jezelle @j3zelle - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

Summary: You and Ellie are just getting by, pushing yourselves to the limit as you finally find what it was you were looking for.

Warnings: NSFW WARNING ! MINORS DNI ! cursing, blood mention, animal death, oral sex r!receiving, fingering r!receiving.

Word Count: 6338

A/N: I know what you guys are thinking... "OMG??? ITS FINALLLY HERE???" I know bitches, it's time, strap yourselves in! (Also I finished writing this at 11:30 at night, so sorry if there are any writing mistakes, but hey, apparently the freaks do come out at night... Enjoy!)

Benevolence: Part 5

You awoke the next morning to the smell of mud and dew. It was a pleasant smell, one you missed a lot since you left Jackson. You missed gardening in the greenhouses, the smell of freshly cooked bacon and steak. The feeling of your own bed underneath you. Even if it was a life you didn’t imagine living, you were grateful for it.

You open your eyes slowly, looking up through the trees as the very early morning sun rays spill through the leaves and branches, creating a burn yellow glow. You soaked up the sun like a small, budding flower. As you do this, you feel movement beside you. Turning, Ellie was beside you, reading that survivor's book. Her heavy sweat jacket made a makeshift pillow as she laid on her back, looking down at the book as it laid on her chest.

“Morning.” You whisper softly to her. “Doing some light reading?” She looks over to you, smiling at your words before she closes the book on her finger, keeping her page safe from the clutches of the unknown.

“Only a little. I was trying to see who those people were, maybe they were part of the same group.”

“Why would they separate?”

“To find Joel. Scout ahead. Who knows at this point?” Ellie sits up, looking over to her bag that was beside her before opening it and placing the book back into it. “However, I did learn something new.”

“And that was?” Ellie doesn’t answer yet, she simply places a small apple in the hand you had laying on your chest. You sit up slowly, careful to not hurt your arm, and take a bite out of it. It was tarty and a bit squishy, but you didn’t mind that much.

“They call themselves the Washington Liberation Front. Their base is in Seattle.”


“Where do you think they would take Jesse?” She questions, and you shrug.

“Not back to Seattle, if they are still here. But, again, how do we know these are the same people?”

“That girl in the building, she mentioned the man that led them, named Isaac. The same name was mentioned in the diary.” Ellie grips onto her pinky and ring finger on her left hand, just like she always does. “They also mentioned looking for Joel and Jackson.”

“Did they mention why they were looking for him?” You ask, taking another bite out of the apple. Ellie looks away, digging into her bag one last time and pulling out the bandages. Without her asking, you turned your body completely so your right arm was facing her. She turned around, her eyes wide. She likely didn’t expect you to read her mind. You giggled softly as you bit into the apple once more, and she just shook her head.

“They didn’t mention it.” She responds, taking off the bloody bandages from your arm carefully, and wrapping new ones around it. You wince softly, looking up into her eyes as she works.

“That’s odd.”

“All I know is that if Jesse isn’t in Seattle now, he will be soon. We have to find him before he is off the map for good.”

“You mean… going to Seattle?”

“If you're willing to go that far.”

“I’m more than willing.”

Three Months Later

The weeks turned into months as you and Ellie were on the road. It was long and hard, but you and her managed it. A lot of nights, you had to go without eating, but thankfully, Ellie was great with a bow. Every few nights that go by, she would hunt down a rabbit the both of you would share. She would even tell you stories about the times she spent in Jackson with Jesse and Dina, before you came yourself only a year or so ago.

After a while of traveling with the horses, yours ended up dying in the night from hunger. You felt terrible, as you were so worried about yourself and Ellie, not what the horses ate. You gave them what little food you could spare, but there was nothing you two could do about it. Ellie let Shimmer go that same morning, hoping she would fend better in the wild than with you two. You just couldn’t salvage the extra food for them. It broke her heart, letting her go, but you told her it was the best thing to do, and reminded her that it would’ve been better letting her go to live a better life than watch her die a few nights later. She knew you were right, and as she watched her leave, she took hold of your hand. You two have been on foot since then, trekking along as far as you could go until you basically collapsed to the grassy floor every night.

