Leighty's Retro Review: WCW Uncensored 1996 | 411MANIA (2024)

-We continue along with a PPV that is famous for all the wrong reasons. I watched the show live and may have seen it one other time when I rented the VHS (I’m old) from my local Hollywood Video. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Tony Schiavone, Duty Rhodes, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
-Date: March 24, 1996
-Tupelo Coliseum, Tupelo, MS
-Attendance: 9000
-PPV Buys: 250,000

-The PPV numbers were the most ever in WCW at the point which means people were interested in the Doomsday Cage Match concept.

WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Konnan (c) vs. Eddie Guerrero

-Tony notes this is the only Title Match on the card this evening. Lockup to start and Eddie gets a go behind, but Konnan takes it to the mat and stretches Eddie for a bit. Eddie scissors his legs to reverse and get to his feet. He springs off the top buckle and takes Konnan down with an arm-drag. They go again and Eddie is able to grab a leg. He transitions into a figure-four which Konnan sells like death. Konnan gets to the bottom rope to break. They go through a reversal sequence that nets Konnan a couple two counts and we start again. Eddie gets a headlock, but Konnan is up and gets to an ankle lock and then into a half-crab. That goes full Boston Crab, but Eddie gets to the bottom rope to break. The pace picks up as Eddie gets an arm-drag and then a leg sweep. Konnan gets his own leg sweep and it’s a stalemate so Konnan slaps Eddie in the face. Eddie slaps back and the crowd is actually fired up as they start an “Eddie” chant. Konnan eggs on the people chanting for him and that leads to dueling chants. Eddie snaps off a rana from the top rope for two and then hooks a camel clutch. Konnan powers his way out which sends Eddie to the floor. He takes his time out there before heading back into the ring. Konnan wins the next exchange and Eddie heads back to the floor. He takes his time getting back in the ring and hooks a side headlock into a takedown. Konnan is able to escape as the camera cuts to the massive three story cage built at the entrance ramp. Eddie with an arm drag and Konnan bails to the floor. Konnan takes his time out there, but Eddie blitzes him back in the ring. He hits Konnan with a flurry of moves that sends him to the floor and then Eddie comes off the top with a splash. Slingshot senton back in gets two as Konnan got his bottom foot on the rope. Things slow back down again as Eddie hooks a head scissors. Konnan pounds the mat to get the crowd behind him as I wonder why he doesn’t use those hands to punch Eddie. Konnan rolls out and gets a German Suplex, but a second one gets reversed by Eddie into a pin for two. Konnan back with his own pin attempt that gets two and then he drops Eddie with a clothesline. That also gets two! Powerbomb is reversed into a rana into a pin which gets two for Eddie. Konnan with a Razor’s Edge into a sit-out powerbomb for two and now the crowd is into this one. They fight up top and Konnan shoves Eddie off to the floor. Konnan follows with a suicide dive that sends Eddie into the railing. Eddie escapes a suplex into the ring, but Konnan just clotheslines him down for a two count. Konnan up top, but Eddie is up to greet him and brings him down with a top rope superplex that gets two. Another cover and another two count. Eddie heads up, but Konnan brings him down and Eddie turns that into a roll-up for two. Eddie tries a leapfrog, but can’t clear and Konnan gets a headbutt into the balls. He covers Eddie for the win at 18:27.

Winner and Still US Champion: Eddie Guerrero via pin at 18:27
-This took a good while to get going and the crowd was still learning what this new style was all about but caught in to Eddie being awesome pretty easily. It was okay, but they would get better with opening matches like this when the rest of the crew from Mexico and Japan came into the company. **1/2

-Mean Gene pimps CompuServe backstage and then brings in Colonel Parker and Dick Slater. He faces Madusa later tonight!

