The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

0470 House for Rent (West) LAKEWOOD 2 bdrms. up. appis. garage, no pets, near RTA. $360 dep.

521-8240. LAKEWOOD Brick-2 bdrm up, oppis, carpet, garage. 226-4766. 2 bdrm. Up.

Appls. $435 dep, 941-6585 LAKEWOOD- Clifton Prodo, 2bdrm up, updated, 1 child, no pets $300 1-666-6517. 779-4992 LAKEWOOD, CLIFTON, 6 up, oppis. adults, $485mo. 226-6897 LAKEWOOD-Clarence 1 barm.

Heat furn. 331-2348. LAKEWOOD colonial up, very clean 3 barm sunroom, all newer decor, central air garage, no pets, $495 1-327-0679 2 bdrm. up. appls.

goroge. no pets. refs. $350 dep. 225-9859 LAKEWOOD, Hilliard, 1 barm.

up, carpet, garage, $285. 333-9520. LAKEWOOD Lakeland 5 garage, $350. 226-9903; 226-0266 LAKEWOOD, Lake Ave. 6 up, oppl, carpet, garage.

Super! 228-8040. LAKEWOOD newer single. 3 bdrms. baths, $750. 521-5305.

LAKEWOOD, Rosewood, dn. 2 bedrms. Carpeting. Garage. Adults.

No pets. $360. 731-7156. LAKEWOOD single, 3 bdrms. oppls, garage, yard.

RTA. Near 1-90. $700. 221-5632. LAKEWOOD.

Single, 3 bdrms appliances, garage, 238-4423. LAKEWOOD Victoria, large 3 bdrms up, $440. 521-2351 LAKEWOOD- Victoria: 3 bedrooms up. $440. 521-2351.

LAKEWOOD-W. 117, 1ge remodeled bath kitchen, $350 dep. 382-4742 LAKEWOOD-(Warren Rd) 2 barm. garage, nonsmoking professional people. $450.

dep. 228-3356 LAKEWOOD Webb near Clifton, modern 5 rms. up, corpet, fireplace, garage, close to RTA. Adults. no pets.

$390. per month dep. 572-2441. LAKEWOOD-Winchester 5 rms. up, oppis.

Very clean. $320. dep.835-2983 LEASE WITH OPTION. Consolidated Partners, 779-9755. LINCOLN Park area 2 bdrm, full sec.

dep. CMHA welcome. 362-6469 or 247-6470. MEYER Ave. 2307.

3 bdrms. up. Call 631-0769 or 941-9838. MONROE 3020, 1 bdrm. carpet, $225 dep.

831-3617. N. OLMSTED 2 down. Retired couple preferred, no kids. $375.

dep. 941-0792. N. OLMSTED Executive Col. 11 3 baths.

$1,000. 777-6216 N. RIDGEVILLE duplex. Lge 3-barm, 2 bath, carpet, oppl. garage.

$495. 351-7510. Royalton, 4 borm, bath, fam att'd, rm, 10 fireploce, old, bsmt, avail. 2 car yrs now, $800., 389-1184 day, 572-3988 eve. N.

Royalton, 8358 8380 N. Akins, off Rt 82, 3 bdrm. duplex on Ige. lot, new furnace, carpet, new appls. 838-4200 N.

ROYALTON duplex, bath, fam. liv. rm. $550 dep. 273-3453 N.

ROYALTON ranch, 3bdrms, ocres, dep. 1-967-8671 City, 2 barm. single, adults only, no pets, 621-0577 OHIO City, 3900 Whitman. Cute 2 barm. up, garage, no pets, adults only.

$340. 333-6333. City. 3 nice rms. carpet, appls.

with util. $260 651-9349. OHIO City area, loft apt, deck, downtown views, air, new oppls, $400., 781-0148. OHIO City- renovated 2 bdrm. apps.

air parking $425 381-2372 OHIO City- Spacious sunny rms. up, $365 utils. 631-9191 OLD Brooklyn-1 util. garage, excellent 891-1422 OLD BROOKLYN-sm. 2 bdrm.

up, No pets. $310 dep. util's. 749-5929-messoge. OLD Brooklyn 2 newly remodeled, all child ok, $345.

885-1416 OLD Brooklyn single, 3 bdrms. garoge, $375 dep. 886-3529 eve. OLD Brooklyn 5 rms. up gorage $285 dep.

734-6870 OLD Brooklyn, 1 bdrm. down, appts. $310 dep. 351-5523. OLD Brooklyn area.

2 barm. dn. Appls. $325 dep. 459-8569.

OLD BROOKLYN 1-2 barms. up, carpets, ref's $265, 273-3976. OLD Brooklyn 1 borm effc'y, appls, $200 sec 398-1475 OLD BROOKLYN-3 rms. up. Must be clean.

$200 842-7264. OLD BROOKLYN 2 bdrm colonial, no pets $475, 734-1982 PARMA 1 bdrm. up, adult, no pets $235 dep 886-2389 PARMA 5 rms. up, rage, adults. $395.

886-1312. PARMA Hts. 3 bdrm. duplex, baths, mo. to mo.

rental Nov. 1st. $520. 888-1224. PARMA HTS, Independence bdrm, free appls, No pets, $365, 884-1946.

838-4200 PARMA, modern 1 2 bedrm. Brick ranch apts. Appliances, air, microwave, $335 $395. $100 security deposit 843-7726 South of Snow. Double, 2 din.

carpet, garage, security, lease. $600. 845-0065 PARMA-Stote Rd. up, 4 carpet, garage. $575.

dep. Lease. 845-3422 POE Ave-5 rms. do, infants. No pets.

$260 dep. 1-949-2174 3. W. $420. 371-2799.

ROCKY River, 2 barm. dn. $475 888-8989 SACKETT, 2 bdrms. up, appls. incl washer and dryer.

No pets. $325 mo. 251-5727 after 12 noon. STRONGSVILLE 4 bath, $900. dep.

941-4484 Attention Executives, Ige home, att'd car, 5 baths, 524-2939. THRUSH by W. 105-remodeled barms up-2 dn. garage, no pets. $400-up $380-dn 734-3347 "Veterans: Fire your landlord! You can afford to buy a house Call 238-5500 for 100 3215 up, 2 1-2 children, $265 security.273-5403.

W. 100th-2 barms. carpet. Available 651-2555 W. 1041h, 2171: 5 RMS UP, $200.

No pets. 631-3018. W. 110 near Baltic 2 barm. dn.

Pets ok $325, 221-7841 after 5pm W. 111th 2 bdrms. $325 Call 243-5814 W. 111-up, clean 2 bdrm. carpet, oppls, no pets $310 234-3253 W.

115-Clifton, 3 bdrm, pletely remodeled bathrm. kitchen, No pets. Coll 961-7120: 961-7648 W. 117-3762. up, 2 garage, prefer elderly couple.

RTA, no pets $260 dep 941-4542 117 off Lorain, 5-up $290 dep no pets, 234-3620. W.117/Thrush 5 rms. up. Renovoted. Older Adults.

671-0471 W. 128-3531, 2 borm. dn. kids OK, $350 dep. 842-2305 W.

135, 3 bdrms. heat pd. $375 dep. 671-8202. 137, 4 barm rm, Ige 2 car garage, no pets 734-4633.

W. 137 5 up, carpeted, no pets. garage, adults, $295. 777-5822 W. 140-Triskett area.

nice 2 bdrm. duplex, garage, no pets, $360 mo. dep. 741-0149 152-newly remodeled no pets. $390 dep.

After 5: 777-5587 941-6459. 157-7 rms. no By oppt. 671-9511. W.

27--2644, off Borber. Cleon barm. $160 dep. 281-4636. W.

29-small 1 barm. up. Very Nice! Carpeted. $200. 961-1961.

W. 30, bdrm. up, $195: W. 44, 1 bdrm single $195. 243-5814.

W. 38-Erin, 1 bdrm. up, fenced yard $225. 661-7130 after 6pm. W.41st Clark area 2 bdrms up-good heat $220, 4119 Howlett.

42-Lorain 2 bdrm dn, appl's. $200., iob required. 953-3877. W. 45, 2045, 1 bdrm.

A-1 shope, $175. No pets. 251-1703, 892-1288. W. 46 5 carpeted, $230 dep.

243-4703 W. 46 S1. 3 bedrm. single. Newly remodeled.

741-3440. 47, 4-up, no pets, $200. 281-7507 Call after 6pm. W. 54 Storer-Clark area.

Remodeled, 2 bdrm dn, $250. 729-9113 W. 58-3491, 2 bdrm. carpeted, bsmt, garage. No pets.

$280 dep. Call 961-8257 between 12 noon-3pm wkdays. W. 58-Clark 2 bdrm. up, fenced, carpeted, $180 dep.

662-4426 W. 61st: 5 rm single, $315 de. posit. Call 252-7059 W. 61-Storer; 2 barm dne kids ok, no pets $250 dep 467-1704.

62-Denison, 3 rms. up, de. corated, new carpet, heat appls. incl. A-1 $220 734-1351.

W. 2-3 barm. single, parking, no pets $250. 961-1447. W.

73 2 borms. appls. Well maintained $375. dep. 941-43581 73 2 barm up, $300.

OHIO CITY 1 bdrm $195. 651-0055. W. portly 3 fenced yard, child and pets ok. $320.

941-6358 W. 75th: 2-bedrm. single, 4 dep. Ref's. 961-4795 10-C THE PLAIN DEALER OCT.

25, 1988 0460 House for Rent (East) RAYBORN off Euclid, 2 family, 5x5. $275. Rent option. Ruffin Realty 752-5555 RICHFIELD 3 bdrm. ranch, 2 car garage, oc.

237-7703. RUGBY Rd, 5 rms. UP, elder. 8 ok. E.148-5 rms.

up, elderly, parking, 451-0792 EUCLID dn, 2 bdrm, ott roge, lg kitchen, $450 461-8365 $. EUCLID single. 3 Ige. fam. rm.

finished bsmt. Air. 2 car garage. Nicely decorated. No pets.