You thought with all this traveling, you and her would get closer. And that is exactly what happened. There were times where she would warm up to you and get to share a lot with you. Even times where you would find yourselves enveloped in each other in kisses, the ones you thought only happened on those terrible 90’s movies the adults showed everyone on movie nights. But, you noticed something always made her pull away, as if she regretted it. It was driving you insane, the fact she changed her personality so much. It was nothing like she usually acted, like in Jackson. She was still herself but it was like something pulled her out of it.

Whenever you mentioned it or brought it up, she changed the subject quickly. It worried you more than you would like to admit, and sometimes she noticed.

When she would change the subject, she often brought up your new scar and how it looked a lot like the one she used to have before she covered it up with her tattoo. You took it as a compliment most of the time, because you actually loved your new scar. The healing was a pain and you wish you didn’t get hurt from the beginning, but at least it looked cool now.

With the weather getting warmer, Ellie ripped her long sleeve denim jacket into a t-shirt, showing off her beautiful toned muscles. She only caught you staring once, so you are training yourself to look away as soon as she feels your eyes on her. You weren’t staring that much, but you couldn’t deny when she was sweating in the sun, and the way it beaded on her skin, it was hard to look away.

“Alright, according to this map, there should be an old hotel down the road. We can hole up there for the night.” Ellie speaks, looking over to you. You were kneeling down in a small area of grass, picking at a patch of lemongrass. With the warmer weather came more food to eat, and although lemongrass didn’t have the most pleasant taste, it was better than nothing. You pick a handful, placing them in your bag before you stand back up and walk over to her.

“What did you just grab?”“Lemongrass.”

“Again?” Ellie groans, folding up the map of Seattle she found on a dead survivor's body. They were also part of the Washington Liberation Front, the body had a patch on it saying so.

“You want to starve?” You ask her, moving to her side.

“It’s not my plan, no.”

“Then we are eating lemongrass for dinner.”

“We can’t even eat it! We just suck on the strands.” She replies, beginning to walk away. The sun was a bit brighter now, but with the towering buildings above you, the shadows cast on the two of you well enough to block the sun's harsh rays. You traveled a lot before, but Seattle was something different, especially since nature took over all the buildings and made them seem like they were trying to camouflage.

“So, we’re heading to a hotel?”

“Yeah, apparently it's a small meeting place for the WLF. Maybe there are some people there we can talk to, get some more information out of anyone we can.”“Maybe even find Jesse?”

“Exactly what I thought. If they were smart, they wouldn’t lead us all the way back to their base. No, they’d keep him in a spot only those they trusted knew about. So, this is our best lead so far.”

“Sounds like a lot of nothing for just information. Jesse isn’t the kind of guy to kidnap to get information out of. He’s not like Tommy or Maria, those are people they would want for information.”

“Yeah, but they are also one of the strongest in Jackson. They wouldn’t do that. They’d grab someone alone, vulnerable.”

You smile, shaking your head. “Then Jesse isn’t the one. He’s older than you and me, he knows what he is doing. He knows how to take care of himself. Hell, I’d be surprised if he was tied up when we found him. He has a thing for getting out of sticky situations.”

Ellie looks back at you, shrugging. “Of course, but we can’t let them know that, can we?”

More walking with the only change being the sun going down. Your legs were beginning to itch and the balls of your feet were sore. You wanted to tap Ellie’s shoulder and ask her to stop for the night, hoping she’d make an exception. How big is Seattle? This is getting ridiculous!

“There.” Ellie whispers, putting a hand on your shoulder. You look over to Ellie, noticing her eyes were focusing on something entirely different in front of her. You follow her gaze, noticing a brick building in the difference, covered in plants. A fence wrapped around the outside of the building, and a large gate was the window to the courtyard, which held a beautiful fountain. Unfortunately, it no longer worked, even though you could imagine the water spewing out of the little angel's mouth at the top.

“Come on.” She murmurs, taking your hand as she pulls you along. You tag behind her, feeling the way her hand wraps around yours. Her skin was a bit rough at the moment, but you didn’t mind it. It was a rough couple of months on the road, with and without your horses.