Lord Steven Regal (w/ Jeeves) vs. “The Belfast Bruiser” Fit Finlay

-LET’S GO! They immediately just start beating the piss out of each other as the announcers are just gasping with each kick, punch, and clothesline. Finlay with a stiff clothesline and then just a straight kick to the back. Regal’s a real man’s man and fires back before taking it to the mat. Regal ties Finlay up and just punches him in the face repeatedly. Effective! Finlay breaks with a knee to the head and then drops a knee to the face. Just watching this match will cause hair to grow on your chest! To the floor where Finlay drops Regal on the railing and then posts his shoulder. Back in the ring Finlay goes to work on the shoulder while talking some trash. Regal gets in position to throw some knees to the head to break. Regal stomps Finlay’s face and then hits a dropkick for two as he covers with his forearm over the bridge of Finlay’s nose. Finlay back with a heavy forearm to the face and then right back to the shoulder. Palm strikes from Regal to break a pin attempt followed by some up kicks. Regal gets mount and just unloads with strikes and uses his shin to choke Finlay while arguing with Nick Patrick. Genius! Finlay back with a punch to the face and then a hard slam. He gets a Senton Backsplash for two. Finlay hooks a chinlock, but Regal fights out again. Finlay responds with another clothesline as Regal checks his teeth. Tony tells us that Finlay and Randy Savage are scheduled to wrestle tomorrow on Nitro. Oh man, I need to see that! Finlay clubs Regal and looks for a chair from ringside, but they are all hooked together so no dice. They fight over a suplex on the apron and Finlay ends up getting suplexed from the ring to the floor. Regal drops an elbow off the apron to the floor as they continue to just beat the snot out of each other. The crowd sadly doesn’t care much, but I appreciate what I am seeing. Finlay with a heavy kick that wakes up the crowd. I guess he realized he just needs to hit Regal harder to get the fans into this. Regal moves the ref and kicks Finlay flush in the balls and he is quite proud of himself. Finlay back with a thumb to the eye and then just drops Regal face first with a knee to the back of the head. Regal back as he works the arm and puts his knee on Finlay’s face for good measure. Dusty: “grinding on his head and his nose. Just grinding him.” Regal just hits a forearm right in Finlay’s face and Finlay just grins at him. Finlay with a backdrop out of the corner and heavy forearms to the back. Regal back with a forearm to the back of the head and then another to the chest. Finlay with a short right to the jaw that has Heenan laughing his ass off. You can tell that Heenan is enjoying this! They fight back on the floor and another punch to the face and Regal is pouring blood from his nose. Both men are just staggering around the ring now as they look spent. Regal kicks Finally over the top rope and catches him with a boot trying to get back in the ring. They fight up the ramp and Regal tosses Finlay into the Doomsday Cage at the entrance. Dave Taylor and Bobby Eaton are out to attack Finlay for the DQ at 17:33.

Winner: Fit Finlay via DQ at 17:33
-If you want something different than watch this match as it was just a fight. The crowd wasn’t into it, but by the end even they realized this match was something different. These men killed each other here so that Drew, Sheamus, and GUNTHER could fly two decades later. I wish it had a better ending, but perhaps Regal was out of it and they just needed to get them out of there. ***1/4

-Regal gets in a back hand slap which only slows Finlay down. He chases after The Blue Bloods and gets in a shot on Eaton.

-“Mean” Gene Okerlund is backstage with The Giant and Jimmy Hart. Giant is facing Lochness and the winner gets Flair for the World Title tomorrow on Nitro. I mean, Giant wasn’t losing anyway, but that stip made it even more obvious.

-Back to Gene as he plugs The WCW Hotline and says a Major Superstar may be hanging up the tights to go to Hollywood. I’m not sure who he would be talking about in this situation. It’s probably somebody obvious that I am forgetting. Lochness gets promo time. Again, he was brought in to be part of the team to face Hogan and they quickly ditched that idea and fed him to The Giant. Sorry, spoiler!

