Recipe This | Air Fryer Pizza Fries (2024)

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Air Fryer Pizza Fries.If you love loaded fries, then you must try our air fryer loaded pizza fries. Delicious homemade air fryer French fries loaded with cheese, chorizo and a sprinkle of oregano.

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Air Fryer Pizza Fries

Whether you live in the UK and call them air fryer pizza chips or live in the US and call them air fryer pizza fries, they are amazing for a delicious dinner in the air fryer.

My parents have always been excellent entertainers and are happiest when they are throwing a party with their friends.

Growing up my mum always had great ideas whenever I wanted friends over after school.

I remember one time when I was in primary school having a pizza party. Last minute gathering of 10 year old girls after school and my mum grabbed a lot of pizza bases from Tesco’s, some pizza sauce and plenty of pizza toppings.

We all made our own pizza toppings and then enjoyed eating way too much pizza.

It was great fun and something I often do with Sofia and Jorge so that they can have a bit of pizza fun and learn a little about cooking at the same time.

But instead of a supermarket pizza base we will use air fryer French fries as the base instead and then load up the just cooked air fryer fries with pizza toppings.

It is perfect if you are avoiding gluten and don’t want to use pizza bases and even better if you love fries and you love pizza and you want to combine the two to make delicious pizza fries.

What Are Pizza Fries?

Pizza fries is a lower calorie, gluten free alternative to a pizza. Instead of a pizza base you have just cooked French fries as your base.

Then you load the top of your fries with pizza toppings and it looks very much like a pizza.

Everybody loves pizza and everybody loves fries, so it becomes an acceptable plan B for eating a little healthier.

Pizza fries also goes by many different names such as:

  • Pizza chips
  • Pizza topped fries
  • Pizza loaded fries
  • Pizza French fries
  • Pizza dirty fries
  • Fries like pizza

And the list goes on and on. Though I am sure you get the idea and why people love pizza fries so much.

Pizza Fries In The Air Fryer

The worst thing you can do when making pizza fries is to use the oven. The oven just makes the French fries very soggy and the pizza just doesn’t work as good when you use the oven.

Instead when we make pizza fries at home from scratch, we always use the air fryer.

Its that genius kitchen gadget that makes the best comfort food for less calories and makes fries so crispy that you want to binge on them all day long.

We follow our favourite air fryer fries recipe first, add in favourite pizza toppings and then EAT! If you don’t have an air fryer yet, then this is the air fryer we recommend the most.

Recipe This | Air Fryer Pizza Fries (3)

How To Cook Pizza Fries?

Cooking pizza fries is so easy. Simply cook your air fryer fries first and when they are perfectly cooked, but not quite crispy, load the pizza toppings over the fries while they are still in the air fryer basket.

I like to layer grated cheese over my fries so that you can’t see the fries.

Though you could add a layer of barbecue sauce or tomato sauce first.

Then add in any extras such as pepperoni, ham or chorizo.

Place the air fryer basket back in the air fryer, cook for a few more minutes and then binge on pizza fries.

Pizza Fries Ingredients

The pizza fries ingredients are simple.

  • Air Fryer Fries – you can use frozen French fries or follow our air fryer fries recipe. Only potatoes, extra virgin olive oil and seasoning is required for perfect fries.
  • Pizza Toppings – I am like Kevin McCallister and love a cheese pizza. Whilst my kids love a cheese and meat topping. The choice is yours. You choose what toppings will go on top of your pizza fries.

Pizza Fries Toppings

I asked some of my readers what toppings they loved on their pizza fries and they suggested:

  • Pizza BBQ Fries
  • Pizza Buffalo Fries
  • Pizza Cajun Fries
  • Pizza Fries With Cheese
  • Pizza Fries With Marinara

Or below is the favourite in the Milner house and is cheese and pepperoni:

Recipe This | Air Fryer Pizza Fries (4)

Though in today’s pizza fries in the air fryer we are swapping pepperoni for chorizo and leaving the kids in charge!

What To Make With Pizza Fries?

I think pizza fries and I am thinking that this is a meal in itself. All I want is some mayonnaise to dunk my pizza fries into such as this brand.

But beyond my obsession for mayonnaise here are some other things to make with your pizza fries:

  • Air Fryer Hamburgers
  • Air Fryer Onion Rings
  • Air Fryer Frozen Mozarella Sticks
  • Air Fryer Pull Apart Bread
  • Air Fryer Blooming Onion

Pizza Loaded Fries Slimming World

If you follow Slimming World and want to eat lots and lots of pizza loaded fries, then it is easy to mix and match ingredients to make it Slimming World friendly.

I would start of by making our air fryer oil free slimming world chips instead of our regular air fryer fries. This keeps the chips syn free.

Then focus on toppings that come from healthy extras, speed foods and such like. Or load them up with cheese like we do and share them with someone.

Or here is something I made a while back that may be helpful with choosing what to load your pizza chips with:

Recipe This | Air Fryer Pizza Fries (5)

Air Fryer Pizza Fries

Air Fryer Pizza Fries. If you love loaded fries, then you must try our air fryer loaded pizza fries. Delicious homemade air fryer French fries loaded with cheese, chorizo and a sprinkle of oregano.

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time18 minutes mins

Total Time28 minutes mins

Course: Appetizer, Side Dish, Snack

Cuisine: Air Fryer

Servings: 2

Calories: 524kcal



Kitchen Gadgets:

Air Fryer Pizza Toppings



  • Peel and slice your potatoes into chips. Load the potatoes into a bowl, add seasoning and extra virgin olive oil and toss until nicely coated.

  • Load the fries into the air fryer basket and cook for 15 minutes at 160c/360f.

  • When it beeps shake the chips and make sure a fork goes through a chip and they are not underdone.

  • Add pizza toppings to the top of the fries while they are still in the air fryer basket.

  • Cook for a further 3 minutes at 200c/400f or until the cheese is perfectly melted.

  • Serve with your favourite pizza dipping sauce.


Focus on a grated cheese that melts well. I love to use white pizza cheese as it cooks perfectly in the air fryer.

You can use any pizza toppings that you like. You can also use less or more cheese, depending on what you like.

If you are using frozen French fries follow this fries post.


Calories: 524kcal | Carbohydrates: 4g | Protein: 36g | Fat: 40g | Saturated Fat: 18g | Cholesterol: 92mg | Sodium: 1518mg | Potassium: 213mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 649IU | Calcium: 848mg | Iron: 2mg

Nutrition InfoPlease Note: Nutrition values are our best estimate based on the software we use at Recipe This and are meant as a guide. If you rely on them for your diet, use your preferred nutrition calculator.

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The Kids Making Pizza Fries

I peeled and chopped the potatoes for air fryer pizza fries and thinly sliced the chorizo. Everything else the kids did, and they had a great time making their own pizza fries in the air fryer.

Though, I am sure eating the pizza fries was just as much fun!

Here are the kids at work loading toppings and having fun with their pizza fries:

Recipe This | Air Fryer Pizza Fries (7)

Can’t make it now? Then pin it for later!

Recipe This | Air Fryer Pizza Fries (8)

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Recipe This | Air Fryer Pizza Fries (2024)


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