473-3965. SHAKER HIs. 2 washer dryer. $475. 283-7764 SHAKER Hts.

brick ivy, 2 bedrm. sun porch, garage. $485 dep. Marty, 321-7706. SHAKER Hts.

lovely 2 bdrms. up, great kitchen, $525. 283-5331 SHAKER Hts. lovely 3rd floor, garage, $360 incl. utit*.

932-5019 SHAKER-Lulow: 2-fam. De. corated, heat. 381-5551. SHAKER Luxury 2 bdrm up, fireplace, $675.

771-5818. SHAKER Sa. area 5 rms. Up, odults, appls $375 dep 232-3129 SHAKER upper Winslow, 3 2 bath, air. Married couple only, no children, no pets.

831-3202 SHAKER- Upper Buckeye area 5 rms. up. Extro nice. 932-5636. SHAW-E.

Cleve. 2 bedrms. Sec. 8. Mrs.

Lewis, 921-7713 SLAVIC Village 2 bdrm, dn, garoge-441-6538 or 883-2581. SLAVIC Villoge 3 bdrm single, $325. 441-6538 or 883-2581 SO. EUCLID, 3 bedrm split, 2 full "boths. Stove dishwasher.

Available Nov. 1, $800 461-4001 ST. Alexis area clear 2 bdrm. dn. $210 mo.

dep. ST. 74 3 duplex, ready 110, $.175 de; 881-0025 ST. LUKE area 5 newly redocorated. 561-2117 evenings.

ST. Lukes area 1 barm. on 3rd appls. $240 dep, 248-3903. ST.

Lukes area 5 rms. up, $250 security. 932-5716. TEMBLETT 6 lge. rms.

dn. 3 bdrm. 561-8062 UNIV. Circle 3 heat, $425 dep. 791-5601 9-5 Mon-Fri.

UNIVERSITY Hts. 3 bdrm. UP, both, air, new carpet, ati oppls. Garage $600, 291-3105. UNIVERSITY Hts-single 3 barm, spocious beautiful, carpet, appis, air, $675.

382-7950 UNIV. HTS. dble, up, garoge. fireplace, $575. 382-2021 WAYSIDE 2 borms.

UP, $295 plus dep. 942-7782 ask for Tony WINDSOR Twp 3 bdrm cholet E. of Chesterland $425. 341-4688 106. 4 bdrms.

$295. Gl option-broker. 752-9400. 0461 Condominiums for Rent (East) AURORA Shores 2 $510 dep, adults, no pets. 248-0976 barm.

2 both. Appls. Fireplace. Patio. $800 dep.

Lease. 464-3041 CLEVE near Fairmont 2 barms. $700. 321-1210 CLEVE. Hts.

Fairmount Cedar. designed all new bdrm; bath, older luxury bldg-brick walls-perfect for 2 roomates. $700 util: 932-2541. 1 2 bedrms, heat incl. 486-5999 GREENWOOD 1 bdrm.

condo. $460 mo. pool, 449-4263 eves. GREENWOOD Village, 1 bdrm oir, patio, garage, pools, tennis sauna $475 dep. 232-3433.

MAPLE HTS. 1 bdrm. new decor $360 incl. heat. 581-0600 NEWBURY 3 barm, eat- in kit.

chen-amenities 351-4500 GOLF COURSE Willoughby-almost new 2 bdrm. rec. att'd garage, decks, no pets. $700. 886-9917 WILLOUGHBY Nation-2 bdrm, 2 bath, den $500.

255-7594 0470 House for Rent (West) 6 rms. up, W. 32 area, child, no pets. $300 dep. Sec.

CO possible. 398-0698. 2 bdrm. up, 1 child. Sect 8.

331-1509. Al Fronklin- 2 borms, new, all utils paid, $450 dep. 281-9833. A-1 Governor, insulated 4 barm. single, 2 baths, no pets $525 dep.

1-933-2166 after 6 p.m. ARCHWOOD (4205), single. Exquisite! Must see. 3 barm. 2 bath, sun din.

full bsmt. Prefer couple with older children. No pets. $395 dep. Available 273-2977 ARCHWOOD Ave.

6 rms. Up. Carpet, no adults preferred. $400 dep. 459-8516.

ARDEN-Triskett. 2 bdrm. single. No pets. $375 dep.

476-9463 BAY VILLAGE lakefront 3 bdrm. 2 both, fireplace, spectacular deck overlooking Erie, $1200 mo. 871-0364. BAY Village; 3-4 bdrms, appi's, 2 car garage. $695.

871-2167. BAY VILLAGE, Very nice 2 car garage, newly redecorated, 892-1915. BEREA: 3 bedrm. duplex, $475 dep. 826-5335; 1-725-7436 BEREA Parknoll 3 bedrm ranch $485 security 236-5287 BRECKSVILLE 3 2 bath, garage.

946-2148 BRECKSVILLE -Charming, contemporary, wooded, 3 both, fireplace $1600. mo. 529-0829. BROADVIEW 3 bdrm. both single.

$400. 252-3027. immaculate 2 bdrm. up, garage, air. $425.

351-1352; 267-9353. BRUNSWICK- 3 bdrm ranch, bsmt, garage, $650. 225-5001. CARABEL -Lakewood: 5. up, carpet-ALL oppis-garage.

$460 dep. Adults. No pets. 226-2232. CARLYLE Ave.

Single house. 2 bdrm. No pets. $275 mo. dep.

572-2913 after 6pm. 2 bdrms dn, appl, $225 dep. 941-6943 CLEVE. West, 3 barms. up, remodeled, Section 8 ok.

582-1007 CLIFTON 2 bdrm. up studio, fireplace, cat OK, garage, 221-3832, 249-7836 CLIFTON 11206, Ige single, 3 barms, some carpeting. Pay own util. Nicely decorated. No pets.

dep. 631-1370. CLIFTON 1 bdrm. on clean, $175. 661-0641 CLIFTON-W.

102. 2 barms. down, garage, $385. 221-5970 CLIFTON-W. Blvd.

5. rms. up, remodeled, garage $330 443-9749 COLUMBIA Station 3 bdrm ranch, garage, pool. deck, appls, no pets $575 dep 234-6232 DENISON orea, 2 bdrm. dn.

Clean. Kids. $325 dep. 251-7622. DENISON-W.

82, dn. 5 rms. remodeled. $300 dep. 777-5835.

DUDLEY 7901 up, 2 barms, nice, $250 dep. 524-4535. FULTON area, 4. rms. up, $175 281-0561 FULTON-Daisy 5 rms up, adult non smoker $400 dep 741-1342 FULTON- Poe 2 borms dn, $250 dep 886-3439 HINKLEY; garages 1 acre.

$450 dep. 225-3603 LAKE Ave. 11509. Open Sun. 2-5.

Brick, 5475 modern dep. 2 651-0414. bdrms. dn, garage. LAKEWOOD (16700 Clifton) Up, 3 garage, no pets.

Open LAKEWOOD 2095 Lark 3 rms dn, no dogs. $225 LAKEWOOD 2 3 bdrm. carpeted, shower, garage, no pets. $395. $475.

221-7656. LAKEWOOD: 2 bdrms.down, newer corpet adults, good location, $430. 228-2966. LAKEWOOD: 2 bdrm. gorage, adults, no pets.

$375 $425 543-4129, 228-8661. LAKEWOOD; 2 bdrms dn, plush carpeting throught, gorage, nice kitchen-bath, no pets. No appls. $365 dep 228-3859 LAKEWOOD 2 barm. up.

appis, 1 child 1 pet ok. $400. 225-5755 LAKEWOOD. 2 barm. apt.

-Up, no elderly couple or woman, no pets, $280. 888-7388. LAKEWOOD, 2 Up, garage. $395. 234-1014.

LAKEWOOD-2 bdrms. dn, appls, no 845-8543 LAKEWOOD. 2 bdrms. up, appl. Garage.

$425. 331-5158. LAKEWOOD 3borm, clean, excellent, no pets, $475, 671-4909 LAKEWOOD 3rd. oppis. no dogs.

$280. 835-4457 LAKEWOOD 5 dn, adults, pet, garage $365 dep. 243-1763 LAKEWOOD-5 Ige. rms. carpet, garage, fireplace, no $380, 1-933-9930 LAKEWOOD, 5 rms.

no $385. dep. 226-2318 LAKEWOOD-5 rms. cor. pet, natural wood, garage smokers.

No. pets. $400. 221-0952. LAKEWOOD-5 rms.

dn, carpet, infants. Dep. 835-2538 LAKEWOOD 5 up-sunrm, appis garage, no 226-5733 LAKEWOOD areo, 6 rms, adults, no pets. $360 221-6583 LAKEWOO 6 garage. $495, 529-9055 0470 House for Rent (West) W.

77-Lawn 4 rms dn, appls, adults, cat ok $195. 835-9580 W. 81, 2070, 1, 2, 3 borm. Pay utils. dep.

843-8033. W. 83rd, 2 barm. up, oppls. carpeting, sect.

8 ok, $275, 333-5500 W.85, 2 bdrm. up, no pets, child, $245. 281-1041 or 281-2755. W. 85, 5 nice rms up, Deposit required 476-0775 Call after 4pm W.

completely remodeled 2 bdrm. up. appls. adults. no pets.

$325 871-6608. W. 88, 4 rms. up, carpet, 1-2 quiet people $185. 226-0132 W.

88 up, 4 rms. bath, $210 security. 281-9238 or 631-7315. W. 90-Denison, 5 large rms.

up, carpeting, $250 mo. 631-3278. W. 92--3192. 3 borm.

dn. RENT $300. 842-2305. W.95, 6 ref's, clean, kids, no pets $275 dep. 941-4484 W.