Colonel Robert Parker vs. Madusa

-This all stems from The Parker/Sherri Wedding in Vegas where Medusa popped up as the other woman. Parker has elbow pads on under his button shirt and Dusty loses it as Parker locks up with Medusa. “What the hell? Somebody bring me my medicine.” Have I mentioned that I love these three on commentary? Madusa gets a throw out of the corner as Parker complains about Madusa pulling the tights. The crowd is popping for all this, but didn’t care about Finlay and Regal killing themselves. Southern Rasslin! Madusa with a slam that pops the crowd and Slater is out to give Parker support. Dusty: “Those red elbow pads he has, aint done a dang thing.” Parker gets a choke and slams Medusa. He misses an elbow and Madusa lands a couple dropkicks from the middle rope. She heads up top and gets a crossbody to the floor as Parker did all he could to protect her on the way down. It made it look less impressive, but kudos to Parker. Madusa gets a German Suplex into a pin, but Slater trips her up and Parker rolls over for the pin at 3:47.

Winner: Colonel Robert Parker via pin at 3:47

-A comedy match that the crowd dug and it was short. I assume Parker won as even in 1996 they couldn’t have a trained woman wrestler go over a manager (yes, I know Parker was a trained wrestler). *

-Lee Marshall is backstage and is joined by The Road Warriors for an interview. Just your normal RW interview. I was more focused on the chalkboard behind them that had a drawing of the Tower of Doom cage and all the participants like someone was game planning for the match.

-Slamboree commercial! LETHAL LOTTERY!

Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Booty Man

-Before we had Bum Corbin, we had Bum DDP. As we saw last month, Johnny B Badd beat Page which meant Kimberly got her millions back. Well, Badd would be making his WWF debut a few weeks after this show, so they repackaged the former Brutus Beefcake and now he is The Booty Man. If Page wins he gets the money back and I think Kimberly as well. Yep! The story is that The Booty Man was sent to the Dungeon of Doom as a spy for Hogan to explain why he is back to being a face and on Hogan’s side again. That should catch everyone up. Page bails to the floor at the sound of the bell and yells at the fans in the crowd. Stalling at the bell is probably a bad sign that this one is going longer than it should. So far it’s been stalling, posing, and ass shaking from Mr. Man. Finally they lock up at nearly two minutes into this one. Dusty says Booty Man can end this one quick, but we’re not that lucky. Page gets to the ropes to break and more stalling. Another lockup and Booty gets a side headlock. He sends Page down with a shoulder and Page bails to the floor for more stalling. Our third lockup and Page backs Booty into the corner. He misses a punch and Booty doesn’t as he drops Page with a right hand. Page argues with the ref to waste more time while The Booty Man keeps the crowd into it. Our fourth lockup and Booty grabs an arm. Page yells at the fans while getting his arm worked on. Booty uses the ropes to avoid a fist and struts which flusters Page. He charges and gets dumped to the floor so Booty Man can dance some more. The camera pans the Doomsday Cage as Page stalls some more. He gets into a fight with Patrick who shoves him on his ass. Page walks up the ramp, but Booty gives chase because he is an idiot. He sends Page back into the ring where Page begs off again. Even Tony questions why Booty would get Page when he was seemingly walking out. See, he wants this match to end too! Booty Man bounces Page’s head off each buckle and Page oversells and falls out of the ring on ass and then flops over the railing into the front row. Kimberly is out and she is dressed to match The Booty Man. Booty goes out after Page again and fires him back into the ring. Page gets in a shot and gets control with a side headlock. They do a criss-cross spot and Hogan/Warrior this isn’t. Page struts to showboat and eats a right hand. He gets hung up between the ropes and Booty fires away more punches. Then I have no clue what they were trying as Page just falls down and Booty just stands there and covers for the mistake by going for a cover. They repeat the spot so we know what was supposed to happen and it seems Booty screwed up as he was supposed to miss a crossbody. That was awful! Page gets a belly to back suplex and poses before getting a cover for two. Page hooks a chinlock and takes it to the mat. Booty Man fights back but a knee to the head stops that. Page argues with Patrick again and again, gets shoved on his ass. You know, Patrick vs. DDP would probably be more enjoyable. Another chinlock from Page and he uses the bottom ropes for extra leverage behind the ref’s back. That goes on for a bit. Booty breaks but gets caught with a stun gun. Page brings Kimberly up to the apron and plants a kiss on her. She slaps him and Booty catches Page with a high knee for the win at 16:00.