The two of you ran across the road, quickly and quieting, hoping know one was watching the two of you. Ellie lets go of your hand, then wraps it around the bars of the gate, shaking it to see if it will open easily. She then looks up, noticing the top of the gate was only a little rusted, and there were no sharp points.

“Hey. Let’s jump it.” She tells you, and you nod in understanding.

“You first.”

‘No, ladies first~” She answers, placing her back against the gate as she kneels down and makes a cup shape with her hands.

“You are such a charmer.” You tell her, smirking as blush rose onto your cheeks.

“Quickly now.” She replies, shrugging for you to get over the gate. Without another word, you grab onto the gate tightly, then place your foot in Ellie’s hands. With a few grunts, Ellie pushes you up as far as she can. Raising your hand up to the top, you grab on tightly and scurry all the way up the gate like a squirrel going up a tree. You didn’t realize how tired your body was until now, when it needed all your strength to pull the other half of your body up. With some effort however, and some more help from Ellie by pushing on the bottom of your shoes, you managed to get to the top and jump to the bottom on the other side.

“Alright, nice. Now open the gate.”

You place your hands on the handlebars of the gate, pulling towards you, with a bit of force into it. However, the gate wasn’t moving. You sigh, looking over all the vines and leaves covering the fence and the fence gate. They were tied together, but not as if they grew together like that. You trace your finger over the vines, the soft and moist texture you are used to was not what you felt. It was rough and dry.

“These aren't real.” You tell her, pulling out a knife as you cut at the fake plants. “Someone put them here.”

“Well, that's not good, but it's not bad either.” She answers, looking around her. “Means someone is here to protect this place. It can’t just be one person either.”

“Stay on your toes.” You tell her, pulling open the gate as Ellie quickly makes her way into the courtyard. You both close it back with ease, looking around one last time before making your way towards the building. The building up close looks like a paper mache brick being held together with string. It looked like it could collapse at any moment, so you told this to Ellie. She understood what you meant and shared your fear of the collapse, but also mentioned that it likely wouldn’t happen if there were people here already. You knew you both couldn’t prove it yet, but you trusted Ellie’s instincts when she mentioned something like that.

With soft steps, you both entered the hotel. The front doors showed less restraint than the gate outside, which filled you with hope. Even though you were worried as well, it didn’t stop your ambition. This was the closest you’ve gotten to Jesse since you and Ellie left Jackson a few months ago. Even if Jesse wasn’t in this building, or even in the immediate area, Seattle was the only lead you two had. A strong one at that. You couldn’t let it go to waste.

It was eerily silent within the hotel, but you and Ellie stood close together and made sure to check in with one another every time you each finished checking a room for infected. Every room you walked into, every floor you went up. You didn’t want a repeat of the garage.

On the fifth floor, the floorboards beneath your feet began to creak at any movements. Your heart rate increased at this, and you gripped onto your knife a bit harder. Walker over to the first door on your right, you leaned into the old, moist wood, listening to the other side before barging in. With no sounds arousing your suspicion, you placed a hand on the door handle, twisting it and opening it slowly. Peaking into the room, which was filled with dusty furniture and broken glass. Not too different from the other rooms you and Ellie looked through. You confidently opened the door all the way, taking a few steps within, the light from the sun finally seeping through the old and dusty blinds.

Suddenly, you feel an arm wrap around you, and the sharp, cold edge of a blade against your neck. With a gasp, you quickly move your hands up in the air, and instinctively drop your knife to the ground.

“Good job Wolf, didn’t have to even say anything. Now, give me your bag.” The familiar male voice sent a shiver through your spine. It was rougher and deeper than you remembered it, but it had been months since you last heard his voice.

“Jesse?” You speak. You feel the blade leave your skin slowly, the person behind you falling silent. As the knife gets a good distance away from your neck, you turn around.

There he was, right there in front of you. Jesse. He was very dirty, dried bits of blood scattered across his face. His hair was also a lot longer than you remembered it, going past his ears a bit.

“Oh God… You look like crap.” You whisper, covering your mouth as the feeling of chlorine fills your nose.

“Still better looking than you.” He answers back, then he smiles. You step towards him, placing a hand on his cheek. With a closer look, you could see the blood was his own, a deep incision on his cheekbone. He flinched a bit at your touch, and you released slowly.