96-Western 3.4 bdrm. Fenced yd-nice st. $475. 476-0707 W. 98-Almira, 3 bdrm.

no pets, refs. $250 dep. 861-1166. W. 98 Madison.

5 modern, carpeting, steam heat. Inquire: 9800 Madison until 7pm. WARREN Rd-5 clean rms up, RTA, carpet, oir, $375, 331-3616 WARREN Rd. 5 up, carpet, appts. garage, deposit 941-3684 W.

Blvd area. 5 rms. up, mature adults, 1 small child ok, no pets. $275 dep. 281-6862.

WEST BLVD. 3 barm. duplex. New carpet kitchen. No children or pets.

651-6749 eves. WEST BLVD. orea, 5 rms. up, $300 dep. 251-4354 eves.

WEST Blvd. area, 2 barms. dn. call for details. Mature adults, infant.

No pets. $300. 961-5464. WEST Blvd. area, clean quiet 5 rms.

up. No $295 dep. 651-8178 WEST Blvd. area 6 tge. rms.

up, no pets. refs. dep. 631-2103 WESTLAKE: 3 garage, new carpet, point, porch. No pets.

$650 dep. 734-0885. WESTLAKE- 3 bdrm, col. country kitchen, den, new furnace, big yord, 529-9948 WESTPARK- Modern 4 rms up, furnished, non-smoking lady over 40, $350 incl utils, 941-4734. WESTPARK -nice 2 Lrg.

bdrms. an, no pet-goroge $395. 671-2004 WOODBRIDGE 3-4 bdrm, wood floors $350 dep no pets 252-9551 0471 Condominiums for Rent (West) AVON LAKE, 2 barm. Smugglers $575 mo. Coll 216-933-8942 wkends.

(216) 447-6415 8 10 5 wkdays. AVON Landings. adults, '89. Furn. 835-9580 -Carriage Hill, 1 many features, no pets, $410 dep.

(John), 1-928-3451 (collect evenings). BRECKSVILLE 1 bdrm. appls. carpet, oir, car port, pool, on RTA $450 ready Nov. 467-9665.

CARLYLE, 1 furn. Util. downtown view. 4-6 month. 861-3086 or 526-5557, George.

Beautifully furnished 1 term available now. $675. 521-4788. ELYRIA-luxury 2 bdrm, 2 bath, appis. fireplace, air, garoge.

util rm, pool. Near Midway Mall 1-90. $550. 835-4340. GOLDCOAST, Winton Lakeview available Nov.

1. 491-8330 HURON. OH. river view, new 3 bdrm, garage, full bsmt, low fees. 419-433-7624.

LAKEWOOD 2 new carpeting, garage. exercise sauna, $525. 473-4837. LAKEWOOD-furn. or unfurn.

Edgewater Towers studio, heated garage 333-8657 LAKEWOOD Gold Coast 2bdrm condo. newly remodled, lake view, all util. incl. Oct. FREE.

892-8750 LKWD. Penthouse 2 bdrm. loke view. laundry. $750.

835-2382. N. OLMSTED, 2 bdrm, modern, carpeted, appls. $450 security. 871-0253 after 5pm wends.

N. OLMSTED. 2 bedrm condo. Adults. 234-2956.

N. OLMSTED 2 patio, adults, no pets. $450. 871-3364. N.

Olmsted 2 1 both, heat incl. $450. 779-7170 Olmsted condo, 1 bdrm, love. ly decor $380. 572-5098.

N. OLMSTED- David Dr. bdrm. patio. new carpet, adult build, $375 incl.

heat 238-8025 N. ROYALTON 2 bdrms. rage. heat, water $475. 886-2490.

N. Royalton 3 barm. att'd garage, $595 dep. Open 2 to 5, 676-0176. N.

ROYALTON, rent or rent 2 2 both, $650. security. 572-3305 ROCKY River 1 bedrm, garage, heat. $400. 333-4075.

ROCKY River, 2 baths. all appls. Indoor goroge. $530 mo. 892-1485 after 2.

ROCKY River-2 bdrm. rivermarina view $1200, option. Also Lakewood 2 barm-loke view. Days 226-1188: eves 226-2536 WEST Chateau-2 bath park indoors, all non smoking odults-no pets 221-7623 WESTLAKE-3 bdrm. both, att'd garage, air, former! model.

No pets. $680 835-3284 WESTLAKE Cedarwood 3 bath, gorage, pool tennis, no pets, $575. 1-934-6836 WESTLAKE Condo 2 bdrm. bath, central air. Available Jan.

1, 1989, Excellent locol, rent to reliable party $550. Coll: 892-0228 after 6 p.m. 0472 Rent Suburban Property HUNTSBURG-Geauga 5 bdrm. farmhouse, free gas. 382-9709 after 6pm.

0480 Wanted to Rent Houses LOOKING For barms in Parma. $450. Sec Will maintain property 991-6024, 752-3808 0490 Rent Fum. Houses (East) with same. Washer, dryer, tennis courts, quiet bldg.

892-7998. 0540 Homes for Aged Convalescent, Nursing ADULT FOSTER CARE in private home. 1-244-4072 ELDERLY CARE MY HOME A1 References 641-1376. 582-1269 ELDERLY care my home, ombulatory. 871-7084 after 100m ELDERLY core, my home, live in, call 273-5354 ELDERLY CARE, group home, ambulatory, 953-5942; 942-3424 0550 Rent Vacation Places Resorts.

Houses, Cottages Florida 13 FT.MYERS Beach, 2 bdrm. condo, 2 bath, extra lge. on Gulf, newly redecorated. For information, 261-1054; 585-4022 NAPLES- Marco area 2 bdrm. 2 Feb.

bath, or April pool, only. tennis. 255-8922 Available INDIAN Rocks. Largo-2 bdrm. home, goroge, air, adults, 5 mo.

min. 587-0054 E. 124 off Miles, 3 rms. heat light incl. 271-0505 after 5.

0500 Rent Furn. Houses (West) JEFFERSON 601, 4 bath, cleon, carpeted. 579-0497 LAKEWOOD-1271 Jackson up, 4 55 bus, $325. 333-7842. LAKEWOOD, 3 bdrm.

short or long term. $1100. 221-5632 LAKEWOOD 5 rms. up. $450 Mo.

sec. No pets. 871-9607. 47-Loroin Cozy 1 bdrm, prefer no kids $175. dep.

651-1973. W.78-Lorain area, 5. rms. up, $210 garage, 243-3640 W.81st 2rms and bath, deposit, clean. Call 651-5865 or 961-9009 0520 Share Apartments-Houses EUCLID.

Female to share Must have car No dep. 721-1613. FEMALE to share Euclid condo 481-0851 days FEMALE to shore Parma-Tri-C apt ASAP 791-3800 ext. 5182, Sandy; 886-3471 FEMALE will share west condo $275 tit*. 582-2279 MAPLE HTS.

male to share his home with some. 475-8559. MATURE female to share house, west. Ref's 886-0155 OLD Brooklyn, elderly person to shore Rent and utils. allowance in exchange for assistance.

433-1534 eves. PROFESSIONAL conservative non-smoking male seeks person to shore N. Olmsted split Box 45443, $400 Westlake, dep. Reply: 44145-0443. PO SHARE mY Garfield home on Granger, $250.

581-3819 eves. W. 105 area. Will share small opt. $150 dep.

251-2711. W. 123: 5 rms. up. Elderly man to share with same.

251-0355. WESTLAKE professional femole to shore her lovely condo 0550 Rent Vacation Places Resorts, Houses, Cottages Florida 13 STUART orea, monthly, seasonal, 2 2 both, fully furnished townhouse. On golf course, tennis, swimming, ocean nearby. 216-678-5455. NAPLES 2 2 bath new inquiries welcome.

333-2277. area. 2 bdrm. Fully furn. Pool, tennis, activities.

Seasonal. 216-659-6442 ORLANDO condo, near Disney World, Nov. 5-12: 1-856-6393. VENICE -cottage on beach, sleeps 4, 871-2729, 391-7723. NEW Smyrna Beach 2 bdrm.

oceon, 237-7914. SIESTA Key. Sarasota. 2 borm. condo.

bath. 871-2612 NAPLES- Furnished new home. 2 barms, 2 baths. fomily rm. Close to beach.

Nov, Dec, Jan and February. Coll 289-3678. FT. Myers Beach Condo. On Gulf, pool, tennis.

749-7626. FORT MYERS Bench condo, bdrms. Jan-Feb-Mar. 238-0468 POMPANO, CS penthouse. Golf; 888-5550, 734-4526 SMACK ON BEACH Treasure Island Penthouse-2 bath, pool $450 wkly.

225-6191 NAPLES Condo 2 bdrm. 2 bath, furn. Nov. thru April 238-9154 W. PALM Beach 2 bdrm condo fully turn.

Prefer 3 or 4 mo rental Dec-April 442-0872. GOLDEN Por One condos, 2 2 bath, Avail. Dec. Jan, April 442-4482 SARASOTA Efficiency 4 weeks nonsmokers. 1-864-2290 POMPANO Beach, new designer furniture.

On waterway by intercostal. 341-4688 ORLANDO 2 barm. condo, Disney, of Nov. 407-298-4671 Hawaii 15 KAUAI DELUXE CONDO Pool, golf, furnished. 333-2500 Jamaica 20 NEGRIL Beach seaside fantasy fulfillment, private garden security 716-789-5955 A Seaside Villa: 3 bdrm, air, 3 bath, pool sea bathing, Chef, Maid, and Gardener.

942-2388. Mexico deluxe condo 3 bdrm. 4 baths, pool, maid, Overlooking Bay. eves 826-1497. Ohio 41 CATAWBA Island beautifully furnished 2 bath Condo dock ammenities.