Winner: The Booty Man via pin at 16:00
-Way too much time for these two and they were doing anything they could to stretch this match. That meant a lot of stalling and rest holds in place of actual wrestling. We also got the horrific botch. Thankfully, Page would get better quickly throughout the rest of 1996 through hard work, tape study, and just determination. 1/4*

-Gene is backstage with Jimmy Hart and Lex Luger. Jimmy pulled Lex out of his tag match and put him in The Doomsday Cage. Hart tells Lex this is his last night as his manager and will let him walk as he promised. Lex is emotional about Sting having to fight in a Chicago Street Fight without him, but he will be watching his back. He will give it his best in the cage match even if he doesn’t want to be there. Too bad we lost this version of Lex when the nWo arrived.

#1 Contender’s Match: Lochness vs. The Giant (w/ Jimmy Hart)

-The winner gets a World Title Match against Ric Flair tomorrow night on Nitro. Giant gets in a knee and throws chops in the corner. He uses his boot to choke, but gets caught with a shot to the eye. Lochness throws clubbing blows to the back and rams Giant’s head off the buckle. Giant returns the favor and fires off kicks. He charges, but misses and ends up flying over the top and to the floor. Impressive bump for a big dude that he didn’t have to take. Lochness drops his big elbow which I guess is his finisher. He tries a second and it misses as Heenan brings up knowing The Giant’s father, so him being Andre’s son is still part of his story at this point. Giant with a clothesline and then a kick sends Lochness to the mat. Leg Drop (and a weak one) gets the pin at 2:34. Giant says that leg drop was for Hogan. Well, then at least do the move some justice.

Winner: The Giant via pin at 2:34
-This was basically a SQUASH and really, that’s what it needed to be. The Giant would beat Flair for The World Title the next night. SQUASH

-Sting and Booker T cut a promo backstage with Lee Marshall. Booker is stepping in for Lex Luger since he is in the Doomsday Cage Match. It still doesn’t make any sense to me, but when I watched this show in 96, I was pumped to see Booker get put in a good spot.