“Sorry.” You tell him.

“It's fine. How is everyone back home?” He questions. It takes you a moment to respond, you were still shocked that you managed to find him.

“Everyones fine.” Jesse nods, looking down at the floor. “So is Dina.”

“I wasn’t-”

“Mhm, sure.” You giggle at Jesse as his face turns a bright red.

“So who all came with you?”

You hum softly, shrugging. “Ellie.”


“That's it.”

“You two came on your own?” Jesse raised his voice, then looked around, lowering it once more. “Are you insane? That’s really stupid, especially for the two of you! Who knows what could've happened?”

“A lot happened. A smaller group was a better idea anyways.” You reply, noticing his eyes staring at your right arm. The arm where your new scar laid, and where a deep gash was just a few months ago from the radio station.

“When did that happen?”

“A few months ago. It’s not a big deal, Jesse.”

“How many times did you both almost die?”

“Quite a few, but we can handle ourselves! You know this? How many times have we gone on runs together and just made it back?”

“More than I’d like to admit to Maria, that's for sure.”

“We are fine.”

You both fall silent, and after a few moments, you watch as Ellie appears in the open doorway.

“Holy sh-”


Ellie quickly embraces Jesse, giving him a swift, strong hug. You smiled down at the ground, your cheeks turning hot. The soft side of Ellie was one you always loved to see, and a welcome sight compared to her indifferent side you recently saw as you traveled together.

“Took you two long enough.”

“You didn’t make it easy for us, Jesse.” Ellie responds, placing her hand in her brown hair. “Jesus, you scared us.”

“Trust me. I know, I feel terrible.”

“We thought..” The words were stuck in your throat, a tear began to stream down your cheek. “We thought we’d never find you. We’ve been gone from Jackson since the day after you stopped responding to the radio.”

“That long? Does anyone know you left?” Jesse asks. You and Ellie both stay silent, and Jesse sighs.

“Alright. Guess it's time to go home then.”

“No.” Ellie murmurs. You and Jesse both look towards her, and Ellie looks back to you. “Remember.. They are going to find Joel.”

You raised an eyebrow, confused at first, then you remembered. “Yes. The WLF, they are trying to find Joel.”

“What? Why? How do you know this?”

“We found a diary from one of the soldiers in a house not too far from the radio station. It said the leader's name, Isaac.”

“I heard that name before…” Jesse says, looking down to the ground as he scratches his head.

“What exactly happened at the radio station, Jesse?” You ask him, turning towards him.

“I was surrounded. I had no clue they were there until they were on top of me. I was in the break room, just grabbing something to eat before I continued walking back home. They jumped me right as I walked out.”

“Did you hear anything?”

“Heard their scrambling, that's for sure. I heard the name Owen… Abby. They talked about those two like they weren’t there though, so I don’t think the group that got me was with them. But, on the way here, they talked about home. Talked about how they would torture me to get information out of me. A few nights ago, they stopped at this building, and as one of them let me go to the bathroom, I jumped on him.” He turns towards you, shaking his head. “This whole city was guarded relatively well. I’m surprised you two managed to get by.”

Ellie hums, nodding to him. “We didn’t see anyone, but we moved in the shadows pretty well. I don’t think anyone saw us.”

“Well, if anyone did, they would’ve gotten reinforcements. There are a lot of them.”

“Then we better take them out while we have the strength to.” Ellie says, looking at you. You widen your eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

“Woah, Ellie, we came all the way here to find Jesse. We found him, let's go home!” You plead, taking her hand.

“I know you're scared, but you said you're willing to go far. ‘I’m more than willing.’” Ellie repeats your words, and you shake your head quickly.

“To find him, not to hurt people! Let’s just go home, please. There are only three of us. We won’t last that long anyways.”

“Ellie, (Y/N) has a point. We can’t just bust in there. None of us are battle ready. None of us can take on that many people.”

“They don’t know there are three of us. They only know there is one of you.” Ellie tells Jesse, walking over to the window. “We just have to be smart about this. With the three of us in the shadows, they have no chance. We each can hold our own well, well enough to do plenty of damage and get away fast. Then, we meet back here.”