Rent 419-332-9035 South Carolina 48 HILTON Heod 2 bdrm. Condo. Ocean view. 951-5365 1-255-0557 MYRTLE condo, spacious, bdrm, 2 bath. 398-2694; 888-9415 MYRTLE BEACH.

On ocean. Snore Dr. Low rates. 692-0072. N.

Myrtle Condo on ocean. 2 pier, pool. 892-6965 N. Myrtle Condo on ocean. Fur.

nished. (216) 237-4709: 725-7280. N. MYRTLE Beach near ocean. 2 borms.

$225 wk. 734 5141 MYRTLE bdrms. Indoor pool, health spa, much more. 574-9128; 464-6168. MYRTLE Beach condo, fully equipped, sleeps 6.

442-4471 HILTON Head, new borm. villa sleeps 4, ocean 562-4941 N. Myrtle Condo on ocean. Furnished. (216) 237-4709; 725-7280.

0720 Rent Garages, Storage BOAT, car, trailer equipment storage, 15' door. 382-9709. GARAGE for rent, 1 car $50 dep. Berea area. 243-7786 GARAGE -Parma, Porma Hts.

area. Call 842-6223 LAKEWOOD, 1430 Cohassett, near Detroit, garage 9x20' boat. 226-1419. 0730 Want to Rent Garages, Storage STORAGE, inside, heated, $2.50 sq. ft, 228-9664.

ADVERTISE IN THE PD 0850 Money to Loan. A MONEY NEEDED? Residential-Commercial Loons Bad Credit OK Foreclosures CALL 831-3202 -A CREDIT PROBLEMS? Home owners only: home repoirs, consolidation. No Fees. Allstate 831-1130 Leo AAA CREDIT NOT REQUIRED Homeowners with gardless of credit. MORTGAGE AMERICA, 1-800-234-7500.

CASH LOANS $15,000 Even with credit problems. Call 24hrs. 1-(800) 950-0253 MONIES AVAILABLE $1000, $100,000 to $1 million. Stop foreclosures 24 hrs. EAVES 1-800-686-8496.

PRIVATE lenders for well se. cured business loans. 621-9825 0860 Money Wanted INVESTMENT VENTURE CAPITAL wanted. retrun in 120 days. 481-8158.

message of 731-5425. 0800 Business Opportunities Advertising Marketing 6 creative card PROFIT IN YOUR POCKET! Photographic business cards and social cards, postcards and mailers. For franchise info call 216-381-1111. AUTO repair bldg. 93 area.

$6,000 down. 291-2745. BAKERY FOR SALE 749-0058 Euclid, OH Best BARBER Shop 8AR D5. Memphis- Pearl Area. $2,800 wk.

Try $10.000 Down! BOROSH REALTY 843-8088 BAR, Painesville. D-1, D-2. D-3, D-3A. 974-8399. BEAUTY SALON -great down.

town location. 9 station, completely equipped. 621-8500. BEER Wine to go C2, C2X. 398-4054, please leave message.

BEVERAGE C1, C2 brick opt. 117-Clifton area, est, 22 yrs. GROCERY C1, $4000 wk. Near westside, Al porking, modern, qualified owner financing. RUVOLO REALTY 888-7264 BODY SHOP, Rustproofing and 4 bay shop.

Established over 20 yrs. Good Parma location. 741-2550 or 661-2925 C1-C2 liquor license for sole, for Cleveland Hts. 662-6175. location.

owner, cor. 104 391-3333. D5 D6 Restaurant, Parma HIs, for lease or sale, dance hall 180 seats. Large parking. A.M 589-0232, P.M.

888-5818. Beer Wine License. W. 80-Madison-store front suites-5 walk-in-cooler. C-2 License.

$39,900. ble Owner Financing. FODOR REALTY CO. 3308 Lorain Ave. 631-0116 GOLF COURSE 18 HOLES CLUB HOUSE.

PAVILION DRIVING RANGE GREAT LOCATION CALL: 216-323-4111 INSURANCE AGENCY Wanted Merge, Retire, Broaden Market P. O. BOX 347300, CLEVE 44134 INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE Franchise opportunities avaitable with SPARKS CENTERS. Take advantage now of the exciting chance to loin one of the top 100 franchises in America! Share in the profits of the 8.7 billion dollar under -the hood market white being your own boss! For more information coll Jim Morris at 312-515-5134 or our message ter at 1-800-458-9289. JANITORIAL BUSINESS ACCOUNTS, CHOOSE FROM $2000, $3000 INCOME PACKAGES.

START AS LOW AS $1700 DOWN. INCLUDES TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT. COVERALL 524-2560 PRINT SHOP East suburb. Est. 741-8063 0800 Business Opportunities 21, Petersen Reoity, 729-2600.

FREE standing bldg. 10,000 sq. 13' ceiling, 25 car parking. Cleve. Beachwood.

MBA RitY, Peter Vodos, 459-1460 289-2200 GARFIELD HIS corner E.104 Broodwoy. 391-3333 LAKEWOOD Retail Store. porking available. 12005-7 Detroit Ave. Inquiries call 241-4355 W.

Gould LAKEWOOD. 17413 Detroit Store. 950 sq. ft. $425 932-3586.

15001 Detroit- Downtown Modern, sq. ft. plus Warehouse. 932-3586. LAKEWOOD-store for rent.

Call 331-5877 or 221-8145. LEE Harvard Shopping Center 2 stores for tease, I next to Pick Poy, next to new Social Security Bldg. 932-4303. N. OLMSTED, retail 1200' 650', near 871-8549 PARMA-Broadview Sprague Rds.

Leose, 1200 sq.ft. 524-4042 PURTIAS-W140 area, Retail Store in strip shopping center, approx 6660 5q ft for lease 243-3202 weekdays 10am-2pm ROCKPORT SHOPPING CENTER 700 to 2600 ft. available in Rocky River, Join Forest City, Rego's Food and many others. Wald-Fisher. 464-2000.

SOUTHGATE 1st floor of office bldg. Retoil or display. 2000 sq. ft. 475-9255 PRESTIGIOUS NIGHTCLUB Medina D5, D6, 9,000 sq.

good lease. $500,000 in sales, good net. Asking $300,000. Direct inquiries to: Club, P.O. Box 1523, Medina, OH 44258 PRINT SHOP, annual sales.

All records available. tablished more than 10yrs. Reply: Box AK321 Ploin Dealer RESALE shop, reasonoble, w.side, Tues- 10-3, 398-5268 RESTAURANT -lease arrangement for Ige. full service kitchen, reasonable terms. located in prime Porma Hts.

area. Call 842-5978; 885-0555 TURN-KEY Company established occounts. Absolutely no competition. profit margin. Port time.

No exp. necessory. Finance inter. est free, expansion after startup. $8950.

Call 24 hrs. 1-800-327-6919 VIDEO venders (4) toke over payments, 614-753-9457 store yrs. in Wadsworth. Perfect for 1-666-5019 eves WANT TO BUY Midwest Cemetery Service based in Huron Ohio, has presently Available over $200 Million to Purchase Cemeteries Funeral homes. For further information please call 419-433-5816 ask for Mr Francani on write: PO.

Box 68, Huron Ohio 44839. All inquiries confidential. WANTED Cleve. D-3, 3-A or 5 liquor license, preferable clean but taxes liens negotioble. Call Rick 383-9361 anytime 0650 Commercial Property LEASE, SALE, WANTED AAA RETAIL Rocky Westlake, Strongsville, 356-2123 BEDFORD Newly remodeled 2,000 sq.

ft. Overhead door. Offices to suit. Rent $675 per Mo. 439-7990 BUY direct from Manufacturer.

All steel buildings for: commercial and industrial use. marina and boat rock storage, overhead crane buildings and mini storage. 1-800-472-2316 or out of Ohio 1-800-828-1209. CHESTERLAND: Mayfield Rd. Prime area.

Space available. 1200 sq. ft. and up. CENTURY 0670 Office Space LEASE, SALE, WANTED ALPHA PARK Leose prime offices, View Wildlife Loke.

1-271 near 1-90 449-6990 ARTIST STUDIOS- Near west side. LOW RENT. 292-3743. AVAILABLE 1800 sq. ft.

tastefully decorated executive suite. Mins. to airport and maior freeways. 300 car porking, Smaller suites, 400-800 sq. ft.

also available. REASONABLE RATES. Call 886-5000. BRECKSVILLE SHOPPING CENTER Office spoce at unbeatable location. Quick access to Akron east west sides of Cleveland.

345 sq. ft. available. Call Becky 526-2105 BROOKLYN HIS 1 rm offices Ige office 22x24' area. Immediate occupancy.

All util incl. Call for appt. 398-9780. CEDAR -FAIRMOUNT: 340-600 sq. ft.

381-5922. CHAGRIN 200 to 1000 sq.ft. Reasonoble. Eost of Eton Square. 831-8211.

CHAGRIN- new, must see, inexpensive. Mr. 831-0744. CHAGRIN Plaza suite 100. 850

newly decorated. 464-7999. CLEVELAND shore office firm. Newly decorated, skyline view. Multipie services available.

642-0330 CRYSTAL TOWER PENTHOUSE 1000 sq, space watt'd kitchen. Reasonable. 451-6650 INEXPENSIVE 1200 sa.ft. office space in Olmsted Twp. shopping ctr.

No city income tax. Rent an address. Rent a desk. Ideal for mfr. rep, accountant, any small office staff.

Call Mr. Brookins, 235-5300. MAPLE Near 1-480, reasonable incl. util. 200-1200 sq.

ft. 283-8006. 663-6500 MINI office space, prime locotion, on Lorain N. Olmsted. Call 734-7548 wkdays 9 to 5.

N. OLMSTED. Full service story bldg. up. 475-9255 PRIME spoce.

12 min. to airport. Lease. 741-7524. RICHFIELD-525 sq.

nicely decorated, easy access to 271, 77 turnpike. $475. 1-686-1133. SNOW Rd-171 2000 sQ ft office bldg $695 near airport 252-3500 Solon lease office 6500 sq. ft.

