Simple Oat Milk Recipe (2024)

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This delicious, smooth Oat Milk is a great option to keep on hand with all of your coffee and tea supplies, especially if you are looking to add more healthy, non-fluffy carbs to your diet.

The recipe for Oat Milk is not like Almond milk or another type of nut milk. Rather than pre-soaking, we are going to give it a quick blend and then lightly strain.

Oat milk has a reputation of being overpriced, slimy, and overall just better to avoid. However, this recipe will make a decent option if you need to add a carb to your morning coffee.

When you have a busy schedule, who has time for homemade lactose free milk? But let me tell you that this is very easy to make and keep in your refrigerator, no matter why you are seeking a non dairy milk option. Whether you are on a plant based diet, have a lactose intolerant family member, are hosting people who are avoiding dairy, or simply love the delicious flavor of Oat Milk in your coffee, you will want to write down this recipe.

Food from scratch can be easy. The first rule of everything is that the more hard or time consuming it is, fewer people will do it. Just whip this up in your blender quickly and toss it in the fridge because it’s easier than pie.

You can pop a little bit of fresh Oat Milk in the refrigerator at night before you go to bed so it will be ready in the morning. It will be good for about 5 days, so you can get by making a small batch as-needed.

I first learned about Oat Milk from a local barista who offered it in my coffee. So, I decided to try it because my body really responds well to healthy carbs, so why not? When I took the first sip, I was not disappointed. Now I am looking to incorporate Oat Milk into my routine, even though I also use many dairy products in my life as well.

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A beautiful, smooth non dairy milk option, you can drink it plain or use it in a smoothie or a cup of coffee or tea. Many recipes can substitute Oat Milk for regular milk on a one to one ratio. But, some recipes will require the milk to chemically interact with the other ingredients in a specific way, so you will have to make other substitutions as well if you are looking to use only Oat Milk.

Simple Oat Milk Recipe (1)


  • The type of oats are important here. Make sure to use whole organic rolled oats, not instant, quick cook, or steel cut.
  • In order to make a smooth Oat Milk, the oats need to be handled delicately. Do not overblend, wring, or squeeze. Over-handling is how your Oat Milk becomes slimy!
  • If you over-strain the Oat Milk, it will be watery. Use a regular sieve without filtering it through a cloth or filter.
  • For adding to your coffee, you can pour it in as-is and stir, or you can even froth it! Oat Milk has a great texture for making latte foam.
  • If you want to give it a splash of flavor, you can add a tiny bit of vanilla extract.

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Simple Oat Milk Recipe (2)


Is it cheaper to make your own Oat Milk than buy it?

Oat Milk is more expensive to buy than make. Homemade Oat Milk is also more affordable than other non-dairy milk products.

Is Oat Milk good for you?

There are many health benefits to oats and oat milk. Oat Milk can bind to cholesterol and reduce the effects on your body.

Is there a nutritional downside to Oat Milk?

Oat Milk is higher in carbs than Almond Milk. It also has a higher glycemic index than many other types of creamers, so choose the types of milk that work best for you.

Simple Oat Milk Recipe (3)



  • Blend all ingredients for 20-30 seconds.
  • Slowly strain all ingredients through a colander, strainer, and cloth, stacked. Do not squeeze or wring; allow mixture to drip through.
  • Add oat milk to a mason jar and store in the fridge for up to a week.

Simple Oat Milk Recipe (4)

Simple Oat Milk

A delicious milk alternative, perfect for adding to your morning cup of coffee.

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Course Drinks


  • 1 High Speed Blender, such as a Vitamix

  • 1 Mason Jar

  • 1 Plastic lid

  • 1 Cloth for straining

  • 1 Mesh strainer


  • 1 C. 1 C. Organic Rolled Oats
  • Pinch Sea Salt
  • 4 C. Filtered Water
  • Dash Maple Syrup (optional)
  • Dash Vanilla Extract (optional)
  • 1 Colander
  • 1 Large bowl
  • 1 Wide mouth funnel


  • Blend all ingredients for 20-30 seconds.

  • Slowly strain all ingredients through a colander, strainer, and cloth, stacked. Do not squeeze or wring; allow mixture to drip through.

  • Add oat milk to a mason jar.

  • Store in the fridge for up to a week.

Keyword creamer, dairy free, milk, oat


  • Use cup for cup in a recipe such as oatmeal cookies, oatmeal, granola, or overnight oats.
  • Give it to your chickens.
  • Dehydrate and save as quick cook oats.


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Simple Oat Milk Recipe (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.