“That’s not a plan, Ellie. We can only hope to do enough damage, and even if we did, what’s the hope they don’t attack Jackson anyways? Find Joel, Maria, Tommy. Everyone else we care about? Our failure to make a dent will be their anger towards us only more so. We need to go home and tell everyone!”

“If they had any idea if we would be coming for you, they would never expect us to attack. They would expect us to go home. We can’t, we will lead them right there.”

You frown gently at Ellie’s idea. With each word she spoke, you could’ve sworn she was being greedy. Craving it. She wanted to do something about these people. They already kidnapped Jesse. Her plan was flawed, but doing nothing would put Jackson at risk. All those innocent people. The kids. You didn’t want that blood on your hands.

“Fine. We will do our best then.”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this.” Jesse says, placing his hands on his hips. You turn to Jesse, shaking your head gently. You weren’t happy about it either, but you couldn’t just walk away and do nothing.

“They have to pay, Jesse.”

“You say this like they did something terrible to me!”

“They were going to! You heard them yourself!” You cry out, placing a hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “Think about Dina… If we brought these people back to Jackson…”

“She would want you to deal with them.” Ellie tags in, walking closer to both you and Jesse. She then lays a hand on your hip. You believed it comforted her more than it was meant to comfort you.

Jesse stands there, looking down at the two of you. You could understand why he didn’t want to do it. After all the three of you went through the past few months, all of you wanted to go home. Even Ellie, who seemed so eager to spend more time here, wanted to go home. You didn’t want to question it.

“Fine. Come here.” Jesse gestures the two of you towards the other room, and you and Ellie both follow closely. Jesse leads the two of you to the window in a bedroom, kneeling down on the ground.

“See that all the way over there.” Jesse points to the road below, towards a subway entrance.

“Yeah?” Ellie answers, looking at it.

“There is our way to their base. It's a football stadium not too far away, but walking there above ground wouldn’t be the best idea.”

“So we take the subway? And walk all the way there?” You ask, looking towards Jesse. He nods, but then he holds up his finger.

“The only unfortunate thing about this is the subway entrance. It leads into what I think is a camp area for them. After watching them for days though, I’ve noticed that every time a group leaves, the other group doesn’t arrive until five to ten minutes afterwards. That gives us more than enough time to run down there after the first group leaves later tonight. As soon as we do, we run down there, grab some supplies, if there is any, and quickly head towards the stadium.”

“How many are in a group?” You ask.

“About six each, only one group so far this past week has had more, but that was the group that greeted mine.”

“Wait, where are they? The group you were a part of?” Ellie asks Jesse.

“You think you're the only one that can hold your own?” He asks, smiling at Ellie. “Just don’t check out the dumpsters.”

“Wasn’t planning on it,” Ellie shakes her head. “You’re strong. Me and (Y/N) both knew it. We had high hopes you were still alive when we were coming to find you.”

“I don’t doubt it for a minute. I know the two of you were just dying to see me again.”

Ellie rolls her eyes, and you respond by punching Jesse’s shoulder.

“Alright. Let's do this then. We wait for a few hours, then we head there right as this group down here leaves.”

You look over to Ellie, a shimmer of determination in her eyes. Her auburn hair was brighter in the sunlight, and her freckles were easier to see. You smiled softly at the sight. No matter what happened, you knew you could always trust her.

The day slowly turned to dusk, and with it came the gentle, cool spring breeze. You and Ellie agreed to stay up, letting Jesse sleep in the same hotel room you first found him in. He was exhausted, and you could tell just by the way he swayed back and forth and the dark circles under his eyes. As much as he said he wasn’t tired, you didn’t believe him. You practically forced him to lie down. However, he would only take the old sofa in the living room, leaving the bed to you and Ellie to share.

You made sure nothing was wrong with Jesse as he slept, hoping as you checked his body for cuts and bruises, you didn’t wake him. Thankfully, he was in the deepest sleep you’ve ever seen, and instead of waking, he snored like a newborn.

You walked back into the bedroom, looking at Ellie as she sat on the bed. The back of the bed was against the wall that had the door to the room, and it was facing a nice dresser that once had a gorgeous mirror. Now, it was broken, and completely covered the floor near it. The carpet floor was covered in nasty stains, some of which you were glad you had no clue what they were.

