What Should I Eat? (2024)

It’s not easy knowing which foods will help you feel your best, especially when you have Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Research suggests diet plays a role in the development of IBD, the disease course, induction or maintenance of remission, reducing symptoms, andnutritional status.

What Should I Eat? (1)

We have several tips for a healthy diet that’s well-balanced and nutrient rich. These tips are for educational purposes only. You should work with your doctor or an IBD-focused registered dietitian to help you develop a personalized diet.

Foods toConsider Limitingin Diet |Foods to Increase in Your Diet |Food Preparation and Planning |

How Should I Eat When Flaring? | How Should I Eat When in Remission?

Video Length 00:01:32

Healthy Way to Approach Diet in IBD If you have Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), you may be wondering "What can I eat?"In this video, Brittany Rodgers, MS, RD, CPT shares healthy ways to approach diet for Crohn's and colitis patients.

Foods to Consider Limitingin Diet

It is important to remember that people with IBD may have different experiences with food, and it does not affect everyonein the same way. Each person may even make diet choices depending on what may be going on with their disease, whether they may be in the midst of a flare, or in remission.

For some patients, there can be certaintrigger foods. There are alsofoods associated with increasing risk for active disease. Some patients may choose to minimize certain foods in their diet, but it is always helpful to consult with your doctor, and a dietitian about your needs.

Trigger foods:

Trigger foods are any food that causes unpleasant symptoms. Although they can lead to symptoms, trigger foods don’t necessarily cause harm (or inflammation) to your body. Everyone may have different trigger foods, although here are some common trigger foods and beverages:

  • Foods high in insoluble fiber (does not dissolve in water) can be hard to digest: raw kale, skin of an apple, sunflower seeds
  • High-fiber foods: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus
  • High lactose-containing foods: cow’s milk, cream, ice cream, custard
  • Sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners: sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, sucralose, aspartame, saccharin
  • Added sugars and sugary foods: cookies, pastries, coconut sugar, honey, maple syrup
  • High-fat foods: butter, cheesy dishes, fried foods
  • Spicy foods: sriracha, chili powder
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeinated coffee/tea, energy drinks, other caffeinated beverages
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages: soda, coffee/espresso drinks with sugar/syrup, juices

Foods associated with increased risk for inflammation:

Eating certain foods frequently over time has been found toincrease the risk for inflammation1. It’s okay to have these foods occasionally when you desire them, just have them in moderation. Instead of actively trying to restrict these foods, try to focus on adding more variety into your diet. For example, if you usually eat red meat every day, focus on adding a greater variety of protein into your diet so that you have chicken, turkey, tofu, eggs, tilapia, salmon, and tuna throughout the week.

Foods associated with increased inflammation include:

  • Red meat: beef, lamb, pork, veal, bison
  • Processed meat: lunch/deli meat, bacon, hot dogs, sausages
  • Coconut oil, dairy fat, palm oil

Emerging evidence suggests the following foods may play a role in inflammation (although more research is needed):

  • Processed foods containing certain additives:carboxymethylcellulose, polysorbate-80, carrageenan, maltodextrin, titanium dioxide, sulfates, guar gum
  • Artificial sweeteners: aspartame, sucralose, saccharin

Important points to keep in mind:

- Be kind to yourself. It’s what your diet looks like as a whole, rather than a single day or meal, that makes the biggest difference. You can eat foods that may play a role in inflammation occasionally.

- Disordered eating is common in people with GI diseasesand is associated with worse disease outcomes2. If you feel your relationship with food could be better, reach out to an IBD-focused dietitian and gut-specialized psychologist.

- Some cultures frequently consume spicy foods or red meat. Instead of completely eliminating these traditional foods from your diet, try adapting recipes to swap out ingredients for better tolerated alternatives. You can also try eating less of the food so that you can still enjoy it but it doesn’t trigger symptoms.