Chicago Street Fight: Sting (c) and Booker T vs. The Road Warriors

-The brawl is on as Sting and Booker make their entrance. Hawk pairs off with Booker while Sting and Animal do battle in the ring. A Stinger Splash gets blocked by a boot to the face as we go split screen which amazes Dream. Booker gets backdropped on the floor while Animal misses a charge on the inside. Hawk and Sting end up on the floor while Booker gets an axe kick on Animal in the ring for two. Powerslam for Animal followed by an elbow drop for two. Back to Animal with Sting and Hawk fighting Booker. Animal posts Sting balls first while in the background Hawk gets dropped on the railing. He no sells and drops Booker on the railing. Sting posts Anima’s balls and everyone just starts hitting everyone. Heenan: “He may be an animal, but he is going to sound like a gerbil in the morning.” Ugly piledriver on the floor on Hawk which he no sells, but in this case I don’t mind as it looked awful. Animal gets a two count on Sting back in the ring. Sting plants Animal face first which brings Hawk back into the ring. Animal punches Booker in the little Ts and they head to the floor. Now everyone is on the floor and Booker gets a two count on Animal. Dusty thinks if Luger was here he would have already bailed. Probably true, but he’s the smart one. Booker tries to come off the top, but gets caught with a punch to the gut. That gets Animal two while Hawk gouges the eyes of Sting. Poor Nick Patrick isn’t sure where to go and decides to just stay in the ring. Animal and Sting fight near the cage and Sting uses a chair. Animal put his hands up 5 seconds before Sting even swung the chair which make it look pretty weak. Sting brings the chair to the ring and Hawk takes some good shot. Animal back and he uses the chair, weakly, and gets a two count on Booker as Sting makes the save. The crowd is solidly behind Sting and Booker in this one. Harlem Sidekick from Booker and Hawk gets planted with a piledriver and he no sells again. Even Dusty notes that won’t phase Hawk. He drops Sting with a powerbomb and no cover. Patrick checks on Animal where he is on the floor choking Booker with a cable. Hawk uses a chinlock because nothing says Street Fight like a chinlock. Thankfully, he releases and then he and Sting brawl in the crowd. Some more awful chair shots and I am not for killing someone with a chair, but if you can’t use it convincingly then don’t swing one. Animal and Booker head to the cage where Booker gets tossed into it. Sting comes off the top rope onto Hawk and then misses a Stinger Splash. Hawk with a clothesline while Animal and Booker head back to the ring. Animal up top and Booker shakes the ropes, which causes Animal to fall on his balls. Booker off the top with a double ax on Hawk for two as he got his foot on the bottom rope. Dusty and Bobby question why a foot on the ropes would stop the count in a Street Fight. True! Sting does his spot where he staggers around and falls forward to smash someone’s balls and in this case it was Animal. Things are starting to slow down a bit as they probably hit the peak of this one already and we are 13 minutes into this one. Booker with a sidewalk slam, but he misses an elbow and tries a spin-a-roni that Hawk blocks. They start getting in each other’s way during spots. Sting misses a splash off the top rope. Hawk heads up top and Booker catches him on the way down with a dropkick. Booker is looking the best out of anyone in this match, so good on him for showing out. Animal chokes Booker in the corner, so Booker hits him in the balls. Animal’s ball-sack is getting worn out in this match. Gut-wrench suplex from Hawk on Sting gets two. Heenan notes that this match doesn’t even look half over. Sadly, he isn’t far off if I remember correctly. Hawk gets dropped on his balls this time because I guess they didn’t want him to feel left out. Booker misses a Harlem Sidekick and gets crotched as we continue with the testicl* abuse. Sting sent into the railing by Animal while Hawk gets a clothesline off the top rope. These guys are dragging now which could be great selling I guess. More rest holds which again, is really weird in a Street Fight, but I guess when you want to go thirty minutes you have to do something. Booker gets clotheslined to the floor. Sting with a slam on Animal followed by an elbow. Sting comes off the top, but Animal catches him and I have no clue what they hit but it looked like it sucked for Sting. Animal goes for multiple covers, but Sting is out at two each time. Hawk eats a DDT on the floor and sells that thankfully. Booker covers, but the ref is late getting there and it only gets two. Animal and Sting brawl on the floor while Hawk and Booker head inside the ring. Booker misses an elbow, but gets the spin-a-roni this time and lands a Harlem Sidekick. Animal blasts Sting with a chair to the back and then stupidly tries a clothesline with Sting again the post. One guess how that ends for him and even Tony mentions you could see that coming. Sting uses the chair on Animal which brings Hawk out for the save. Hawk beats on Sting and Booker with the chair. Sting heads towards the cage again as Heenan thinks he is looking for a chainsaw. Powerslam for Hawk gets two as Sting is back with two brooms. Sure, why not? Not sure what damage a broom is going to do, but at least when Animal gets it he uses the handle. Animal breaks the broom and uses the handle to choke Sting. Booker drops Hawk on his balls as they are running out of things to do it seems. Booker uses the broom handle to choke Animal. On the floor Booker gets tossed into the railing and Booker is apparently done as he takes a walk. Hawk gets a two count on Sting back in the ring. We cut to the back as Animal is following Booker T. Lex Luger is getting himself ready by a mirror and accidentally gets decked by Animal. Lex beats the piss out of him for messing up his oil job and Stevie Ray shows up as well. Lex and Stevie beat the brakes of Animal and handcuff him to a steel support beam. Back near the ring, Sting misses a Stinger Splash and crashes into the railing. Booker is back and he sends Hawk into the stairs. He gets a sidewalk slam and heads up top. The Harlem Hangover misses, but Stevie Ray blasts Hawk from behind with a chair and Booker covers for the win at 29:39.