Owner wants to deal 248-5990 From SOUTHGATE $8.50 per sq. full ft. service. WESTLAKE New office building for lease. 1,000 to 6,000 sq.

Convenient to 1-90. Ample parking. 892-8866. WESTVIEW TOWERS 500-2000 sq. ft.

under market. 21010 Center Ridge 781-5230 0700 Industrial Property LEASE, SALE, WANTED A-1 Briggs building, near 1-71. 1,500 sq. ft. Overhead door.

Office security. Leose. 749-2251. A 1-story good parking, many Clair-40th 3 and 5 ton cranes, St. area.

C.C. PEARSON 696-4950 A sprinkle, rail, 1-story, drive-in, docks, N.E. C.C. PEARSON 696-4950 A 31,000, zone, N.E., 1-story. docks, divide.

Pearson 696-4950 A 4400' 1-story office bldg. with small shop. Good for mtr's rep, etc. Plenty porking, modern. Superior -E.

35 area. C.C. C. C. PEARSON 696-4950 A good clearance, 1- story, drive-in, wide span, docks.

C.C. PEARSON 696-4950 ALPHA PARK Lease sq'. Ideal Tech, Mfg. or Dist Ctr. 1-271 near 1-90.

449-6990 ATTRACTIVE yard. concrete pod, general zone, fenced. $160,000. C.C. PEARSON 696-4950 BLDG 7000'.

Sale only. E. 61 neor Bessemer. Good shop. $79,000.

C.C. PEARSON 696-4950 EAST: 44,000, 30,000. 20,000, sprinkler high ceiling, pork, docks. RR. PEARSON 696-4950 INDUSTRIAL Space Available.

$3.25 per sq. ft. sq. it. West side- Ridge Rd.

location. Call Sandi at 651-6646. LEASE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL or warehouse space. 3600 sq.ft. of clean floor space, with office overhead door.

Close to Airport, 1-71 1-480. 884-3787 Available December 1, 1988 N. Royalton, 11941 Abbey off 82, 1800, 2800 4400 sq. remodeled offices, OH good parking 838-4200 WARRENSVILLE Hts. Worehouse, 4000 sq.ft., available immediately.

Including 2 offices drive-in door. Cranwood Development, WARRENSVILLE HTS. 2400 sa. ft. warehouse diagonal office space, $1000 a mo.

Call for appointment 398-9780. WESTLAKE, 1-90, 12,700 sq. ft. building with dock, overheac door, offices. 842-8412 5000', mochine shop type with additional good tenant and extra space.

Sale. S.E. C.C. 696-49501 10660 Sites, Industrial- Commercial SALE, WANTED E.55-St. Clair-S.

Marginal. 12,000 sq offices: 6500 361-4540. sa. loft spoce. Affordable SWEET VALLEY BUSINESS PARK Near 1-77 Rockside, sites available in newly developed business pork in Valley View, low tax rate, fully improved, ready to build.

Call for additional information. S.S. Cole 524-5000. 0900 Cleveland West, Southwest A-1 BuY your own home VA with LITTLE or NO money down. Cleveland Suburbs.

Call Ingo at 871-7700, CENTURY 21- INA. Each office independently owned and operated. A-1 low interest FHA VA lancing for homes in Cleveland Suburbs. No or low down payment. Oak Tree Realty.

The VA- FHA financing experts. 238-5500. FODOR REALTY CO. Large Income Single-2 Car I Garage. 3 Bdrms.

Bath Bdrms. Bath down- Full Bsmt. Gas Furnace. Call NOW to See! 5 Rm. Suites.

Completely remodeled. Excellent Income. Dble. Lot. Off street Porking.

Call Today to See! Ask for Mike! OFFICE OPEN 8.30-7:30 3308 Lorain Ave. 631-0116 HANDYMAN SPECIAL 2991 W. 14, Alum, sided 3 bdrm. colonial. Needs interior opportunity.

repair: Lease option Pat or Art 663-4946. STELMA REALTY OFFICE CO. 884-8100 Lovely fomily home on W.118 $41,500. Make offer. Precision Realty, 884-6500.

OLD BROOKLYN-4605 SPOKANE Lge. 3-4 borm. single, elegantly remodeled, new carpeting, 3 car garage, basem*nt kitchen, fenced yard. $59,900. 845-8790.

WEST 157 DOUBLE! 4 rms. down; 3. rms. up! Full bsmt. 40x267 lot! See! WESTWAY REALTY $1250 dn FHA SHARP Double opr, 360 pay, $389 mo.

Town West Rity 888-7700-Wayne 0910 Lakewood, Rocky River, Fairview, Bay, Westlake, N. Olmsted Lawrence Rity, Inc. 331-7200 CARLYLE 2 bdrm condo, great terms, no dn $54,999. 826-1616 NEW HOMES and communties built to suit your individual lifestyle. KOPF Quality Homebuilders.

871-8234. NEW Homes in Westlake Shore West Co. 777-7873. NEW HOMES IN WESTLAKE HENNIE HOMES 777-9600 ROCKY River condo on lake. Penthouse-Pilgrim Ritv 526-4626 WINTON PLACE condo effc'y.

Assume mortgage. 226-1531 0930 Brook Park, Berea, Middleburg, Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township, Strongsville BEREA BY OWNER 3 bdrm. Split, vinyl siding, fireplace, new furnace, new dows, large wood deck, 16x32 in-ground pool, too much to list. $90,000. 234-7269 or 236-8965.

BROOK PARK Condo owner 3 bdrm, bath, bsmt, garage. Asking $50,000., 362-8419. HIGHPOINT Deerfield Woods Models open doily 238-0330. Latina Latina Builders 238-8010 Middleburg Brick Ranch Indian Creek Estates IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Your Home In Trode M. SCHILL REALTY 734-2600 MIDDLEBURG HTS.

CONDO 3 barm townhouse, att'd garage DEED REALTY CO. 888-8200 0940 Parma; Parma Brooklyn Brooklyn N. Royalton NORTH ROYALTON AREA State Rd. over 1 acre, 3 bams. Ige country kitchen, Ige fam rm 3 cor garage 90s FIRESIDE REALTY 842-6604 N.

ROYALTON -3 Borm Ranch Attached garage, full basem*nt ocres. Close to 1-77 malls By Owner. 89K. 842-7804. N.

ROYALTON: New homes by Briarwood Homes, 0950 Seven Hills, Brecksville, Independence, Broadview Hts. BRECKSVILLE Large brick bdrms. $165,000. 526-4431 OPEN DAILY 1 to 6 INDEPENDENCE -Builders Closeout 2 cols. 2 ranches from $161,500.

Sterling Rity. 642-8588 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 BRECKSVILLE 7055 Windward Chic contemporary townhouse in beautiful Windward Hills. bdrms, 2 baths, beamed catherdrol ceilings, creamy decor and window walls, $149,900. Corrol BRECKSVILLE 8455 Sunnydale Unique 4 borm Split in prime neighborhood. Neutral decor, oir, screened porch.

Convenient to churches, schools and freeway. $116.900. John. BROADVIEW HTS 1380 (Wallings Rd Just listed. 4 barm brick Split overlooking spectaculor acre wooded yard.

Skylights, oak woodwork, $164,900. Kubek. BY APPOINTMENT Charming century home in original section of Brecksville. Walk 10 shopping, bus and schools. 596,900.

I CENTURY 21 BRECKSVILLE REALTY CO. 526-1555 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED 4 BDRM ranch, barn D. STANLEY REALTY 526-1200 0960 Medina, Brunswick, Balance of Medina County BRUNSWICK Assumable loan, 3 bdrm. ranch, Call before 9pm. 1-988-4911.

0990 Mobile Homes and Parks BANK Repossession. Inventory liquidaton. Must Sell 946-4072. BEAUTIFUL lots available. With approved credit, 946-3660.

BEDFORD Hts. 12x60 Valiant furn. 2 bdrm. central air, washer-dryer, A1 $11,000. 439-4373 BENDIX '76 12x52, 2 bdrm, all appls, new NICE! 441-0140.

CAMEO 12x50, newly decorated, $10,000. 439-7217 eves COLUMBIA PARK 7100 Columbia Rd Olmsted Two A Nice Selection Call 235-5305 DON- '83 14x70, 3 new carpet, all appls, full awning. new wood utility shed, Ige. yard 722-2689 eves DONNA Bell 14x70, bath, air, appls. $15,000.

Bogley. 235-5918, 238-3575. DOUBLE wide Skyline '77, 3 borm. 2 baths, A-1 cond. Neor 1-480.

687-3379 or 1-327-0004. FAIRMONT '83, 14x60, 2 barm. air, fireploce, appls. deck-shed 1-688-1540 FAIRVIEW Pork, '75 Skyline, 12x45, 2 appts. 356-9545 LIBERTY '74, 2 bdrms.

needs fixing, $1500. 642-1465. MOBILE home, 12x55, 2 bdrm. Eastside, $7900. 641-9230 NASHUA '75 12'X60' Mites Rd.

Bedford HIs 464-4784; 531-6149. PARK Estate '73, 12'x60' furniture $10,500, 779-4757. REDMAN Venture '84, 14x70, 2- all wheel chair access. $20,500. 1-286-2612 SINGLE Double-wide mobile homes for sale.

Sahara, 946-3660 SKYLINE 12x50, good for single, couple or retired, no chitdren, 486-9145. SOMMERS AFFORDABLE HOMES Sales- Modular, sectional, mobile homes. MonSat 9-5, Thurs. 9-9 Sun. 1-5 777-9268 Turnpike Exit 8-Elyria STAR '69-2 bdrms, baths.

good $5500. 256-3734. VICTORIAN 2 14x70. 14x50 potio awning, central air, 2 storage drapes will stay. Appt.

