TH10 is the farming heaven of the game as things are cheap and yet your farming becomes much easier than TH1-9. As long as you have lvl5-6 barch, you can do well in TH10 for farming. I strongly recommend any new player to reach TH10 within the first 2-3 months of starting the game and a veteran should be TH10 within the first month.
Unfortunately infernos are a shell of what they were, they do almost nothing to your defenses right now. Still build them, but at lvl1 they are good for single mode only. Lvl1 single mode inferno is 66-75% as strong as lvl6 inferno. Only lvl5/6 they are worthwhile to be set as multi.
Before stepping into TH10, be sure to prepare 8mil gold, 8mil elixir and just keep AQ upgrading. Prepare as much loot in your treasury as possible, rune of elixir is recommended but not needed (I had one)
The TH10 pack contains: Lvl1 inferno, Lvl2 xbow and 150k DE. This is an OK pack as it skips about 2 weeks of upgrades and can jump start your TH10 AQ grind. It costs $20 though which is 4 season passes. Don’t buy this unless you can afford it.
Read how I did my TH10 here:
TinySin Journals
The priority guide assumes that you have 5 builders but can be adopted to 4.
First priority upgrades:
- Lab. As usual, you want your new level of troops so you need to upgrade your lab.
- Try to farm 8mil elixir before lab is done. Spend 6mil on barbs lvl7 and farm another 3mil for army camp. If you have a rune of elixir, you can use it here.
- While farming the 3mil, you might want to do some filler upgrades like archer tower, cannon or gold mines. The key is to do some cheap, short upgrades so that once you have 5mil elixir, you can immediately start your first army camp upgrade
- Spell factory. Unlock it for the additional spell slot.
- New cannon, archer tower and all new traps. Free additional dps, build them first.
- Build new walls. Rearrange your base to the TH10 crows using the new walls, just put archer towers in place of xbows and bomb tower in the core.
- Clan castle is an important upgrade because you can bring siege machines into normal raids, making DE farming much better
- AQ to lvl40. Since there aren’t many TH10 upgrades to do, start upgrading your AQ right away. Even if your king is lvl10, keep upgrading AQ.
- You might be overflowing in DE if you are an active farmer. If so, upgrade your BK as well. Don’t waste DE
- New DE drill, keep one builder on it until it is lvl6.
- Army camps. These have been bumped up a priority tier because they are more useful than infernos and xbows. These cost 5mil each and only take 4 days, pretty easy to max
Basically, this is what your builders are going to do:
- Builder 1: Lab > upgrade barb > filler > army camp > army camp
- Builder 2: Spell factory > army camp > DE drill lvl7 (if you only have 4 builders, build your new DE drill here)
- Builder 3: New cannon+archer tower+traps+walls > Clan castle > army camp > DE drill lvl7
- Builder 4: AQ until lvl40
- Builder 5: New DE drill until maxed
Second priority upgrades:
These are done after a few days into TH10. Your CC, lab and spell factory will take up much of your time so you may not have enough builders. At TH10, make sure to space out your builders so that you don’t sit on a ton of loot and no free builder.
- New infernos. Build them at leave them at lvl1, single mode. They are good enough for their role and possibly can stop dragon spam against your base
- New bomb tower and Xbow. Once all your other stuff are done, you can build these new defenses to boost your defenses greatly. Don’t need to upgrade them, just make sure they are built, at least lvl1
- Keep upgrading walls in between upgrades. TH10 walls are still very cheap, only costing about 550mil. If you barch properly or even use miners, you should be able to max walls in a few months.
- Upgrade your highest level dark barracks to lvl7. Bowlers are great troops and even lvl1 is decent. If you ever have too much DE, lvl1 bowlers are good supplements to your army.
- Keep upgrading AQ. Now back to the hero grind, with the great DE income of TH10 you’ll find that upgrading her is now quite a breeze.
- Upgrade your highest level barracks to lvl12 to unlock miners. Miners are a great farming troop, but they cost quite a bit of elixir. If you want to farm using them, you will need all 4 barracks lvl12. For now, you should get one to lvl12 first so that you can use miners for war or events.
- Dark spell factory to lvl5. Bat spell is an incredibly powerful spell for war. However, you probably won’t use it much unless you are good with them and have power potions available.
Third priority upgrades:
By this time you should actually be around a month old TH10, it is time to transition into being a mid TH10.
- BK. If you have extra DE and don’t know where to spend it, upgrade your BK along with your AQ. But never neglect AQ just to upgrade BK
- Barracks to max. Upgrade your second barracks to max before working on the third and subsequently fourth.
- Dark barracks to max. Bring your second dark barracks to lvl7, just because.
- Gold mines and elixir collectors. Slap 2-3 builders to work constantly on these buildings, they are much more worth it than any defenses you can build. Max them all and enjoy the passive income. They are so cheap that you can upgrade a lot of walls while doing them and it leaves you free to focus on dark elixir for heroes.
Being a new TH10, lab is quite challenging because you need the elixir for troops and you need them for army camps as well. You just need to farm a little harder, always prioritize upgrading troops instead of buildings. Never leave your lab idle, so if you are tight on elixir, upgrade barbs and leave army camps for later. If you really cannot farm that elixir, maybe upgrade a DE troop instead.
Troops: barb 7 > arch 7 > wb 6 > miners (if miners are not unlocked yet, upgrade heal and rage spells instead) > heal spell lvl4 > rage spell lvl2 > bowler 2 > healer 4 > pekka/freeze/hog/jump lvl2/witch/lava hounds
I suggest upgrading spells slightly now because you want to use them sparingly in your raids to help out at times. Rage spell lvl1 and lvl6 is almost the same, I chose lvl2 as a good middle ground between cost and power.
You probably won’t max every single troop in the list above, I’m just giving suggestions to upgrade. Don’t worry about your level 1 goblins, giants, wizards, dragons, minions and valks. Its better to have a handful of strong, high-level troops troops than to have a hundred weak, low-level troops. You realistically only need 5-7 maxed troops to excel in all parts of the game, the rest are just alternatives or fillers.
As per usual, you don’t need to focus on walls. Just build walls as you farm and get a free builder. When you farm 5mil elixir to upgrade your army camps, you’ll probably also have 5mil gold, just dump that gold into walls before starting your army camps.
You should be able to upgrade a ton of walls in this phase of the game, just upgrade them as hard and as fast as you can. Once walls are mostly done, you can easily farm using miners. If walls are maxed, then I recommend you to upgrade to TH11 instead
The first mistake most people make in TH10 is that they think storage raiding is still profitable. I can safely say that it is not. Just bash your head until you forget how to storage raid and learn to barch from day 1 onwards.
Read farming guide here:
TH10 farming guide
Recommended stay time: 1-3 months
It takes around 1 month to upgrade all your new things and get your farming up to par. When you start to run out of upgrades, you can either do some collector upgrades while upgrading heroes or just go to TH11 and work on warden. It really doesn’t matter what level your AQ and BK are, they are not important for TH11 farming and war as a rusher.
I recommend going to TH11 early because warden is the strongest hero in the game. Loot is also similar between TH10 and TH11, though I give the edge to TH11.
Pre-TH11 Checklist
TH11 guide
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