Winners: Sting and Booker T via pin at 29:39
-You generally don’t see Street Fights go this long (HHH/Cactus Jack being the exception). It wasn’t bad but just started dragging. They were able to keep the crowd into it and the ending made sense as Sting was clueless as to what happened to Animal and then the involvement of Stevie Ray. They hit each other hard and the work was there. Booker T looked good and passed his first major test of being on a higher spot on the card. **1/2

Doomsday Cage: Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage vs. The Alliance to End Hulk-a-mania (Arn Anderson, Kevin Sullivan, Lex Luger, Meng, Ric Flair, The Barbarian, Z-Gangsta, and The Ultimate Solution)

-So it’s a 45 foot high cage divided into three tiers. The top tier is just one regular cage with a trap door in the floor of it. The second level is the same, but divided into two smaller cages with a door to get from one to the other and door on the side to exit down some stairs and scaffolding to the arena floor. The third level has a ring with the cage around it. Hogan and Savage are being called The Mega Force by Buffer here. Flair and Anderson are in the top cage. Meng and Barbarian are in one the middle cages with Luger and Sullivan in the other half. In the ring is Z-Gangsta (Zeus) and The Ultimate Solution, who was originally called The Final Solution until Turner offices got phone calls about how horrific that name was and how it was connected to Hitler. He would be Jeep Swenson who played Bane in Batman and Robin. He also played in Hogan’s No Holds Barred which explains why he would be with Zeus. He passed away a year and a half after this match from a heart attack. Hogan and Savage have to start on the top cage and work their way through the tower and once in the bottom ring you can win by pinfall or submission. This type of match had been done in the past with a cage that looked like a pyramid and people were sent in one at at time. WCW would use something similar to that after it was used in Ready To Rumble. It’s an impressive looking cage at least. Schiavone wants to know where Brian Pillman is as he was supposed to be in this match, but he was about to sign with the WWF after his worked shoot that ended up being a shoot to get his release. Oh, wait, Solution and Z-Gangsta aren’t here yet as Tony wonders where they are. They have no real clue what they are doing here, but whatever let’s just go with it. We get the interesting visual of 4 men gingerly brawling inside a cage with poor footing. No clue why the ref is in the top cage unless it can end anywhere and anytime. Flair sends Savage into the steel beam in the middle of the cage. Tony tries to explain the rules and I still am not sure what is happening as he states if Hogan and Save survive and get to the next level, Flair and Anderson would be eliminated. Flair throws chops which Hogan no sells and then rips off his shirt. I mean there isn’t much they can do other than punch and send each other into the cage and post. Sullivan and Luger reach up and hold Savage by his tassels as Flair works him over. Low blow from Flair to Savage. Oh yeah, Liz, Woman, and Jimmy Hart are all cage side as well. Anderson gets a Figure Four on Hogan while Flair rubs Savage’s face on the cage floor. Flair then gets a figure four as Anderson checks on both men. I guess the match can end at anytime. Hogan and Savage each reverse the hold as Heenan talks about putting a Figure Eight on your doberman. Flair passes some kind of weapon to the lower tier and it seemingly falls all the way to the ring level. Hogan and Flair toss powder in Anderson and Flair’s face which lets them get through the trap door. Savage and Hogan now take on four men as the door separating the two rooms is open just to let everyone hit everyone. A chain gets introduced as Luger and Sullivan double team Hogan. Poor Savage gets to deal with Meng and The Barbarian. Tony is still wondering where Gangsta, Solution, and eve Pillman are. Hogan uses the chain to lock the door to keep The Faces of Fear away from him and Savage. That also cuts off Anderson and Flair as they head down from the top level. Savage drops an elbow on Luger while Hogan and Sullivan fight outside the cage and on the scaffolding. Sullivan teases falling off the scaffolding and it is a rather terrifying shot from the camera of how high they are and where Sullivan would fall. Somewhere Mick Foley is watching and telling himself he could do that. Hogan and Sullivan get to the bottom and fight on the arena floor. Luger and Savage make their way down and now at least the fans can see a little better. Hogan and Sullivan head to the main ring which gives those fans something to watch. Big Boot from Hogan followed by a running clothesline in the corner. Savage and Luger continue to brawl on the arena floor while Meng, Barbarian, Flair and Anderson look to make their way down the cage. Hogan and Sullivan head back to the cage. Hogan hits a running clothesline on Luger and hits him with a bag of tools. Savage gets sent into the cage by Sullivan and then tossed on the plywood of the scaffolding. Sullivan rips a wooden board off the scaffolding but drops it and goes to the ring where Hogan and Luger are fighting. Savage picks up the big ass board and swats Sullivan with it. Hogan pounds away on Luger much to the delight of the crowd. You know, the stuff outside the cage has been okay with these four just brawling all over the place. Sullivan with a weak head butt that Savage no sells thankfully. Hogan grabs a chair and hammers Luger in the back. Sullivan steals the chair and gives it to Luger who decks Hogan and Savage. Speaking of Savage he gets dropped on his balls on the guard rail. Savage and Luger get run into each other and our heroes just punch away. Z-Gangsta and Ultimate Solution finally make their way out as the crowd freaks out. They don’t do much other than escort Savage and Hogan back to the Doomsday cage and throw them into that ring. So we have about 12 minutes in the top two levels and 6 minutes of brawling outside the cage. The lighting from the wide camera angle is awful and you can’t really see much of anything so they go to close up shots. Sullivan uses a pole to poke and stab Savage through the cage. Savage lands a double axe on his former partner, Z-Gangsta. Hogan and Z come face to face as Dusty notes they have seen each other before. Z chokes Hogan to the mat as Solution hits Savage with a gorilla press slam. Next he gets a brief bearhug, but Hogan saves. Arn Anderson (back in normal wrestling tights) is back and so is Ric Flair. Dusty keeps referring to Hogan and Savage as The Mega Powers and I assume that got a letter from WWE’s legal department. The cage is so far away from the ropes that Savage has to leap over the ropes just to hit the cage and with no support bars there is so much give. The heels all stand around and pose while The Booty Man hands Hogan and Savage frying pans through the cage door. More powder tossed and then Mega Force goes crazy with frying pan shots. Luger is back and he decks Hogan and Savage. Luger gets a loaded glove and goes to deck Savage, but he moves. Luger decides to hit Flair anyway. Hogan tells Savage to leave, but Savage realizes someone needs to go a pin and jumps back in to pin Flair at 25:23. 