235-1199. For Want Ad Results Call Plain Dealer Classified 344-5555 1000 Shaker Heights University Heights Cleveland Heights, Beachwood Fine Residential Properties Hackett Arnold Inc. 321-7374 SHAKER DOUBLE 5-5-3. Aluminum siding. All rooms carpeted.

New roof driveway. $89,900. Owner -Agent 283-2347. VERY LARGE SEMI in Cleve. Hts.

2 Full baths. Lowest 60s. Carol 382-9552 HERBERT E. KOHN REALTY 291-1500 Cleveland, Euclid, Bratenahl Coll Nancy Sanders, 486-1655 CENTURY 21 Leo Bour Realty Clinic area 4 bdrm. col remodeled.

$26,000. 421-4431. Woodland 12 suiter vacant, $13,900. E. 82 needs work, $2,900.

ISAAC HAGGINS RLTY851-3200 NORTH OF SUPERIOR Myron Ave. 2 family 20's I CAMEO Rity Assoc 261-3900 OFF Harvard, 4 brick. assume $3.500. 751-3815 1020 Southeast, Garfield Maple Bedford, Warrensville Heights Buckeye 4 barms $29,500 H.K.S. REALTY INC.

561-0900 ANDERSON, 5 bdrms. $200 mo. CLICHE REALTY 752-5000 Bedford Colonial RYBKA REALTY 526-7066 E. 132 off Abell 4 $24,000. E.

162 Lotust Dr. 2 bdrm. bungalow, large lot, needs work $11,900 ISAAC HAGGINS RLTY851 -3200 MAPLE BUNGALOW Mint. Owner transferred. 240' deep lot.

8.6% interest. CENTURY 21, Elco Realty 475-6818 Independently Maple Hts. Brk 3 Bdrms. Both, Fam. Rm.

M. SCHILL REALTY 461-1300 OWNER FINANCING, E. 144- Kinsman. Small 2 bdrm. single.

basem*nt, large yard. Pay down-move in. Lewis Realty Service 921-0071 1030 Wickliffe, Willowick, Willoughby, Eastlake, Mentor, Painesville, Madison, Balance of Lake Ashtabula Counties ASHTABULA BY OWNER 3 barm. brick ranch, divided bsmt, hot water heat, hardwood floors, ceramic kitchen bath 2 fireplaces 4 ac. 1-997-1331 WICKLIFFE Bung.

Upper 50's. C- P.M Realtors 944-3232 1040 South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Richmond Highland Hts. Mayfield, Mayfield Heights 561-2340. W.I. WHITE CO.

REALTORS S. Euclid $66,900 Euclid Colonial $65,900 Mentor Split-Level $95,900 M. SCHILL REALTY LIST WITH US AT 248-4008 461-1300 So. Euclid: Mayflower Condo Rosenblatt Realty 291-2200 TERRIFIC COLONIAL S. Euclid buy! 4 bedrms, baths, hardwd floors, eat-in kitchen.

WB fireploce, screened porch. Must sell! Maria Klein 1060 Northfield, Sagamore Hills, Macedonia, Twinsburg, Aurora Hudson, Richfield, Balance of Summit and Portage Counties L.R. FORRER REALTY 467-4288 1080 Sale Lots, Residential ATTENTION BUILDERS 79 lots for condo units in estabfished Mentor development. Ready to build. Priced right.

Near freeways and major shopping center. Call 524-5000. Mr. Free. WESTLAKE Subdivision.

30 tots. Buy one or all. From $55,000. 871-7724. 1110 Sale Farms and Acreage BARGAIN VALUE! 5.3 Wooded ocres in great deer country.

Only Easy financing! Will go fast. Call now. 1-800-541-3522 or 614-882-2026 BUY NOW! HUNT NOW! Bargain in best deer county. 14.7 acres only $16,900. Special owner financing.

Call now 1-800-541-3522 COUNTRY ACREAGE 5 ocres open and level in front with nice bldg. or camping site, lots of woods in rear. Electric and new survey. Lots of wild life. Mobile home approved.

Approx. 1 hr. from Cleveland, 10 minutes to Mosquito Lake $8950. Owner financing. Call (216) 699-5723 MAYFIELD Village, 70 acres plus.

Developers call C. Douglas, Realty, Inc. 464-3662. SOUTHERN Tuscarawas County Deer in West hunters Chester this is 58 acres. country of big Bucks.

Call John Yoder 216-857-3075. 5 Acres, and up, wooded lots, holf mile to Salt Fork State Pork. Free property lists. Buckey Realty, 614-685-3836; 614-439-2475. 1120 Out-of-Town Real Estate New York DUPLEX.

6 rms. eo. Good cond. Western NY area. Neor Holiday Valley co*ckaigne Ski cirs.

716-366-3067 after 5pm Pennsylvania SPORTSMAN'S LAND SALE PARCELS FROM $4.900 $19.900 NO CLOSING COSTS Hunt the adioining Allegheny National Forest. Abundant deer, turkey, bear. Trophy fish. ing nearby Kinzue. Excellent finoncing.

Land Guaranteed. Limited time offer Patten Corp. 814-226-1019. West Virginia 58 OWN WHERE THE DEER ROAM. 180 acres, beautiful mountain area.

Ideal for home, lodge etc. Call 419-797-2354. 1130 Real Estate, Miscellaneous GOVT SEIZED HOMES FROM $1 (U-repair), also tax delinquent property now avail. For info call 1-800-367-4919 H-136. RYAN HOMES 951-3621 650-2807 1150 Cottages, Sites, Resorts INCREDIBLE BARGAIN NEW A-FRAME on 4 acres ONLY $19,900 Piedmont Lake.

Private boat dock. Exclusive year get away. Eosy financing. NO CLOSING COSTS. Won't last.

Call 1-800-541-3522 INCREDIBLE BARGAIN on Lake Access lot. 2- ocres only $8,900. Private dock, wooded. Easy financing. Hurry.

Won't last! Call for appt. 1-800-541-3522. VACATIONING? RELOCATING? RETIRING? COME TO CAROLINA LAKES North Carolina's Finest LAKE GOLF COMMUNITY Pro designed golf course Marino, beach pavilion Tennis, clubhouse Swimming pool Jogging frails Championship fishing 24 hour security Fully approved homesites Starting at $12,900 Excellent financing available CALL TODAY 919-499-5131 a week PATTEN CORP OF CAROLINA LAKES 1160 Wanted Real Estate BUY HOMES Highest prices paid. 953-8270 BUY HOMES FOR CASH DAY OR NIGHT 241-0803 We buy homes for cosh. Call Newmon Russell at 267-3300.

11430 Trucks, Trailers, Parts, ALLSTAR BEDLINERS IN STOCK $179.95 KOTE 234-0640 CAP for small pickup, good cond. $125. 441-0505 CAP Gem 6' flipup sides, excellent $700. 1-576-8126. CHEVROLET '76 SUBURBAN 12 ton, 350, V8, auto.

Original owner. Asking $2995. 831-2567. CHEVY '71 Dump, 32K runs dumps, great, no leaks, good rubber, $2,000. 228-1955 CHEVY '78 Blazer, 4 w.d., needs work, $1200.

467-6624. CHEVY '79 Suburban, 4x4, plow. $3500. 486-8755 CHEVY '80 $3000., 639-9012. CHEVY '80 C10 pickup 6 cyl.

runs A1 $1575. 779-4639. CHEVY '81 Suburban ton rear drs. $3200. 521-0621 eves CHEVY '82 step van, new 1 yr.

ola motor, $3500 or make offer. Call 371-4546, 349-2590. CHEVY '83 S10 Blazer 4 W.D. Tahoe Pkg, 6 cyl. oir, tape.

$5800. 333-3259 CHEVY '84 K30, flatbed, Myers or plow, 656-1111. auto, $8000. 656-5013 CHEVY '84 S-10 Blazer 4x4, V-6, auto, air, think snow, priced to sell MERRICK CHEVROLET 243-6700 CHEVY '85 Blazer $8500 LOU COHEN AUTO 6700 Euclid CHEVY '85 Blazer loaded $9500 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid CHEVY '85 Blazer $9,500. LOU COHEN AUTO 6700 Euclid CHEVY '85 5-10 Blazer 4x4 sport priced to sell MERRICK CHEVROLET 243-6700 Chevy '85 $2 DELIVERS Need reliable party to finance balance in payments.

Must call Frank Hink for details, 946-1559 CHEVY '85 stake body, excellent cond. Make offer. Coll be. tween 8-5pm wkdays, 439-8900. CHEVY '86 Ton pick-up, V-8.

auto, low miles. sell MERRICK CHEVROLET 243-6700 CHEVY '86 Custom Deluxe ton, V-6, stick, $7300. 467-3430 CHEVY '86 Fleetside ton pick -up, good 35,000 asking price $6,800, days. 451-8655, 543-1248 CHEVY '86 510 pickup, front damage- repairable $1700. 561-7565 CHEVY '87 4WD, ton landscaping equipment 248-0564 CHEVY '88 1500 pickup, stereo, bedliner, must sell, $10,200.

228-6350, Brian. CHEVY '88 Crew Cab 454, cabriolet, 5th wheel, sitverado package, dual wheels. Loaded with the works. Must sell. Ed Wolf 231-2722.

CHEVY 8' TRUCK BED WANTED 481-6352 CHEVY Blazer 4x4, 6 hole rally wheels, 4 (a $200. 398-7965 1410 Wanted, Autos, Trucks A-11111111 WE BUY JUNK CARS-Free tow, 441-1763 FAST! A-1-AAA CASH for junk cars, free tow, 441-4418; 892-0008 A1-A WE BUY USED CARS W. 42 St. Auto Sales 631-8200 A1 JUNK CARS, trucks and running, than cars anyone wanted. in We Cleve.

pay Coll us before you sell. 631-3266. AAAAAAAAAAA-111-WE BUY JUNK CARS. FREE TOW. 421-2500.