Ellie was on the right side of the bed, looking towards the window. You saw the diary you two found months ago when you both started your journey, settled on her hands. She was in her usual ripped button up shirt, the same one she always wore that looked so good on her.

Without saying a word, you turned your back towards the bed and flopped right onto it. The bed barely squeaked under your weight, and with a heavy sigh, you allowed yourself to sink into the bed. You hear Ellie laugh under her breath as you do, and all you do is laugh back.

“I don’t care if it's old and dusty… This is sooo comfy.” You say out loud, spreading your arms out to enjoy the feeling of the cushion beneath you. Ellie closes the diary and turns her body, laying on her back as she looks up to the ceiling. You adjust yourself, laying beside her. Your back and shoulders ached carrying around your bookbag all day everyday. You could only imagine how bad Ellie’s felt, knowing she had the larger bookbag, so she carried the most supplies.

“Enjoy it. This might be the last good night's sleep we will have in a while.” She places the diary on the side table, then turns her body to its side, facing you.

“God. Don’t even say that. I don’t want this to end.” You groan, looking at Ellie. She was sitting herself up with her arm, looking down at you with a smile on her lips. It made you blush, her sweet, freckled face looking down at you like that.

“Just get some rest. We have a lot to worry about later.”

“And what if I want to stay up?”

“Then you can do that. No one is stopping you.” She concluded. As you both sat in a nice, comfortable silence, you couldn’t help but think back to everything that happened the past few months. Jesse goes missing, you and Ellie almost die trying to find him, you run into people that want to find Joel and possibly hurt him, then you finally find Jesse, which he almost kills you.



“You know how time flies… It feels like yesterday was twenty minutes ago… Last month was yesterday?” You question. Ellie hums, then nods.

“It felt like the opposite. I feel like we have been on the road for so long and I haven't taken a breath yet.”

“Never thought of it that way before.” Ellie expressed, shrugging. “I barely paid any attention.”

“Not even as you are sitting here?”

“I’m not worrying about it?”

“Why not?” You wonder out loud, looking away from Ellie as you stare at the ceiling.

“I care more about this now. What I have in front of me.”

You felt your heart skip a beat at her words. As you laid on the bed, you could feel Ellie’s finger draw small circles on your arm. They slowly turned into spirals, going up and up and up. Goosebumps rose onto your skin, and you shuddered a bit.

“Even if you know we might die tomorrow?”

“I don’t care about tomorrow because everything will go exactly as planned.”

“It’s not always like that, Ellie.” You exhaled, looking back at her as she looked down at you with those big green eyes of hers.

“I don’t care. This is how it’ll happen. We will walk into that subway, down to the football stadium. We will set that place ablaze and kill anyone that tries to kill us. We will save Jackson. We will survive. You will survive.”

You stayed silent for a moment, noticing Ellie’s fingers were wrapped around your tank top string, and with every second that passed, she twisted her fingers around it more. You could feel the cloth scratch at your skin and her rough knuckles brush against you. Your breath got caught in your throat, and you just now noticed how close Ellie was to your lips.

“You aren’t a god, you know? Not everything will go your way.” You quip, smirking softly as you trace your fingers against her jawline.

“It doesn’t matter what I am. I won’t let anyone take anything from me ever again. Not even you.”

With those words, you breathe out happily. No matter where you were and what would happen, as long as Ellie was with you, you were invincible.

Before you get a chance to say anything else to her, Ellie’s lips crash into yours in a lustful, wet passion that no one could stop. Your need for her at first was nothing compared to now. Your hand found its way into her hair, gently cradling her head and keeping her as close to you as possible.

You could feel her legs tangle up with your own, but you had to admit you were barely paying attention. You were focused on her lips. Her sweet, perfectly sculpted lips. You thought the first few kisses with her were amazing, but wow, this was unlike anything you thought you could experience. The way she not only worked her lips, but the way she placed her hands on your body, sending lighting through your body with the slightest touch. You are a mess, and she was only going to make you messier.