Winners: Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage via pin at 25:23

-Well, where do you start with this one. The cage itself was kind of impressive and the Luger/Sullivan vs. Hogan/Savage brawl outside the cage was solid. Everything inside the Doomsday Cage was pretty awful though and especially the ending involving Z and Solution, who couldn’t do anything really. Crazy that Flair works like 8 minutes and shows up for the last two minutes just to eat a pin. I don’t do negative stars so let’s figure this one out. The opening was maybe 1/2* and the portion outside the cage was like *1/2. The final section was just awful and gets a DUD. You average out the time and we are at like 3/4*. The other good thing I can say I would rather watch this match again over DDP/Booty man from earlier in the show. Call it 1/2* as the ending with needing to bring Flair back just to take the pin takes away from it as well. Everyone should check this match out at least once though and I can even see where some people might enjoy it. It’s a bad match technically, but it’s kind of spectacle that should be seen. I was never bored by it at least. 1/2*

-The announce team wraps things up and that arena is emptying quickly which makes me wonder if some people started bouncing as the cage match was happening.

-Thanks for reading!


The final score: reviewVery Bad

The 411

With two matches that were crazy short the rest of the matches were given time to pick up the slack. In one case that was a good thing (Regal/Finlay) and another it was a disaster (DDP/Man). This show did a good number as people were intrigued by the Doomsday Cage Match and even in his last conquering PPV, Hogan juiced the numbers compared to the shows before and after this one that didn't feature him. Finlay/Regal is easily the match of the night and I can see where others would go with The Chicago Street Fight, but it just went too long for my taste. Not a good show by any means, but it was a memorable one due to the Main Event. Everything was about to change in due to WCW and I don't even mean just the nWo as you could the influence of what Konnan and his crew were bringing. Brighter days are coming as we get through the last few months of live pre-nWo.


Leighty's Retro Review: WCW Uncensored 1996 | 411MANIA (2024)


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