AAA cars-trucks wanted. cash 241-7222, 281-9135 FORD '84 Pick -up $3000. Call 871-4330 from 9 to 5. HIGHEST paid for junk cars and trucks. Call 671-5723.

HIGH Prices For Junk CARS CALL 961-8500 WANTED: '85-'86 Monte Cartol SS, black, blue or burgundy! mint condition. 814-796-4542 1420 Auto Parts, Repairs, Tires A-1 Tranmission, rebuilts, 1 yr guarantee $125. 651-2769 A-1 UNUSED BFG $29; $36; $29, and others. 468-0300 AA 100 all rebuilt transmissions in stock. $120.

Dealer. 651-9190. AA-1 RADIATORS, cheap. RAD-AIR, Parma Hts. 842-5153, N.

Olmsted 779-9061, Garfield H1s. 663-0313, Lakewood 521-3416, Downtown 621-7775 AAA ENGINES instolled. Used. Reasonable. Guaranteed.

MasterCard Visa. 961-8500 Many in stock! Crankshaft re pair. MC -Visa. Towing 234-5393. AUTO Parts wanted for rebuilding- No body parts.

441-4511 BODY parts, '79-85 Regal, Riv '82-88 Century $100up 273-3784 CAMARO '79 Z28, (clean) only, 1-569-7028, mornings. CHEVELLE, Nova, Comino, '65-'72 some SS parts $100. Also Roylle wheels. 951-7285 CHEVY '68 station wagon, 327 engine, runs, $300. 845-5271 CHEVY '72 Nova 2 dr.

No Some rust. All or port $150. 1-294-3965 eves CHEVY '76 Caprice for parts. '74 Cutiass for parts. 431-5618.

CORVETTE '81 NEEDS $7900 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid DODGE '78 Aspen $150. Coll 851-3148 after 8p.m DODGE '81 Omni 1.7 liter, low mi. $100. 951-7408 ENGINES: Chevy 350, $200. Ford 302, $200.

Chrysler: 440, $125. 278-7933. FORD '71 Mustang, 1 pc. fiberglass front clip $50. 278-7933.

'79 Bronco XLT 4 W.D., plow, parting out. 251-5424 eves FORD '79 Pinto Hatchback. Parts or all. $250. 734-4547.

GRILL, never used, in box, for Plymouth Barracuda, $35 firm. 398-4377. HUNTER lite-a-alignment rock, complete Sun Slueth 11 fullscope, exhaust and electronic analyzer 1-834-4492, 2-4pm. wkdays. Monte Carlo drs (2) '78-80 $140 '78 Cougar front clip $100, 961-0044 days, 631-1871 eves.

OLDS '75 Cutlass front Clip $250 or all for $500." 1-294-3965 eves OLDS '75 Cutlass. for ports. $100, 243-1665 OLDS '77 98 or Cutlass Supreme Bumper from Arizona. Rally wheels. $150 pkg.

398-7965 OLDS '79 403 engine trans. In car. Excellent. $175. 749-3858.

OLDS '79 Cutlass, all or part, $400-offer. 749-0849. PLYMOUTH '67 871-6526. GTX parts or PONTIAC '85 Sunbird, 4 dr, options, needs work $1500 225-1875 RADIATORS AT NEW LOWER PRICES-SAVE to 439-8100 RENUALT'85 Fuego need $1800 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid SOUTHERN Sheet Metal, Door, Fender, $200 ea. 225-5979.

TRANS AM '77 front end, glass. misc. parts. $130. 267-8983 TRANSMISSIONS Rebuilt $125.

$190. 651-8151 TRANSMISSIONS car, truck van $60. Rear end $60. 225-5275. TRANSMISSION Repair, check our flat prices 281-4017, 281-4000 WINDSHIELDS, NEW USED 281-1400 RIDGE RD.

AUTO PARTS 1442 Sports and Imported Car Parts, Accessories, Service AERO Center Line Wheels for '87 Toyota Supra $600. Only 200 mi-like new. 814-838-8345 eves TOYOTA '78 Cressido, needs work or parts. $550. 791-4823.

TOYOTA '82 Cressido. Hit right side, excellent motor trans. $2000 best offer 541-6162 after 5. VW '74 Super Beetle VW '70 Square Back for parts, good engines trans. $250 ea.

241-7390 VW Rabbit TRANS. AXELS-2: -'76 1-'78. $50 ea. 543-9585 1180 Real Estate Loans Ameritrust. Service you can bonk on.

All real estate sold, rented or leased in the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY MOUSING State of Ohio, whether by the owner himself or through an agent, must be made available to all persons regardless of race. religion, color or national orgin. There are not exceptions under this law. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law. Service, Accessories ICHEVY Flat bed for pick up, $600.

Call 729-1500 eves. DODGE '77 ton pick -up, short bed, step side, good $1,550. 961-0174; 631-8596 DODGE '77, 4x4 pick up, 52,000 mi. Body good cond. Engine like new, Meyers snow plow package, 777-8605.

DODGE '78 1 ton dump, 4 w.d., plow, $4,500. 257-6126. '78 4x4. 18,000 $2000. 449-7273 DODGE '84 big Ram 4x4 $6800 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid FORD '70 pickup ton, Ariz.

truck, no rust $1950 281-8386 FORD '72 pickup, loaded, western truck. $1995. 524-5576. FORD '73 pickup, new parts, $400. 381-2845 FORD '73 stake, 51,000 mi.

$2,000 firm. 273-3840. lift, good running, FORD '74 F100, many new parts. offer. 433-0085 FORD '74 F-250 4x4 good.

$2250. 476-3399. FORD '75 F750 Dump, 10' auto, new point, $6000. 729-1410 FORD '77. ton 6 cyt.

34K 232-1626 FORD '77 ton F250, 4WD offer 442-3122 FORD '77 20' straight, flatbed, good $4000., 883-3600. FORD '77 4x4 F150. $700. Ask for Preacher. 761-1017.

FORD '77 F250 4x4, good for parts, $1200, 749-1848 FORD '78 Courier 4x4, Cap, spd. 676-6938 FORD '78 F-600, auto. trans. 18' box. good cond.

$3,200. 661-4627. FORD '79 Bronco XLT, full luxury, plow $5500, 749-1848 FORD '79 Bronco XLT, 4 w.d., never plowed, loaded, full power, air, good. $3995. 475-8871 FORD '79 C600, bulk item dump, good.

$3000. 581-1498. FORD '79 F150 4x4. New 460 C6, 3" lift, 12x15 AT tires, body foir, 351-4643. FORD '79 F350 1 ton dump, good cond.

$4000. 581-1498. FORD '79 F700 Boom truck, ton knuckle boom, 10' flat bed dump, excellent 1-286-7169. FORD '79 Pick-up good clip cab, tilt column, $300 or parts. 961-0044 days 631-1871 eves.

FORD '79 Step Van, alum. $2,500. new motor, exhoust, nice! 461-0386. FORD '80 Bronco XLT, 302 V8, never been plowed, immaculate, $3,850. 729-3070 FORD '83 pickup, ready for winter, $2900.

1-527-2505. FORD '83 auto $3900 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid FORD '84 Ranger. 39K mi, 4 4 sliding window, excellent, $3,995 529-9933 FORD '85 F-150 ELT, loaded, 4x4, cleon, $8950, 543-3647 FORD '86 Ranger, XLT extended cob, 5 $6800. 1-576-8126. FORD '86 RANGER SUNROOF NEW TIRES $4500.

892-8811 FORD '87 F-250 4 wid suspension, 16k mi, excellent cond, offer 676-5800 FORD '88 Crew Cob 250 pickup Cabriolet, loaded with 5th wheel hitch, 8 ft. bed, 460 engine 151 wheel, Bosi Reese CB, the works. Must sell. Ed Wolf 231-2722. FORDS F700's excellent, fair, all low mileage.

2 rust free. Make offer. 678-6532 GMC '76, 4 W.D., V8, cond. cob, plow 1-834-4492, 2-4pm. wkdays.

GMC '79 ton stake bed Runs good. $3000. 663-4295 GMC '83 1 Ton Diesel Dump Standard trans. $8500 729-1410 GMC '86 V6 auto, cap, $6500. Sunset Motors 1-667-2686 GMC '86 Sierra, outo, power brakes steering, air.

731-6706 GMC '87 big 4x4 PLOW $9500 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid HEAVY duty 8' custom made ladder rock with tool boxes locks. offer. 476-8860 INT'L '74 Scout 4x4. Meyers Angle plow, $500. 449-7273 INT'L '76 alum.

box truck, needs some work $1500. 749-1848 INT'L '78 26' Good worthy 842-9770. '85 Trooper 11 4x4 $5900 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid IZZU '86 NPR, 11,000 14' box, low mi. A-1. 1-757-8546 JEEP '80 Cherokee 4 wheel drive, with snow plow, excellent condition.

$3,800. 526-2915 days. or 526-2382 evenings. JEEP '84 CJ7 6 Cyl, auto. 4x4, only $5988.

MERRICK CHEVROLET 243-6700 KW '84 400 Cummins, fresh maior. Loaded. 932-2410 after 6 LA PINE Conventional Tractors, all makes 526-6363 MAZDA '81 B2000, good cap, long bed, $2700. 398-0935. MAZDA '86 B2000 Cab plus, oir, 5 spd.

29,000 mi. $6000. 692-1172 MAZDA '87, 2200, 36,000 excellent cond. $4750. 681-8113.

MEYERS snowplow frame for 1980 or newer Ford pick-up. $550. 467-8785 MEYERS Powerangle, never used. $1200, all accessories incl. 228-9171 NISSAN '86 ST 4x4 $5900 WHOLESALER 7500 Euclid PETERBILT '77, flat bed trailer, spore motor $16,500, 932-0765 PICK-UPS and Vans Immediate delivery.