Foods to Increase in Your Diet

When consumed frequently over time, certain foods have been found to decrease inflammation1.

Foods to increase in your diet include:

  • Fruits: bananas, raspberries, applesauce, blended fruit
  • Vegetables: squashes, fork-tender cooked carrots, green beans
  • Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids: fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc.), walnut butter, chia seeds, flaxseed oil, flaxseed meal

Other healthy foods to include in your diet:

  • Cooked and cooled or reheated starches: potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal
  • Leafy green vegetables (try cooking and cutting into small pieces or blending them into smoothies)

Worried about not being able to digest fruits and vegetables?

Think about the type, texture, and amount of the fiber-containing food.


Can the fruit/vegetable dissolve in water quickly? If so, it’s likely to be high in soluble fiber. Raspberries are the perfect example. As soon as you drop a fresh raspberry into a glass of water, it will start to disintegrate. If a fruit/vegetable won’t dissolve in water, such as the skin of an apple, it’s high in insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber can cause more frequent or urgent trips to the bathroom.


At times, it may be helpful to adjust the texture of the food. For example, raw kale and blended kale both contain the same amount of insoluble fiber, but blended kale is much better tolerated as it acts more like soluble fiber in the intestines. Instead of raw nuts, nut butters may be easier to digest.


Instead of adding a lot of fruits and vegetables into your diet at once, which can increase frequent and urgent trips to the bathroom, try slowly adding them a little at a time.

For individuals with stricturing Crohn's disease:

Depending on how symptomatic you are, you may need to adjust the amount and/or texture of other foods, not just those that contain fiber. Some examples of foods that could be problematic include:

  • Mushrooms
  • Popcorn
  • Steak
  • Dried meats or fruit
  • Raw nuts
  • Salads

Food Preparation and Planning

While there is no one-size-fits-all for meal planning, these tips can help guide you toward better daily nutrition:

  • Stay hydrated—drink enough to keep your urine light yellow: water, broth, a smoothie, an enteral nutrition supplement, or an oral rehydration solution (hydrating beverage containing sugar and electrolyte salts)
  • Prepare meals in advance
  • Plan some quick and easy meals for days you’re too tired to cook bigger meals
  • Keep your kitchen stocked with foods that don’t aggravate your symptoms
  • Use simple cooking techniques: boil, grill, roast, steam, poach
  • Create a plan for eating outside the home: review menus ahead of time, let friends/family members know if you prefer to bring your own meal to gatherings or holidays, and adapt cultural/religious recipes so that you can enjoy these special occasions

How Should I Eat When Flaring?

In general, it would be good to continue consuming the foods listed in the “foods to increase in your diet” section. You may also need to adjust the texture of fiber-containing foods to improve tolerance.

Video Length 00:02:05

What to Eat When in a Flare When you have inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), and are in the middle of a flare, it is very important to avoid foods that may trigger additional symptoms and choose foods that are healing and nutritious. Watch and listen to learn more on dietary recommendations when in a flare.

Resist self-imposed restrictive diets:

Unless your doctor or dietitian has instructed you to follow a specific diet and you’re getting adequate support, resist the urge to follow diets recommended to you by friends, family, or people on the internet. Just like medications, restrictive diets have potential side effects that can include nutrient deficiencies, unplanned weight loss/malnutrition, disordered eating, or progression to an eating disorder, all of which may negatively impact disease outcomes.

Increase protein:

Since protein needs increase during active disease, it’s also helpful to focus on consuming protein-containing foods throughout the day. Some examples of foods containing protein are chicken, tofu, fish, turkey, eggs, yogurt, beans, chia seeds, and nut butters.

Increase fluids:

If you’re having frequent loose stools, have a fecal infection, or have constipation or incomplete evacuation, it may be helpful to focus on increasing hydrating fluids. Some examples of hydrating fluids are water, broth, smoothies, and an oral rehydration solution.

