Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (2024)

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***Rachel Khoo would like to thank all the inspiring people who helped make the Khoollect studio a hive of creativity. Although the Khoollect studio’s doors have now closed, you can keep up with Rachel’s newest adventures on and on Rachel’s Instagram and Facebook pages – and, continue to enjoy the Khoollect website’s stories and recipes, which will remain available.***




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Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (8)

Not only do these look beautiful, but they are a wonderful way of using up leftover turkey and a great talking point. Make sure to serve with tooth picks to avoid beetroot-tinted fingers.

Tip:make a quick and easy dip with the leftover beetroot. Place the beetroot off-cuts in a blender with 1 tsp mayonnaise, 1 tbsp natural yogurt, 1 tsp horseradish sauce and a squeeze of lemon juice. A there you have a quick and easy dip that packs a very decent flavour punch!

This post has been created in partnership withMailleand Hellmann’s.

Beetroot and turkey blinis

Recipe by

Sophie Mackinnon. See more of her delicious ideas, here.

Photo by

Creative Editor Lara Messer.

Watch how they're made...

Check out this video of the recipe in action.

Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (9)Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (10)Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (11)Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (12)Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (13)
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4 large cooked beetroots
100g leftover roasted turkey
2 tbsp Hellmann’s mayonnaise
1 tbsp Maille Dijon mustard
A squeeze of lemon
2 handfuls of chopped rocket or pea shoots
1 tbsp thick balsamic vinegar or balsamic glaze (optional)

Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (15)

Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (16)

Recipe by

Sophie Mackinnon. See more of her delicious ideas, here.

Photo by

Creative Editor Lara Messer.

Watch how they're made...

Check out this video of the recipe in action.


Slice the beetroot into 8mm thick rounds. Using a 3cm cookie cutter, stamp out circles.


In a medium-sized bowl whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice, season with salt and a generous grind of fresh black pepper.


Shred the leftover turkey into bite-sized pieces and stir into the mayonnaise mixture.


Top the beetroot rounds with a spoonful of turkey, top with the rocket or pea shoots and if using a little drizzle of balsamic.



Preparation Time15 MINUTES

Cooking Time0 MINUTES

Resting Time0 MINUTES

ServesMakes 18



4 large cooked beetroots
100g leftover roasted turkey
2 tbsp Hellmann’s mayonnaise
1 tbsp Maille Dijon mustard
A squeeze of lemon
2 handfuls of chopped rocket or pea shoots
1 tbsp thick balsamic vinegar or balsamic glaze (optional)

Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (17)

Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (18)

Recipe by

Sophie Mackinnon. See more of her delicious ideas, here.

Photo by

Creative Editor Lara Messer.

Watch how they're made...

Check out this video of the recipe in action.


Slice the beetroot into 8mm thick rounds. Using a 3cm cookie cutter, stamp out circles.


In a medium-sized bowl whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice, season with salt and a generous grind of fresh black pepper.


Shred the leftover turkey into bite-sized pieces and stir into the mayonnaise mixture.


Top the beetroot rounds with a spoonful of turkey, top with the rocket or pea shoots and if using a little drizzle of balsamic.



Not only do these look beautiful, but they are a wonderful way of using up leftover turkey and a great talking point. Make sure to serve with tooth picks to avoid beetroot-tinted fingers.

Tip:make a quick and easy dip with the leftover beetroot. Place the beetroot off-cuts in a blender with 1 tsp mayonnaise, 1 tbsp natural yogurt, 1 tsp horseradish sauce and a squeeze of lemon juice. A there you have a quick and easy dip that packs a very decent flavour punch!

This post has been created in partnership withMailleand Hellmann’s.

Beetroot and turkey blinis


Slice the beetroot into 8mm thick rounds. Using a 3cm cookie cutter, stamp out circles.


In a medium-sized bowl whisk together the mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice, season with salt and a generous grind of fresh black pepper.


Shred the leftover turkey into bite-sized pieces and stir into the mayonnaise mixture.


Top the beetroot rounds with a spoonful of turkey, top with the rocket or pea shoots and if using a little drizzle of balsamic.



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Sonya Gellert

Sonya Gellert is a contributing writer and associate editor for Khoollect. She lives in Sydney....

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Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (25)


Sonya Gellert

Sonya Gellert is a contributing writer and associate editor for Khoollect. She lives in Sydney....

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Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (27)


Sonya Gellert

Sonya Gellert is a contributing writer and associate editor for Khoollect. She lives in Sydney....

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Recipe: beetroot and turkey blinis (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.