Prepare Cornstarch Paste: In a saucepan, mix 1/4 cup of cornstarch with 1/2 cup of cold water until you have a smooth, lump-free paste.
  3. Cook the Paste: Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens into a starch. Remove from heat and let it cool.
  4. Apply to Fabric: Lay your fabric flat on a protected surface. Use a brush or sponge to apply the cornstarch paste evenly to one side of the fabric. Ensure thorough saturation without over-soaking.
  5. Shape and Dry: Mold the fabric into the desired shape or let it dry flat. Use clips or pins to maintain the shape while it dries.
  6. Finalize: Once dry, your fabric will have a stiffened texture. If it’s not stiff enough, you can repeat the process, applying additional coats of the cornstarch paste.

Stiffening fabric with cornstarch is an affordable and effective way to add structure to your creative projects.

How To Stiffen Fabric With Gelatin?

Stiffening fabric with gelatin is an effective and temporary method for craft projects. Here’s a concise guide on how to do it:

  1. Materials Needed: Gather unflavored gelatin, water, a saucepan, and the fabric you want to stiffen.
  2. Prepare Gelatin Solution: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin in 1 cup of warm water. Stir until it’s fully dissolved.
  3. Heat the Solution: Heat the gelatin mixture in a saucepan over low heat, stirring continuously until it’s warm but not boiling.
  4. Apply to Fabric: Lay your fabric flat on a protected surface. Using a brush or sponge, apply the warm gelatin solution evenly to one side of the fabric. Make sure it’s fully saturated.
  5. Shape and Dry: Mold the fabric into the desired shape or let it dry flat. Use clips or pins to maintain the shape while it dries.
  6. Finalize: Once dry, your fabric will have a temporary stiffened texture. Keep in mind that this method may not hold up well to washing or exposure to moisture.

How To Stiffen Fabric With Flour Starch?

Stiffening fabric with flour starch is an affordable and readily available method. Here’s a concise guide on how to do it:

  1. Materials Needed: Gather all-purpose flour, water, a saucepan, and the fabric you want to stiffen.
  2. Prepare Flour Starch: In a saucepan, mix 1/4 cup of flour with 1/2 cup of water until you have a smooth, lump-free paste.
  3. Cook the Mixture: Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens into a starch. Remove from heat and let it cool.
  4. Apply to Fabric: Lay your fabric flat on a protected surface. Use a brush or sponge to apply the flour starch evenly to one side of the fabric. Ensure thorough saturation without over-soaking.
  5. Shape and Dry: Mold the fabric into the desired shape or let it dry flat. Use clips or pins to maintain the shape while it dries.
  6. Finalize: Once dry, your fabric will have a stiffened texture. If it’s not stiff enough, you can repeat the process, applying additional coats of the flour starch mixture.

Stiffening fabric with flour starch is an economical way to add structure to your craft projects.

How To Stiffen Fabric With Rice Starch?

Stiffening fabric with rice starch is an eco-friendly alternative to commercial fabric stiffeners. Here’s a concise guide on how to do it:

  1. Materials Needed: Gather white rice, water, a fine mesh strainer, a saucepan, and the fabric you want to stiffen.
  2. Prepare Rice Starch: Rinse 1/2 cup of white rice thoroughly, then soak it in 2 cups of water for about 30 minutes. After soaking, blend the rice and water until you get a smooth, milky liquid.
  3. Cook the Starch: Strain the blended mixture into a saucepan to remove any solids. Heat it on low, stirring constantly, until it thickens into a starch. Let it cool.
  4. Apply Starch: Lay your fabric flat on a protected surface. Using a brush, apply the rice starch evenly to both sides of the fabric.
  5. Shape and Dry: Mold the fabric into the desired shape and allow it to air dry. You can use clips or pins to hold the fabric in place while it dries.
  6. Final Check: Once dry, your fabric should have a stiffened texture. If it’s not stiff enough, you can repeat the process, applying additional coats of rice starch.

Stiffening fabric with rice starch is a natural and cost-effective way to add structure to your fabric projects.

Final Words

Do these methods seem too tough for you? The 5 methods of making fabric stiffenersthat I discussed above should have helped you produce your desired hardener at home.

If you ask for our opinion, I would say you should opt for cornstarch or flour stiffeners if you want more temporary stiffening. However, if you need a more permanent result, I recommend using rice starch.

I hope you had a fun time learning about how to make fabric stiffenersby using these easy methods and simple ingredients.

How to Make Fabric Stiffener: 5 DIY Fabric Stiffener Recipes (2024)


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