Nutrient dense meals/snacks:

If your appetite has decreased, you’ve lost weight without trying recently, or have a fecal infection, it may be helpful to consume frequent, small, nutrient-packed meals or snacks.

Some examples include:

  • Adding a snack (e.g., 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana, hummus and crackers, or yogurt and berries)
  • Adding olive oil to meals
  • Adding ¼ to ½ an avocado to meals
  • Having a smoothie between meals
  • Adding sauces to meals (such as a lemon garlic tahini sauce)

Minimize food restrictions:

If you feel restricted, your diet is likely lacking variety. Every whole food contains different nutrients, so when you restrict a food, and especially a food group, from your diet, you’re at risk for nutrient deficiencies. Since this can negatively impact your disease, try to minimize food restrictions. If you’re unsure of what to eat and what is triggering your symptoms, work with an IBD-focused registered dietitian.

How Should I Eat When in Remission?

If you were adjusting the texture of foods during your flare, you can start reintroducing tougher-to-digest foods when you’re in remission. If you have stricturing Crohn’s disease, ask your doctor whether you should continue adjusting the texture of foods. Some trigger foods will only cause symptoms during active disease and others will be triggers regardless of disease activity.

Try to keep your diet as expansive as possible, especially including as many tolerated plant-based foods as possible, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, and whole grains. Continue to consume plenty of foods that reduce the occurrence of active disease and minimize those that may lead to increased occurrences of active disease.

Video Length 00:02:10

Eating When in Remission When you are in remission with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), it is very important to focus on maintaining a diverse and nutrient rich diet. Watch and listen to learn more on dietary recommendations when in remission.

In remission but still have symptoms?

Reach out to an IBD-focused registered dietitian to help you find your trigger foods. They may suggest a low-FODMAP diet, if appropriate.


  1. Levine A, Rhodes JM, Lindsay JO, et al. Dietary Guidance From the International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(6):1381-1392. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2020.01.046
  2. Werlang ME, Sim LA, Lebow JR, Lacy BE. Assessing for Eating Disorders: A Primer for Gastroenterologists. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021;116(1):68-76. doi:10.14309/ajg.0000000000001029
What Should I Eat? (2024)


What Should I Eat? ›

The more veggies — and the greater the variety — the better. Potatoes and French fries don't count. Choose fish, poultry, beans, and nuts; limit red meat and cheese; avoid bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats. Eat a variety of whole grains (like whole-wheat bread, whole-grain pasta, and brown rice).

How do I figure out what I want to eat? ›

Go with your gut. If you tend to love a hot breakfast, find something warm and nourishing to eat in the AM! If you like a cooler meal for lunch, opt for a tossed salad, a cold sandwich, or something similar. You can't go wrong with what you like!

What are the 10 best foods to eat? ›

Here are the top 15 foods you should be eating according to our experts:
  1. Fish. ...
  2. Broccoli or any of the cruciferous vegetables. ...
  3. Beets. ...
  4. Spinach and other leafy green vegetables. ...
  5. Kale. ...
  6. Peanut butter. ...
  7. Almonds. ...
  8. Mangos.
Apr 5, 2019

What to eat when nothing sounds good for ADHD? ›

A food that has a low GI rating lowers blood sugar levels, decreases cravings, and increases focus. Whole grains, beans, seeds, and most vegetables are good choices.

How to pick what to eat? ›

Struggling to Decide What to Eat? These Tips that Help
  1. LISTEN TO YOUR GUT FEELING. Allow yourself to gravitate towards the dishes that instantly have your attention as they scroll by you at the restaurant or online in the restaurant's photo gallery. ...
May 29, 2023

Should I eat if I'm not hungry? ›

Although there are many reasons why you may not have an appetite, eating is still important. You get essential calories, vitamins, and minerals from the foods you eat and beverages you drink. These provide key energy and nutrients that your body needs every day.