You finally caught a breath as Ellie released from the kiss, but she only made her way to the skin beneath your ear. As if she wasn’t already making you go crazy, she just had to make it so much worse. Biting and kissing at your sensitive skin, you tried your best to hold back any noises that could’ve seeped from your mouth. But each time she bit, she didn’t seem satisfied. She would get a moan out of you one way or another, and she was nowhere close to finishing.

As she released her hold on your neck, your fingers were finding their way up to her shirt, and finally found the buttons. As you struggled to undo her shirt, she only laughed under her breath as you did so terribly. She took over, pulling it over herself, then taking off your tank top. Both of you are now shirtless, the wind coming in from the window doing little to nothing to the heat within the room now. You would've been surprised if you felt any kind of chill anytime soon.

You sat up, kissing Ellie again as you set your fingers against the belt on her jeans. She followed close behind you, and each of you shimmied out of your clothing that was oh so uncomfortable now, considering the circ*mstances. If you thought seeing Ellie’s biceps caused you to lose breath, you were not ready for her toned abs. Your face turned a deep red at the sight, but you were quickly focused right back on her eyes as she cupped your face.

“Your so f*cking perfect.” She whispered under her breath. Because of her words, all you could do was bite your lips, enticing her to kiss you more. Again and again. All you wanted was her at this moment.

“So have me then.”

She obliged. She pushed you back down onto the bed, first kissing at your lips, biting and nibbling at them. She then went down, each kiss sending sparks of electricity through your body, each one stronger than the last.

“E-Ellie…” You begin to moan, then you quickly cover your mouth. The last thing you wanted was to wake up Jesse because you were indulging too much.

“Don’t worry about him. He hasn’t slept in days. Doubt he’d hear a thing.” Ellie advised. For a moment, you almost didn’t believe her. It was a trick, a way of making you turn into a little puddle for her right then and there. Then, you thought, Who gives a f*ck?

Ellie’s kisses got dangerously close to your core, so you moved your hips up slowly, almost pushing her away. However, she used her own body weight to push you back down and begin kissing at your panty line. Only small, shuddering breaths were escaping your lips at this point. You were waiting for her to make her first move. You could only imagine what she would do, and that only made you hotter and wetter than before.

She hungrily pulled down your panties, first planting kisses on your core, almost carelessly. She was like a natural, not afraid at all. It was enough to make you moan, for real this time. Her hot breath landed on your snatch just perfectly, and with each kiss, they got wetter and there was more tongue. She was eating you out with a passion, and at this point, it was so ethereal, it was like a dream. Your legs began to cramp as you tried to pull away, not because you wanted to, but because it was so good it was impossible to stay still. Ellie’s hands, however, were immovable and were placed gracefully under your thighs.

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any better, you feel a digit insert into your core. You gasped aloud, covering your mouth instinctively. Ellie’s hands, no longer on your thighs, were placed at your snatch. But, one of her hands trailed up to your face and pulled your own away, making you helpless to her and her actions.

“Ellie, that's not fair.” You whine out. Although you were half joking, not minding this slightly dominant side she was showing, she inserted two more fingers within you, as if to punish you for even thinking of hiding.

“f*ck~!” You cried out happily, her fingers curling perfectly against all your sensitive spots. Spots you yourself didn’t know you had. You were at her mercy and we entirely hers at this moment, but you didn’t care. You felt nothing but bliss.

With each stroke of her fingers and her tongue together, a familiar, yet different feeling rose in your core. It came closer and closer, and with each second your moans became louder and louder. And Ellie wouldn’t stop. She was going faster. She was going to make sure you reached the perfect, euphoric state that you deserved, that you both were building up to.

Finally, with one last curl of her fingers, waves began to pulse through your body at full blast. It was like nothing you ever felt and nothing you yourself would have ever done. It felt like it lasted forever, that perfect high that Ellie gave to you. You thought you could hear gentle words come out of her mouth, but mostly all your heart was your own heartbeat.


“You made a mess of yourself, (Y/N),” Ellie whispers, looking up at you from where she laid. She sat up, the sound of dripping liquid from her fingers landing onto the mattress. “And the bed.”

“S-Sorry…” You whispered. You were not sorry. You had the best org*sm you had ever felt. You’d never be sorry.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you could make it up to me~”

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.