Tony LaRiche Chevy 585-9300 SNOW PLOW, 6', fair condition, $50. 1-255-4355. TIRES 9.00x20, 10.00x20 $40. ea. 11x22.5, 11x24.5, $50.

961-8912 TOYOTA '84 SR5 4 w.d., extro cob. air, loaded. A-1. 842-0718 TOYOTA '86 4x4 pickup, Texas car, warranty. $8500.

531-4437 eves. TOYOTA '87 4- Runner, loaded, 25k silver stripes. Asking $14,000. 992-0419 TRAILER, cor 16. Never used.

$975. 237-6655. TRAILMOBILE, P.91, spread. 24.5 buds, $4,500. 252-8659.

TRANSFER case trans. for Chevy '82 4WD, $475. 238-7024. VALLEY Ford Truck Sales Cleveland's Largest. 524-2400.

1431 Sale Vans, Accessories CHEVY '78 Conversion Van, 20 series, oir. $2900. 842-1577 CHEVY '79 Conversion, loaded, A-1! 351-1789. CHEVY 81 Bonoventure, dual air, 12 pass. A-1 $2650 524-4535 CHEVY '83 Cargo Van.

Runs A-1. Good cond. $2,300. 661-5816. CHEVY '84 cargo van, oir, rear seat, A-1, $5500.

481-5924. CHEVY '84 conversion $9200 LOU COHEN AUTO 6700 Euclid CHEVY '85 ton cargo $4900. LOU COHEN AUTO 6700 Euclid CHEVY '85 High Top Conversion Van, only 19,500 miles on this one, and it is gorgeous. Only $10,988. MERRICK CHEVROLET 243-6700 Chevy '88 Conver.

Vans from $17,995. Sims Buick 481-8800 CHEVY '89 MINI VAN LT Touring loaded, low mi $13,900. Youngstown, 1-758-4984 DODGE 1989 8-250 ton corgo van, V-8, air, stereo. Lease for $275 per mo. Call for details.

Karg Brunswick Auto World, 723-0371. A-1 DODGE '77 B100. Customized, cond. extras. $2500 661-7359 DODGE '78 Vans: Cargo-needs engine body excellent, ladder rocks shelves.

Window-many new parts $500 ea 749-1848 excellent, 729-4807 '78 Customized body DODGE '82 Ram 150, dy, ladder rock, 4 spd. on floor, 48,000 mi. good shape, $2500. 561-3059 eves, days 888-3883. DODGE '85 Coravan LE $8900 7500 Euclid DODGE '85 Caravan LE, looded, good shape.

$7850. 582-1007 DODGE '85 Mini van, Al, auto, power steering brakes, air, extras, 87K, $5,000. 676-8928 DODGE, '85 Ram 350. 1 ton. cargo.

$4,750. 884-4420; 886-0820 DODGE '87 Van, mint fully loaded, low mi. 273-1178 FORD '78 Club Wagon van, original showroom 351. Dual oir cond. gas tank.

37K 333-7159 owner, $8,000 firm. eves wkends. FORD '78 E300- 12 possenger, 6 auto, air, new brakes, runs good. 321-8284. FORD '80 von extended, totally rebuilt, 302 engine $1825.

961-4229 GMC '88 SAFARI VAN $12.395 auto. FRIEDMAN BUICK 6777 MAYFIELD 461-4450 NISSAN Stonzo wagon, Al 60,000 mi. 467-4570. A-1, TOYOTA $5995, '84, loaded, 46K mi. 586-5383, 351-1348.

TOYOTA WHOLESALER von 7500 $6.200. Euclid VANS and pickups, choice of 15 LOU COHEN AUTO 431-8055 11440 Sale Automobiles I AA $1000 Minimum Trade-In or Cash Rebate Yr. Model YOU PAY '85 Lincoln Town Car $10,888 '88 Reliant $8688 '87 LeBaron Coupe $12.388 '85 New Yorker 5th Ave. $7288 '88 New Yorker $15,988 '86 Monte Carlo $8288 '84 Dodge Aries Wign. $5288 '85 LeBaron Convertible $4988 '88 Voyager $12,188 '85 Century LMT $5888 '85 Pontiac 6000LE $5988 '85 Ford LTD $5995 '81 Monte Carlo $2988 '83 Olds Toronado $5488 '87 Caravelle 4dr $8788 '84 Turismo $1988 '85 GTS $5288 '77 New Yorker Brghm $1688 '86 Lebaron 4 dr $6988 EUCLID Chrysler Plymouth 20941 Euclid Ave.

692-3900 AAAA We BUY, Cars Bigelow Chevy 524-9500 AMC '79 AMX 6 CYl. auto. power, 77K mi. $725. 888-7455 AMC '79 Spirit.

6. runs, body OK, $185. 382-6749 AMC '79 Spirit, runs well, offer. 671-6730. AMC '86 Eagle 4 Dr.

4x4. Only 29,000 certified miles. Has afl the toys. Looks and runs like new. Special price of $8995.

SOUTHLAND JEEP EAGLE 845-9332. Call Southland, 845-9332 6976 Pearl Rd. ANDY SIMS BUICK 8000 Broodview Rd. 526-1900 Axeirod Pontioc 661-5060 We Buy Used Cars BUD BRADY FORD 8003 Broadway 341-6655 BUICK NEED CREDIT LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Call Today Drive Today 225-3700 Ask for Mr. Smith Town Country Lincoln Mercury BUICK -480 '85 REGAL 2 dr, 39,000 actual miles, full power, cloth interior, stereo and much more.

Exceptionally clean $7188 Bob Gillingham Ford Your 1-480 Ford Dealer 8383 Brookpark Rd. 398-1300 Buick YOU Deserve a car with low mileage! '83 Buick Regal, 35K '85 Buick Skylark 4 dr, 34K '85 Buick LeSabre 4 dr, 29K '85 Olds Ciera Brghm, 27K '86 Buick Century 4dr, 25K '86 Olds Regency Brghm, 30K '86 Olds Delta, 37K Call Today! We keep the best. wholesale the rest Bill Lake Buick 15149 Loran 252-6400 BUICK '75 Regal runs good, body good $450. 883-9565 BUICK '75 Skyhowk 2 dr. hatchback, $300.

251-9220. BUICK '77 Century, new ports, good transp. $400. 235-2541. BUICK '77 Regal, 58,000 mi, air, tilt, nice.

$1295. 473-0594 BUICK '77 Regal, Call 283-5216 ofter 7pm. BUICK '79 Estate Wagon, no rust, A1 $1600. 225-1560 BUICK '79 LeSabre 4 dr, new parts, runs good $1050 267-6482. BUICK '78 Pork Avenue.

White sunroof, plush interior, spoke wheels, runs excellent, body good, nice! $2500. 752-4913. BUICK '79 Regal, V8. Solid. $1295, BIG LOT 476-3100 BUICK '79 Regal Limited, excellent interior, good exterlor, most options, $1075.

562-3292. BUICK '79 Regal, many new ports, $1200. 734-1196 eves. BUICK'79 Regal 2 dr, mint. new paint, $1900.

581-3667 BUICK '79 Station Wagon, auto, oir, $975 or best offer. 248-4572 BUICK '80 LeSabre-lo mi. most options. A-1. $2,800.

461-6947. BUICK '80 Regal 2dr. V6 needs work, 521-1128 BUICK '80 Good must sett, 235-4936 BUICK '80 Riviera $4295 BIGELOW RESALE DEPT 398-6363 BUICK '80 Skylork 4dr. Clean. Runs well.

$875. 941-8816. BUICK '80 Skylawk good $1650. 582-3652; 842-1351 BUICK '81 Century Itd. 4 dr.

V6, loaded, $2600, 289-3469. BUICK '81 Century WagonAuto, air, AWFM, good $1500 neg 581-5337 or 423-3663. BUICK '81 LeSabre LTD, loaded, runs A-1, 473-0028 BUICK '81 Regal, Fair condition. $1500. 734-4547.

BUICK '81 Riviera, loaded, no rust, 92K $1999. 486-3885. BUICK '81 Skylark 4 dr, air, no rust $975 235-0513 BUICK '82 Century, oir, am-im, auto. Very good $2500. 238-7213.

BUICK '82 Century Ltd 4 dr. 47k mi. Al cond. $3995. 572-1647 '82 LaSabre Ltd 4dr air, excellent, low mi $4100.

944-6391 BUICK '82 LeSobre LTD 4 dr, full power, air, tilt, cruise, good cond. $2700. 221-8819 BUICK '82 LeSabre-diesel, very good, runs well. $1600. 356-1994.

BUICK '82 Limited 4-dr, Loaded. Al. 321-5848 eves BUICK '82 Pork Ave $3995 FRIEDMAN AUTO 6600 Euclid 391-1700 BUICK '82 Regal LTD all power, Al. $3,400. 473-9961.

BUICK '82 Regal 4 very cleon, diesel, $1500. 641-8964. BUICK '82 Air, Chopman lock, low mi. Creampuff, $4995 or best offer. 371-2730.

BUICK '82 Riviera red. leather interior, loaded $5900, 333-3896 BUICK '83 Century Type 54K A-1. Extros $4,300. 439-8329 BUICK '83 Century oir, 70K mi. A-1 cond $3400, 291-5585 BUICK '83 LeSabre, fully loaded, excellent, $3500.

1-294-3643 mi, BUICK '83 Park Ave V8, 73,000 Call mint $5600 333-6366 or 333-3033 BUICK '83 Pork Avenue, looded, mint cond. $5,400. 845-5647 tires, olarm, Regal $4200. 6 new BUICK '83 Riviera $2995 Diesel, burgandy. FRIEDMAN AUTO 6600 Euclid 391-1700 BUICK '83 Riviera, immaculate $7500.

449-0228 or 765-6314 cyl, BUICK auto, '83 Skylark, front wd. 4 body in good shape, clean $3000 845-1190 0 1.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.