Should I eat if I'm hungry late at night? ›

Going to bed hungry can be safe as long as you're eating a well-balanced diet throughout the day. Avoiding late-night snacks or meals can actually help avoid weight gain and an increased BMI. If you're so hungry that you can't go to bed, you can eat foods that are easy to digest and promote sleep.

What is the #1 healthiest food? ›

Top 10 Foods for Health
  1. Water. Drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily.
  2. Dark green vegetables. Eat dark green vegetables at least three to four times a week. ...
  3. Whole grains. Eat whole grains sat least two or three times daily. ...
  4. Beans and lentils. Try to eat a bean-based meal at least once a week. ...
  5. Fish. ...
  6. Berries. ...
  7. Winter squash. ...
  8. Soy.

What is the #1 food eaten in the world? ›

Cereal grains and tubers are the most common food staples. There are more than 50,000 edible plants in the world, but just 15 of them provide 90 percent of the world's food energy intake. Rice, corn (maize), and wheat make up two-thirds of this.

What is the world no 1 eat? ›

1. Sushi (Japan) Source Prepared with vinegared rice and a wide range of ingredients including seafood, vegetables, and sometimes fruits. Sushi tastes best when served with wasabi, pickled ginger, and soy sauce.

Why is all food unappealing to me? ›

Mental health ailments like depression or anxiety can stunt your appetite, leading you to feel hungry but without an appealing food option. Even when you're stressed in the short term—say, about an upcoming presentation—you may notice feeling hungry but not having an appetite for anything.

Why do I feel hungry but full? ›

Often it's the result of an inadequate diet that lacks protein or fiber. However, it could be due to hormone issues, such as leptin resistance, or your daily lifestyle. If you often find yourself hungry after eating, try implementing some of the evidence-based suggestions above to help curb your appetite.

Why am I hungry but nothing tastes good? ›

When you feel hungry but no food sounds good, you might be experiencing physical hunger without mental hunger. Your body is signaling that it is time to eat, but it is not telling you what specifically it wants to eat. This can make it challenging to figure out what to eat.

Why am I hungry but I don't want to eat? ›

Depression. Depression, or prolonged and severe sadness, can lead to a persistent "hungry but lack of appetite" feeling. Depression can be a serious illness, so if you are consistently feeling down, it can be vital to speak with your doctor as soon as possible.

What shall I eat today? ›

Dinner recipe ideas
  • Chilli con carne. Make classic chilli con carne tonight for spicy comfort food, or try different options with beans, veggies or turkey mince. ...
  • Chilli. ...
  • Rice. ...
  • Sausage and rice recipes. ...
  • Air fryer recipes. ...
  • All-time top 20. ...
  • Burger. ...
  • Calzone.

What do you eat every day? ›

Food groups in your diet
  • eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day (see 5 A Day)
  • base meals on higher fibre starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice or pasta.
  • have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks)
  • eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein.

Why is it so hard to decide what to eat? ›

One of the main reasons could be the availability of various options. When you have too many dishes to choose from you often get confused. That's because your brain is prompting you to try everything. But at the same time, you also know that it's not worth it.

Why don't I know what I like to eat? ›

Conditions like anxiety, depression, hypothyroidism, zinc deficiency or morning sickness can impact taste buds and the desire to eat. As well as some more short-lived illnesses like food poisoning, a cold or the flu. Certain prescribed medications may also affect your appetite or the way you feel hunger in the body.

Why is figuring out what to eat so hard? ›

"Essentially, our eyes are bigger than our stomachs," he says. "When we think about how many choices we want, we may not be mentally representing the frustrations of making the decision." Camerer says future research in this area could explore and attempt to quantify the mental costs of making a decision.

Why am I hungry but don't know what I want? ›

Feeling hungry but not knowing what to eat can be a frustrating experience. That aimless wandering through the kitchen can be caused by a wide variety of factors including stress, medications, rigid food rules, and even nutrient deficiencies.


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